The Geocities Gallery
a restorativland project

A restored visual gallery of the archived Geocities sites, sorted by neighborhood.

Sites with a sound icon may have embedded midi/wav files. Click somewhere on the site to start playing.

CONTENT NOTE: Some sites may contain objectionable content.


January 21, 2019 - Initial release. This is the early version of the archive. We are working on some new scripts to:
  • Restore many more missing files
  • Patch up missing CSS urls
  • Provide non-geocities links to wayback archives
  • Build a search engine for exploring interests
Expect significant updates in the next few months.


Area51 Geocities Icon
Science Fiction, Fantasy. Added April 1996.
Atlantis    Aurora    Capsule    Cavern   
Chamber    Comet    Corridor    Crater   
Dimension    Dreamworld   Dunes    Dungeon   
Hollow    Jupiter    Keep    Labyrinth   
Lair    Matrix    Meteor    Nebula   
Neptune    Nova    Omega    Orion   
Planet    Portal    Quadrant    Quark   
Quasar    Rampart    Realm    Saturn   
Shadowlands   Shire    Shuttle    Stargate   
Starship    Station    Underworld   Vault   


Athens Geocities Icon  Athens Geocities Icon
Education, literature, poetry, philosophy. Added August 1995.
Academy    Acropolis    Aegean    Agora   
Atlantis    Atrium    Bridge    Column   
Crete    Cyprus    Delphi    Forum   
Ithaca    Library    Marathon    Marble   
Olympus    Oracle    Pantheon    Parthenon   
Rhodes    Sparta    Stage    Styx   
Thebes    Troy       


Augusta Geocities Icon
Golf, the finer side of fairways. Added July 1997.
Fairway    Links    Green   


Baja Geocities Icon
Four Wheeling, SUVs (4WDs), off-roading, adventure travel. Added March 1997.
Canyon    Cliffs    Desert    Dunes   
Mesa    Mountain    Outback    Ravine   


Bourbon Street Geocities Icon  Bourbon Street Geocities Icon
Jazz, Cajun food, Southern culture. Added February 1996.
Bayou    Canal    Delta    Inn   
Quarter    Square       


Broadway Geocities Icon
Theater, musicals, show business. Added August 1995.
Alley    Balcony    Booth    Lobby   
Orchestra    Stage    Wing     


Cape Canavaral Geocities Icon
Science, mathematics, aviation. Added April 1996.
Campus    Cockpit    Galaxy    Hall   
Hangar    Lab    LaunchPad    Orbit   
Runway    Station       


Capitol Hill Geocities Icon
Government, politics and lots of strong opinions. Added July 1995.
Booth    Congress    Embassy    House   
Lobby    Parliament    Rotunda    Senate   


College Park Geocities Icon
University life, from academics to extracurricular's. Added July 1996.
Bookstore    Cafeteria    Campus    Center   
Classroom    Club    Den    Dorm   
Field    Grounds    Gym    Hall   
Housing    Lab    Library    Locker   
Lounge    Plaza    Pool    Quad   
Residence    Square    Stadium    Theater   
Union    Varsity       


Colosseum Geocities Icon
Sports and recreation. Added August 1995.
Arena    Base    Bench    Bleachers   
Court    Dome    Dugout    Field   
Game    Goal    Gym    Hoop   
Lane    Lodge    Loge    Midfield   
Mound    Park    Pool    Pressbox   
Ring    Rink    Sideline    Slope   
Stadium    Stands    Track    Turf   


Enchanted Forest Geocities Icon
A neighborhood by kids, for kids. Added November 1996.
Arbor    Cottage    Cove    Creek   
Dell    Fountain    Glade    Kingdom   
Meadow    Mountain    Palace    Pond   


Eureka Geocities Icon
Small business, home offices. Added April 1997.
Account    Boardroom    Business    Company   
Concourse     Enterprises    Executive    Fund   
Gold    Meeting    Mine    Office   
Park    Plaza    Promenade    Suite   


Fashion Avenue Geocities Icon
Top designers, beauty and fashion. Added April 1997.
Agency    Catwalk    Mall    Runway   
Salon    Show    Stage     


