map_widgets module¶
Various ipywidgets that can be added to a map.
Basemap (AnyWidget)
Widget for selecting a basemap.
Source code in geemap/
class BasemapSelector(anywidget.AnyWidget):
"""Widget for selecting a basemap."""
_esm = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "static" / "basemap_selector.js"
# The list of basemap names to make available for selection.
basemaps = traitlets.Dict({}).tag(sync=True)
# The currently selected basemap value.
provider = traitlets.Unicode("").tag(sync=True)
resource = traitlets.Unicode("").tag(sync=True)
def __init__(self, basemaps: List[str], value: str):
"""Creates a widget for selecting a basemap.
basemaps (list): The list of basemap names to make available for selection.
value (str): The default value from basemaps to select.
self.on_close = None
self.on_basemap_changed = None
self.basemaps = self._get_basemap_dictionary(basemaps)
provider, resource = self._parse_basemap_name(value)
self.provider = provider
self.resource = resource
def _parse_basemap_name(self, name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
components = name.split(".")
resource = ".".join(components[1:]) if len(components) > 1 else ""
return components[0], resource
def _get_basemap_dictionary(self, basemaps: List[str]) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
basemaps_dict: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
for basemap in basemaps:
provider, resource = self._parse_basemap_name(basemap)
provider_map = basemaps_dict.setdefault(provider, [])
if resource:
return basemaps_dict
def _setup_event_listeners(self) -> None:
def _handle_message_event(
self, widget: ipywidgets.Widget, content: Dict[str, Any], buffers: List[Any]
) -> None:
del widget, buffers # Unused
if content.get("type") == "click":
msg_id = content.get("id", "")
if msg_id == "close":
if msg_id == "apply":
def apply_basemap(self) -> None:
basemap_name = self.provider
if self.resource:
basemap_name = basemap_name + f".{self.resource}"
if self.on_basemap_changed:
def cleanup(self) -> None:
"""Cleans up the widget by calling the on_close callback if set."""
if self.on_close:
__init__(self, basemaps, value)
Creates a widget for selecting a basemap.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
basemaps |
list |
The list of basemap names to make available for selection. |
required |
value |
str |
The default value from basemaps to select. |
required |
Source code in geemap/
def __init__(self, basemaps: List[str], value: str):
"""Creates a widget for selecting a basemap.
basemaps (list): The list of basemap names to make available for selection.
value (str): The default value from basemaps to select.
self.on_close = None
self.on_basemap_changed = None
self.basemaps = self._get_basemap_dictionary(basemaps)
provider, resource = self._parse_basemap_name(value)
self.provider = provider
self.resource = resource
Cleans up the widget by calling the on_close callback if set.
Source code in geemap/
def cleanup(self) -> None:
"""Cleans up the widget by calling the on_close callback if set."""
if self.on_close:
BasemapSelector (AnyWidget)
Widget for selecting a basemap.
Source code in geemap/
class BasemapSelector(anywidget.AnyWidget):
"""Widget for selecting a basemap."""
_esm = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "static" / "basemap_selector.js"
# The list of basemap names to make available for selection.
basemaps = traitlets.Dict({}).tag(sync=True)
# The currently selected basemap value.
provider = traitlets.Unicode("").tag(sync=True)
resource = traitlets.Unicode("").tag(sync=True)
def __init__(self, basemaps: List[str], value: str):
"""Creates a widget for selecting a basemap.
basemaps (list): The list of basemap names to make available for selection.
value (str): The default value from basemaps to select.
self.on_close = None
self.on_basemap_changed = None
self.basemaps = self._get_basemap_dictionary(basemaps)
provider, resource = self._parse_basemap_name(value)
self.provider = provider
self.resource = resource
def _parse_basemap_name(self, name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
components = name.split(".")
resource = ".".join(components[1:]) if len(components) > 1 else ""
return components[0], resource
def _get_basemap_dictionary(self, basemaps: List[str]) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
basemaps_dict: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
for basemap in basemaps:
provider, resource = self._parse_basemap_name(basemap)
provider_map = basemaps_dict.setdefault(provider, [])
if resource:
return basemaps_dict
def _setup_event_listeners(self) -> None:
def _handle_message_event(
self, widget: ipywidgets.Widget, content: Dict[str, Any], buffers: List[Any]
) -> None:
del widget, buffers # Unused
if content.get("type") == "click":
msg_id = content.get("id", "")
if msg_id == "close":
if msg_id == "apply":
def apply_basemap(self) -> None:
basemap_name = self.provider
if self.resource:
basemap_name = basemap_name + f".{self.resource}"
if self.on_basemap_changed:
def cleanup(self) -> None:
"""Cleans up the widget by calling the on_close callback if set."""
