类别 | 药品通用名 | 原研品牌 |
抗生素类 | 头孢克洛 | 希刻劳 |
头孢呋辛 | 西力欣 | |
左氧氟沙星 | 可乐必妥 | |
莫西沙星 | 拜复乐 | |
阿奇霉素 | 希舒美 | |
头孢妥仑匹酯 | 美爱克 | |
抗真菌类 | 盐酸特比萘芬 | 兰美抒 |
奥美拉唑 | 洛赛克 |
Discover gists
#! /usr/bin/env sh | |
# A hyprland script for a laptop-external-monitor setup, toggling between which is in use | |
# Launch at startup to make hyprland disable the internal monitor if an external monitor is detected and enabled | |
# Additionally it's called with a keybind to switch between a laptop monitor and an external display | |
# Ideally the conditional monitor behaviour was instead done directly in hyprland.conf, but I'm not sure whether that's possible | |
# | |
# Relevant info: | |
# - hyprctl monitors: identifies currently enabled monitors |
( () => { | |
let c = document.querySelector("iframe"); | |
if (c || ((c = document.createElement("iframe")).style.display = "none", | |
document.body.append(c)), | |
c.contentWindow.console.log.call(window, "%c Blooket Cheats %c\n\tBy 05Konzz on GitHub", "color: #0bc2cf; font-size: 3rem", "color: #8000ff; font-size: 1rem"), | |
c.contentWindow.console.log.call(window, "%c\tgui", "color: #0bc2cf; font-size: 1rem"), | |
c.contentWindow.console.log.call(window, "%c\tStar the github repo!%c https://github.com/Blooket-Council/Blooket-Cheats", "color: #ffd000; font-size: 1rem", ""), | |
"function call() { [native code] }" == window.fetch.call.toString()) { | |
const e = window.fetch.call; | |
window.fetch.call = function() { |
Idea from ShinyMarusu @ Reddit:
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/auhyxk/how_do_i_download_from_panbaidu/eovyg8g/
- I just unintentionally discovered how to do it after searching how to create an account for day and a half. LOL hope it works for you too.
- First go to this link (baidu cloud app) to register. Use your phone number to get the verification code and enter. For the rest, use google to translate the page and put your email adress, name, etc. and you're good to go. This method logs you to the cloud directly so you just step over the problematic pan,baidu registration which rejects non-chinese phone numbers for some reason. After registering I refreshed the page of the file I was trying to download and it showed me as already logged in, then I FINALLY could download the mod. It's sad this method isn't listed anywhere, I really searched a lot... Anyways, good luck!
More notes:
- It's a pain in the rear. It took me an hour, but at least it worked.
- Get an Chinese email. You will use it as yo
Un gist es una forma que se tiene para poder compartir código usando GitHub.
Cuando tenemos un código que no es lo suficientemente grande para crear un repositorio, entonces creamos un gist. Aunque gist funciona básicamente cómo un repositorio, ya que se le puede hacer un fork o clonarlo. Así mismo se puede editar y las personas pueden comentar el gist.
Muchas personas usan gist cómo un portapapeles. Para subir código que siempre sueles usar en diferentes proyectos. También se suele usar cómo una forma de hacer posts. Cómo este que estas viendo.
UPDATE: I have baked the ideas in this file inside a Python CLI tool called pyds-cli
. Please find it here: https://github.com/ericmjl/pyds-cli
Having done a number of data projects over the years, and having seen a number of them up on GitHub, I've come to see that there's a wide range in terms of how "readable" a project is. I'd like to share some practices that I have come to adopt in my projects, which I hope will bring some organization to your projects.
Disclaimer: I'm hoping nobody takes this to be "the definitive guide" to organizing a data project; rather, I hope you, the reader, find useful tips that you can adapt to your own projects.
Disclaimer 2: What I’m writing below is primarily geared towards Python language users. Some ideas may be transferable to other languages; others may not be so. Please feel free to remix whatever you see here!
# Since Ruby preserves hash key insertion order, you can iterate over values. | |
request_hash = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = {} } | |
# Used to convert event timestamps to epoch time. | |
wall_time_offset = nil | |
# Note: Calling logs.get() will clear the log buffer. | |
performance_logs = page.driver.browser.manage.logs.get('performance') | |
# Extract request / response data from log messages. |
-- 1. Написать функцию, которая покажет список всех пользовательских баз данных SQL Server, и их общие размеры в байтах | |
name AS DatabaseName, | |
SUM(size * 8 * 1024) AS TotalSizeBytes | |
FROM sys.master_files | |
WHERE type IN (0) | |
AND database_id > 4 |
git init # 初始化本地git仓库(创建新仓库) | |
git config --global user.name "xxx" # 配置用户名 | |
git config --global user.email "[email protected]" # 配置邮件 | |
git config --global color.ui true # git status等命令自动着色 | |
git config --global color.status auto | |
git config --global color.diff auto | |
git config --global color.branch auto | |
git config --global color.interactive auto | |
git config --global --unset http.proxy # remove proxy configuration on git | |
git clone git+ssh://[email protected]/VT.git # clone远程仓库 |