Heartland Geocities Icon
Families, pets, hometown values. Added November 1995.
Acres    Arbor    Bluffs    Cabin   
Canyon    Cliffs    Cottage    Country   
Creek    Estates    Falls    Farm   
Fields    Flats    Forest    Garden   
Glade    Grove    Hearth    Hills   
Hollow    Lake    Lane    Meadows   
Oaks    Orchard    Park    Pines   
Plains    Pointe    Pond    Prairie   
Ranch    Ridge    River    Shores   
Stream    Trail    Valley    Village   
Vista    Woods       


Hollywood Geocities Icon
Film and TV. Added July 1995.
Academy    Agency    Boulevard    Bungalow   
Camera    Chateau    Cinema    Club   
Derby    Film    Guild    Heights   
Highrise    Hills    Interview    Land   
Location    Lot    Makeup    Mansion   
Movie    Palace    Park    Pavillion   
Picture    Prop    Screen    Set   
Star    Studio    Theater    Trailer   


Hot Springs Geocities Icon
Health and fitness. Added April 1996.
Bath    Chalet    Falls    Oasis   
Resort    Retreat    Sauna    Spa   


Madison Avenue Geocities Icon
Advertising. Added May 1997.
Boardroom    Commercial    Newsstand    Suite   


Motor City Geocities Icon
Cars, trucks, motorcycles. Added February 1996.
Boulevard    Downs    Factory    Flats   
Freeway    Garage    Highway    Lane   
Lot    Pit    Shop    Show   
Speedway    Street    Strip    Track   


Napa Valley Geocities Icon
Food, wine, dining out, the gourmet lifestyle. Added April 1996.
Cellar    Cupboard    Kitchen    Vineyard   


Nashville Geocities Icon
Country music. Added March 1997.
Bluegrass    Opry    Ranch    Rodeo   


Paris Geocities Icon  Paris Community Leader - Geocities Icon
Romance, poetry, the arts. Added July 1995.
Arc    Art    Bistro    Boutique   
Cabaret    Cafe    Cathedral    Chalet   
Chateau    Cinema    Concorde     Fontaine   
Galerie    Gallery    Jardin    LeftBank   
Library    Lights     Loft    Louvre   
Maison    Metro    Musee    Opera   
Palais    Parc    Pavilion    Promenade   
Rue    Salon    Shoppe    Sorbonne   
Theatre    Tower    Villa     


Pentagon Geocities Icon
Military men and women. Added May 1997.
Barracks    Base    Bunker    Camp   
Fort    Quarters       


Generic  Geocities Icon showing a four leaf clover
Pets and the people who love them. Added March 1998.
Fair    Farm    Haven    Park   
Reserve    Stable    Yard    Zoo   


Picket Fence Geocities Icon
Home Improvement and Real Estate. Added December 1997.
Garden    Gazebo    Street     


Pipeline Geocities Icon
Extreme Sports. Added October 1997.
Cliff    Curb    Dropzone    Extreme   
Force    Halfpipe    Ramp    Rapids   
Reef    Ridge    Shore    Slope   
Speed    Valley       


Rainforest Geocities Icon  Rainforest Geocities Icon
The environment, conservation, recycling. Added January 1996.
Andes    Canopy    Jungle    Station   
Vines    Watershed    Wetlands     


Research Triangle Geocities Icon
The future of technology. Added January 1997.
Campus    Facility    Forum    Invention   
Lab    Node    Station    System   


Rodeo DriveGeocities Icon
Shopping, upscale living. Added July 1995.
Boutique    Mall    Outlet    Plaza   


Silicon Valley Geocities Icon
Hardware, software, programming. Added August 1995.
Bay    Bit    Board    Bridge   
Byte    Cable    Campus    Chip   
Circuit    Code    Disk    Drive   
File    Foothills    Garage    Grid   
Hardware    Haven    Heights    Hills   
Horizon    Hub    Lab    Lakes   
Modem    Monitor    Mouse    Network   
Node    Office    Orchard    Park   
Peaks    Pines    Platform    Port   
Program    Ridge    Screen    Sector   
Server    Station    Software    Vista   