if self.on_close:
__init__(self, basemaps, value)
Creates a widget for selecting a basemap.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
basemaps |
list |
The list of basemap names to make available for selection. |
required |
value |
str |
The default value from basemaps to select. |
required |
Source code in geemap/
def __init__(self, basemaps: List[str], value: str):
"""Creates a widget for selecting a basemap.
basemaps (list): The list of basemap names to make available for selection.
value (str): The default value from basemaps to select.
self.on_close = None
self.on_basemap_changed = None
self.basemaps = self._get_basemap_dictionary(basemaps)
provider, resource = self._parse_basemap_name(value)
self.provider = provider
self.resource = resource
Cleans up the widget by calling the on_close callback if set.
Source code in geemap/
def cleanup(self) -> None:
"""Cleans up the widget by calling the on_close callback if set."""
if self.on_close:
Colorbar (Output)
A matplotlib colorbar widget that can be added to the map.
Source code in geemap/
class Colorbar(ipywidgets.Output):
"""A matplotlib colorbar widget that can be added to the map."""
def __init__(
vis_params: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], list, tuple]] = None,
cmap: str = "gray",
discrete: bool = False,
label: Optional[str] = None,
orientation: str = "horizontal",
transparent_bg: bool = False,
font_size: int = 9,
axis_off: bool = False,
max_width: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
"""Add a matplotlib colorbar to the map.
vis_params (dict): Visualization parameters as a dictionary. See # noqa
for options.
cmap (str, optional): Matplotlib colormap. Defaults to "gray". See # noqa
for options.
discrete (bool, optional): Whether to create a discrete colorbar.
Defaults to False.
label (str, optional): Label for the colorbar. Defaults to None.
orientation (str, optional): Orientation of the colorbar, such as
"vertical" and "horizontal". Defaults to "horizontal".
transparent_bg (bool, optional): Whether to use transparent
background. Defaults to False.
font_size (int, optional): Font size for the colorbar. Defaults
to 9.
axis_off (bool, optional): Whether to turn off the axis. Defaults
to False.
max_width (str, optional): Maximum width of the colorbar in pixels.
Defaults to None.
TypeError: If the vis_params is not a dictionary.
ValueError: If the orientation is not either horizontal or vertical.
ValueError: If the provided min value is not convertible to float.
ValueError: If the provided max value is not convertible to float.
ValueError: If the provided opacity value is not convertible to float.
ValueError: If cmap or palette is not provided.
import matplotlib # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
import numpy # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
if max_width is None:
if orientation == "horizontal":
max_width = "270px"
max_width = "100px"
if isinstance(vis_params, (list, tuple)):
vis_params = {"palette": list(vis_params)}
elif not vis_params:
vis_params = {}
if not isinstance(vis_params, dict):
raise TypeError("The vis_params must be a dictionary.")
if isinstance(kwargs.get("colors"), (list, tuple)):
vis_params["palette"] = list(kwargs["colors"])
width, height = self._get_dimensions(orientation, kwargs)
vmin = vis_params.get("min", kwargs.pop("vmin", 0))
vmin = float(vmin)
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError("The provided min value must be scalar type.")
vmax = vis_params.get("max", kwargs.pop("vmax", 1))
vmax = float(vmax)
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError("The provided max value must be scalar type.")
alpha = vis_params.get("opacity", kwargs.pop("alpha", 1))
alpha = float(alpha)
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError("opacity or alpha value must be scalar type.")
if "palette" in vis_params.keys():
hexcodes = coreutils.to_hex_colors(
if discrete:
cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(hexcodes)
linspace = numpy.linspace(vmin, vmax, cmap.N + 1)
norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(linspace, cmap.N)
cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
"custom", hexcodes, N=256
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
elif cmap:
cmap = matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap(cmap)
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
raise ValueError(
'cmap keyword or "palette" key in vis_params must be provided.'
fig, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(figsize=(width, height))
cb = matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase(
label = label or vis_params.get("bands") or kwargs.pop("caption", None)
if label:
cb.set_label(label, fontsize=font_size)
if axis_off:
# Set the background color to transparent.
if transparent_bg:
with self:
self.outputs = ()
def _get_dimensions(
self, orientation: str, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Get the dimensions of the colorbar based on orientation.
orientation (str): Orientation of the colorbar.
kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional keyword arguments.
Tuple[float, float]: Width and height of the colorbar.
ValueError: If the orientation is not either horizontal or vertical.
default_dims = {"horizontal": (3.0, 0.3), "vertical": (0.3, 3.0)}
if orientation in default_dims:
default = default_dims[orientation]
return (
kwargs.get("width", default[0]),
kwargs.get("height", default[1]),
raise ValueError(
f"orientation must be one of [{', '.join(default_dims.keys())}]."
__init__(self, vis_params=None, cmap='gray', discrete=False, label=None, orientation='horizontal', transparent_bg=False, font_size=9, axis_off=False, max_width=None, **kwargs)
Add a matplotlib colorbar to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
vis_params |
dict |
Visualization parameters as a dictionary. See # noqa for options. |
None |
cmap |
str |
Matplotlib colormap. Defaults to "gray". See # noqa for options. |
'gray' |
discrete |
bool |
Whether to create a discrete colorbar. Defaults to False. |
False |
label |
str |
Label for the colorbar. Defaults to None. |
None |
orientation |
str |
Orientation of the colorbar, such as "vertical" and "horizontal". Defaults to "horizontal". |
'horizontal' |
transparent_bg |
bool |
Whether to use transparent background. Defaults to False. |
False |
font_size |
int |
Font size for the colorbar. Defaults to 9. |
9 |
axis_off |
bool |
Whether to turn off the axis. Defaults to False. |
False |
max_width |
str |
Maximum width of the colorbar in pixels. Defaults to None. |
None |
Type | Description |
TypeError |
If the vis_params is not a dictionary. |
ValueError |
If the orientation is not either horizontal or vertical. |
ValueError |
If the provided min value is not convertible to float. |
ValueError |
If the provided max value is not convertible to float. |
ValueError |
If the provided opacity value is not convertible to float. |
ValueError |
If cmap or palette is not provided. |
Source code in geemap/
def __init__(
vis_params: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], list, tuple]] = None,
cmap: str = "gray",
discrete: bool = False,
label: Optional[str] = None,
orientation: str = "horizontal",
transparent_bg: bool = False,
font_size: int = 9,
axis_off: bool = False,
max_width: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
"""Add a matplotlib colorbar to the map.
vis_params (dict): Visualization parameters as a dictionary. See # noqa
for options.
cmap (str, optional): Matplotlib colormap. Defaults to "gray". See # noqa
for options.
discrete (bool, optional): Whether to create a discrete colorbar.
Defaults to False.
label (str, optional): Label for the colorbar. Defaults to None.
orientation (str, optional): Orientation of the colorbar, such as
"vertical" and "horizontal". Defaults to "horizontal".
transparent_bg (bool, optional): Whether to use transparent
background. Defaults to False.
font_size (int, optional): Font size for the colorbar. Defaults
to 9.
axis_off (bool, optional): Whether to turn off the axis. Defaults
to False.
max_width (str, optional): Maximum width of the colorbar in pixels.
Defaults to None.
TypeError: If the vis_params is not a dictionary.
ValueError: If the orientation is not either horizontal or vertical.
ValueError: If the provided min value is not convertible to float.
ValueError: If the provided max value is not convertible to float.
ValueError: If the provided opacity value is not convertible to float.