Soho Geocities Icon
Art, poetry, prose, the bohemian spirit. Added November 1995.
Atrium    Bistro    Cafe    Canvas   
Coffeehouse    Courtyard    Den    Easel   
Exhibit    Gallery    Hall    Lofts   
Museum    Nook    Opening    Palette   
Park    Rooftop    Square    Studios   
Study    Suite    Veranda    Village   


South Beach Geocities Icon  South Beach Geocities Icon
Hanging out, friends, chatting, meeting and greeting. Added July 1996.
Balcony    Bay    Bluffs    Boardwalk   
Breakers    Bungalow    Cabana    Canal   
Cape    Castle    Channel    Cliffs   
Club    Coast    Cove    Disco   
Docks    Dunes    Gulf    Harbor   
Inlet    Island    Jetty    Keys   
Lagoon    Lights    Lounge    Mansion   
Marina    Palms    Patio    Pier   
Plateau    Pointe    Port    Reef   
Sandbar    Sands    Shores    Strand   
Suite    Surf    Terrace    Tidepool   


Sunset Strip Geocities Icon
Rock, grunge, punk, the club scene. Added July 1995.
Alley    Amphitheater    Arena    Auditorium   
Backstage    Balcony    Bar    Basement   
Bass    Beat    Birdland    Bistro   
Booth    Cabaret    Club    Concert   
Derby    Diner    Disco    Event   
Exhibit    Festival    Floor    Frontrow   
Gala    Garage    Hall    Hotel   
Limo    Lobby    Loft    Loge   
Lounge    Mezzanine    Palace    Palladium   
Palms    Pavilion    Performance    Pit   
Plaza    Scene    Set    Show   
Stadium    Stage    Street    Studio   
Tempo    Theater    Towers    Underground   
Venue    Villa    Vine     


Television City Geocities Icon
TV fan clubs, sitcoms, talk shows. Added November 1996.
Broadcast    Lot    Network    Satellite   
Set    Stage    Station    Studio   


The Tropics Geocities Icon
Vacations, holidays, resorts, travel. Added August 1995.
Bay    Beach    Cabana    Coast   
Cove    Equator    Harbor    Island   
Lagoon    Paradise    Reef    Resort   


Times Square Geocities Icon
Computer, video and role-playing games. Added July 1995.
Adventure    Alley    Arcade    Arena   
Avatar    Battlefield    Bridge    Bunker   
Castle    Cauldron    Cave    Cavern   
Chamber    Chaos    Chasm    Corner   
Corridor    Dome    Dragon    Dungeon   
Fortress    Frontier    Galaxy    Hangar   
Hero    Labyrinth    Lair    Legend   
Maze    Metro    Portal    Realm   
Ring    Stadium    Tower    Zone   


Tokyo Geocities Icon
Anime and all things Asian. Added July 1995.
Bay    Blossom    Bridge    Club   
Courtyard    Dojo    Field    Flats   
Fountain    Fuji    Garden    Ginza   
Gulf    Harbor    Highrise    Island   
Lights    Market    Pagoda    Palace   
Shores    Shrine    Spa    Springs   
Subway    Teahouse    Temple    Towers   


Vienna Geocities Icon
Classical music, opera, ballet. Added May 1996.
Choir    Opera    Stage    Strasse   


Wall Street Geocities Icon
Personal investing, finance, economics. Added July 1995.
Bank    Bureau    District    Exchange   
Floor    Fund    Highrise    Market   


Wellesley Geocities Icon
A community for women. Added March 1997.
Atrium    Commons    Garden    Gazebo   


West Hollywood Geocities Icon
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered. Added July 1995.
Cafe    Castro    Chelsea    Club   
Heights    Parade    Park    Salon   
Stonewall    Village       


Yosemite Geocities Icon  Yosemite Geocities Icon  Yosemite neighborhood, Trails Suburb, 1600 Block Geocities Icon
Hiking, rafting, and the great outdoors. Added March 1996.
Cabin    Campground    Canyon    Falls   
Forest    Geyser    Gorge    Meadows   
Rapids    Trails       


Blade's Place for a list of the Geocities neighorhoods (and icons).
Feross for the code used to restore the functionality of the MIDI and wav files.