ValueError: If cmap or palette is not provided.
import matplotlib # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
import numpy # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
if max_width is None:
if orientation == "horizontal":
max_width = "270px"
max_width = "100px"
if isinstance(vis_params, (list, tuple)):
vis_params = {"palette": list(vis_params)}
elif not vis_params:
vis_params = {}
if not isinstance(vis_params, dict):
raise TypeError("The vis_params must be a dictionary.")
if isinstance(kwargs.get("colors"), (list, tuple)):
vis_params["palette"] = list(kwargs["colors"])
width, height = self._get_dimensions(orientation, kwargs)
vmin = vis_params.get("min", kwargs.pop("vmin", 0))
vmin = float(vmin)
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError("The provided min value must be scalar type.")
vmax = vis_params.get("max", kwargs.pop("vmax", 1))
vmax = float(vmax)
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError("The provided max value must be scalar type.")
alpha = vis_params.get("opacity", kwargs.pop("alpha", 1))
alpha = float(alpha)
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError("opacity or alpha value must be scalar type.")
if "palette" in vis_params.keys():
hexcodes = coreutils.to_hex_colors(
if discrete:
cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(hexcodes)
linspace = numpy.linspace(vmin, vmax, cmap.N + 1)
norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(linspace, cmap.N)
cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
"custom", hexcodes, N=256
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
elif cmap:
cmap = matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap(cmap)
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
raise ValueError(
'cmap keyword or "palette" key in vis_params must be provided.'
fig, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(figsize=(width, height))
cb = matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase(
label = label or vis_params.get("bands") or kwargs.pop("caption", None)
if label:
cb.set_label(label, fontsize=font_size)
if axis_off:
# Set the background color to transparent.
if transparent_bg:
with self:
self.outputs = ()
Inspector (AnyWidget)
Inspector widget for Earth Engine data.
Source code in geemap/
class Inspector(anywidget.AnyWidget):
"""Inspector widget for Earth Engine data."""
_esm = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "static" / "inspector.js"
hide_close_button = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True)
expand_points = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True)
expand_pixels = traitlets.Bool(True).tag(sync=True)
expand_objects = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True)
point_info = traitlets.Dict({}).tag(sync=True)
pixel_info = traitlets.Dict({}).tag(sync=True)
object_info = traitlets.Dict({}).tag(sync=True)
def __init__(
host_map: "geemap.Map",
names: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
visible: bool = True,
decimals: int = 2,
opened: bool = True,
show_close_button: bool = True,
"""Creates an Inspector widget for Earth Engine data.
host_map (geemap.Map): The map to add the inspector widget to.
names (list, optional): The list of layer names to be inspected.
Defaults to None.
visible (bool, optional): Whether to inspect visible layers only.
Defaults to True.
decimals (int, optional): The number of decimal places to round the
values. Defaults to 2.
opened (bool, optional): Whether the inspector is opened. Defaults
to True.
show_close_button (bool, optional): Whether to show the close
button. Defaults to True.
self._host_map = host_map
if not host_map:
raise ValueError("Must pass a valid map when creating an inspector.")
self._names = names
self._visible = visible
self._decimals = decimals
self._opened = opened
self.hide_close_button = not show_close_button
self.on_close = None
host_map.default_style = {"cursor": "crosshair"}
def cleanup(self):
"""Removes the widget from the map and performs cleanup."""
if self._host_map:
self._host_map.default_style = {"cursor": "default"}
self._host_map.on_interaction(self._on_map_interaction, remove=True)
if self.on_close is not None:
def _handle_message_event(
self, widget: ipywidgets.Widget, content: Dict[str, Any], buffers: List[Any]
) -> None:
del widget, buffers # Unused
if content.get("type") == "click" and content.get("id") == "close":
def _on_map_interaction(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Handles map interaction events.
**kwargs (Any): The interaction event arguments.
latlon = kwargs.get("coordinates", [])
if kwargs.get("type") == "click":
def _on_map_click(self, latlon: List[float]) -> None:
"""Handles map click events.
latlon (List[float]): The latitude and longitude of the click event.
if not latlon or len(latlon) < 2:
self._host_map.default_style = {"cursor": "wait"}
self.point_info = self._point_info(latlon)
self.pixel_info = self._pixel_info(latlon)
self.object_info = self._object_info(latlon)
self._host_map.default_style = {"cursor": "crosshair"}
def _clear_inspector_output(self) -> None:
"""Clears the inspector output."""
self.point_info = {}
self.pixel_info = {}
self.object_info = {}
def _on_close_btn_click(self) -> None:
"""Handles close button click events."""
def _get_visible_map_layers(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Gets the visible map layers.
Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary of visible map layers.
layers = {}
if self._names is not None:
names = [names] if isinstance(names, str) else self._names
for name in names:
if name in self._host_map.ee_layers:
layers[name] = self._host_map.ee_layers[name]
layers = self._host_map.ee_layers
return {k: v for k, v in layers.items() if v["ee_layer"].visible}
def _point_info(self, latlon: List[float]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Gets information about a point.
latlon (List[float]): The latitude and longitude of the point.
Dict[str, Any]: The node containing the point information.
scale = self._host_map.get_scale()
label = (
f"Point ({latlon[1]:.{self._decimals}f}, "
+ f"{latlon[0]:.{self._decimals}f}) at {int(scale)}m/px"
return coreutils.new_tree_node(
coreutils.new_tree_node(f"Longitude: {latlon[1]}"),
coreutils.new_tree_node(f"Latitude: {latlon[0]}"),
coreutils.new_tree_node(f"Zoom Level: {self._host_map.zoom}"),
coreutils.new_tree_node(f"Scale (approx. m/px): {scale}"),
def _query_point(
self, latlon: List[float], ee_object: ee.ComputedObject
) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Queries a point on the map.
latlon (List[float]): The latitude and longitude of the point.
ee_object (ee.ComputedObject): The Earth Engine object to query.
Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: The query result.
point = ee.Geometry.Point(latlon[::-1])
scale = self._host_map.get_scale()
if isinstance(ee_object, ee.ImageCollection):
ee_object = ee_object.mosaic()
if isinstance(ee_object, ee.Image):
return ee_object.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.first(), point, scale).getInfo()
return None
def _pixel_info(self, latlon: List[float]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Gets information about pixels at a point.
latlon (List[float]): The latitude and longitude of the point.
Dict[str, Any]: The node containing the pixels information.
root = coreutils.new_tree_node("Pixels", expanded=True, top_level=True)
if not self._visible:
return root
layers = self._get_visible_map_layers()
for layer_name, layer in layers.items():
ee_object = layer["ee_object"]
pixel = self._query_point(latlon, ee_object)
if not pixel:
pluralized_band = "band" if len(pixel) == 1 else "bands"
ee_obj_type = ee_object.__class__.__name__
label = f"{layer_name}: {ee_obj_type} ({len(pixel)} {pluralized_band})"
layer_node = coreutils.new_tree_node(label, expanded=self.expand_pixels)
for key, value in sorted(pixel.items()):
if isinstance(value, float):
value = round(value, self._decimals)
f"{key}: {value}", expanded=self.expand_pixels
return root
def _get_bbox(self, latlon: List[float]) -> ee.Geometry.BBox:
"""Gets a bounding box around a point.
latlon (List[float]): The latitude and longitude of the point.
ee.Geometry.BBox: The bounding box around the point.
lat, lon = latlon
delta = 0.005
return ee.Geometry.BBox(lon - delta, lat - delta, lon + delta, lat + delta)
def _object_info(self, latlon: List[float]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Gets information about objects at a point.
latlon (List[float]): The latitude and longitude of the point.
ipytree.Node: The node containing the objects information.
root = coreutils.new_tree_node("Objects", top_level=True, expanded=True)
if not self._visible:
return root
layers = self._get_visible_map_layers()
point = ee.Geometry.Point(latlon[::-1])
for layer_name, layer in layers.items():
ee_object = layer["ee_object"]
if isinstance(ee_object, ee.FeatureCollection):
geom = ee.Feature(ee_object.first()).geometry()
bbox = self._get_bbox(latlon)
is_point = ee.Algorithms.If(
geom.type().compareTo(ee.String("Point")), point, bbox
ee_object = ee_object.filterBounds(is_point).first()
tree_node = coreutils.build_computed_object_tree(
ee_object, layer_name, self.expand_objects
if tree_node:
return root
__init__(self, host_map, names=None, visible=True, decimals=2, opened=True, show_close_button=True)
Creates an Inspector widget for Earth Engine data.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
host_map |
geemap.Map |
The map to add the inspector widget to. |
required |
names |
list |
The list of layer names to be inspected. Defaults to None. |
None |
visible |
bool |
Whether to inspect visible layers only. Defaults to True. |
True |
decimals |
int |
The number of decimal places to round the values. Defaults to 2. |
2 |
opened |
bool |
Whether the inspector is opened. Defaults to True. |
True |
show_close_button |
bool |
Whether to show the close button. Defaults to True. |
True |
Source code in geemap/
def __init__(
host_map: "geemap.Map",
names: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
visible: bool = True,
decimals: int = 2,
opened: bool = True,
show_close_button: bool = True,
"""Creates an Inspector widget for Earth Engine data.
host_map (geemap.Map): The map to add the inspector widget to.
names (list, optional): The list of layer names to be inspected.
Defaults to None.
visible (bool, optional): Whether to inspect visible layers only.
Defaults to True.
decimals (int, optional): The number of decimal places to round the
values. Defaults to 2.
opened (bool, optional): Whether the inspector is opened. Defaults
to True.
show_close_button (bool, optional): Whether to show the close
button. Defaults to True.
self._host_map = host_map
if not host_map:
raise ValueError("Must pass a valid map when creating an inspector.")
self._names = names
self._visible = visible
self._decimals = decimals
self._opened = opened
self.hide_close_button = not show_close_button
self.on_close = None
host_map.default_style = {"cursor": "crosshair"}
Removes the widget from the map and performs cleanup.
Source code in geemap/
def cleanup(self):
"""Removes the widget from the map and performs cleanup."""
if self._host_map:
self._host_map.default_style = {"cursor": "default"}
self._host_map.on_interaction(self._on_map_interaction, remove=True)
if self.on_close is not None:
LayerEditor (AnyWidget)
Widget for displaying and editing layer visualization properties.
Source code in geemap/
class LayerEditor(anywidget.AnyWidget):
"""Widget for displaying and editing layer visualization properties."""
class LayerType(enum.Enum):
"""Layer types."""
RASTER = "raster"
VECTOR = "vector"
_esm = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "static" / "layer_editor.js"
layer_name: traitlets.Unicode = traitlets.Unicode("").tag(sync=True)
layer_type: traitlets.Unicode = traitlets.Unicode("").tag(sync=True)
band_names: traitlets.List = traitlets.List([]).tag(sync=True)
colormaps: traitlets.List = traitlets.List([]).tag(sync=True)
# Child widgets in the container. Using a tuple here to force reassignment to update
# the list. When a proper notifying-list trait exists, use that instead.
children = TypedTuple(
help="List of widget children",
).tag(sync=True, **ipywidgets.widget_serialization)
def __init__(self, host_map: "geemap.Map", layer_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):
"""Initializes a layer editor widget.
host_map (geemap.Map): The geemap.Map object.
layer_dict (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): The layer object to edit.
self.on_close = None
self._host_map = host_map
if not host_map:
raise ValueError(
f"Must pass a valid map when creating a {self.__class__.__name__} widget."
if layer_dict is not None:
self._ee_object = layer_dict["ee_object"]
if isinstance(self._ee_object, (ee.Feature, ee.Geometry)):
self._ee_object = ee.FeatureCollection(self._ee_object)
self._ee_layer = layer_dict["ee_layer"]
self.layer_name =
self.colormaps = self._get_colormaps()
if isinstance(self._ee_object, ee.FeatureCollection):
self.layer_type = LayerEditor.LayerType.VECTOR.value
elif isinstance(self._ee_object, ee.Image):
self.layer_type = LayerEditor.LayerType.RASTER.value
self.band_names = self._ee_object.bandNames().getInfo()
def _on_close_click(self) -> None:
"""Handles the close button click event."""
if self.on_close:
def _handle_message_event(
self, widget: ipywidgets.Widget, content: Dict[str, Any], buffers: List[Any]
) -> None:
del widget, buffers # Unused
msg_details = content.get("detail", {})
msg_type = content.get("type")
msg_id = content.get("id")
if msg_type == "click":
if msg_id == "close":
elif msg_id == "apply":
if self.layer_type == LayerEditor.LayerType.RASTER.value:
elif msg_id == "import":
if self.layer_type == LayerEditor.LayerType.RASTER.value:
elif msg_type == "calculate":
response = None
if msg_id == "band-stats":
response = self._calculate_band_stats(msg_details)
elif msg_id == "palette":
response = self._calculate_palette(msg_details)
elif msg_id == "fields":
response = self._calculate_fields()
elif msg_id == "field-values":
response = self._calculate_field_values(msg_details)
if response:
self.send({"type": msg_type, "id": msg_id, "response": response})
def _calculate_band_stats(
self, message: Dict[str, Any]
) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
(s, w), (n, e) = self._host_map.bounds
map_bbox = ee.Geometry.BBox(west=w, south=s, east=e, north=n)
vis_bands = set(message.get("bands", []))
stretch = message.get("stretch", "")
if stretch == "custom":
return None
stretch_params = {}
stretch_value = int("\d+", stretch).group())
if stretch.startswith("percent"):
stretch_params["percent"] = stretch_value / 100.0
elif stretch.startswith("sigma"):
stretch_params["sigma"] = stretch_value
min_val, max_val = self._ee_layer.calculate_vis_minmax(
bounds=map_bbox, bands=vis_bands, **stretch_params
return {"stretch": stretch, "min": min_val, "max": max_val}
def _render_colorbar(
self, colors: List[str], band_min: float, band_max: float
) -> None:
if len(colors) < 2:
self.children = []
import matplotlib # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from matplotlib import pyplot # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
import numpy # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
_, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(5, 0.3))
cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
"custom", colors, N=256
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=band_min, vmax=band_max)
ticks = numpy.linspace(band_min, band_max, 4, endpoint=True)
ax, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, orientation="horizontal", ticks=ticks
colorbar_output = ipywidgets.Output(
layout=ipywidgets.Layout(height="60px", max_width="300px")
with colorbar_output:
self.children = [colorbar_output]
def _calculate_palette(self, message: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
import matplotlib # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from matplotlib import pyplot # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
colormap = message.get("colormap", "")
classes = message.get("classes", "")
palette = message.get("palette", "")
band_min = message.get("bandMin", 0.0)
band_max = message.get("bandMax", 1.0)
if colormap == "Custom":
colors = [color.strip() for color in palette.split(",")]
self._render_colorbar(colors, band_min, band_max)
return {"palette": palette}
classes = None if classes == "any" else int(classes)
cmap = pyplot.get_cmap(colormap, classes)
cmap_colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(cmap(i))[1:] for i in range(cmap.N)]
colors = coreutils.to_hex_colors(cmap_colors)
self._render_colorbar(colors, band_min, band_max)
return {"palette": ", ".join(colors)}
def _calculate_fields(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
available_fields = ee.Feature(self._ee_object.first()).propertyNames().getInfo()
if available_fields:
field = available_fields[0]
values = self._calculate_field_values({"field": field})["field-values"]
return {"fields": available_fields, "field-values": values}
return {"fields": [], "field-values": []}
def _calculate_field_values(self, message: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
field = message.get("field")
options = self._ee_object.aggregate_array(field).getInfo()
if options:
options = list(set(options))
return {"field-values": options or []}
def _get_colormaps(self) -> List[str]:
"""Gets the list of available colormaps."""
from matplotlib import pyplot # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
colormap_options = pyplot.colormaps()
return ["Custom"] + colormap_options
def _hex_with_opacity(self, base_color: str, opacity: float) -> str:
"""Adds opacity to a hex string (e.g. #000000 to #000000FF)."""
return base_color[1:] + str(hex(int(opacity * 255)))[2:].zfill(2)
def _on_import_click_vector(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Handles the import button click event for vector layers."""
vis_options = self._get_vis_params(state)
coreutils.create_code_cell(f"style = {str(vis_options)}")
print(f"style = {str(vis_options)}")
def _get_vis_params(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
color = self._hex_with_opacity(
state.get("color", ""), state.get("opacity", 1.0)
fill_opacity = state.get("fillOpacity", 0.66)
fill_color = self._hex_with_opacity(state.pop("fillColor"), fill_opacity)
line_width = state.get("lineWidth")
line_type = state.get("lineType")
point_size = state.get("pointSize", None)
point_shape = state.get("pointShape", None)
vis_options = {
"color": color,
"fillColor": fill_color,
"width": line_width,
"lineType": line_type,
if coreutils.geometry_type(self._ee_object) in ["Point", "MultiPoint"]:
vis_options["pointSize"] = point_size
vis_options["pointShape"] = point_shape
return vis_options
def _on_apply_click_vector(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Handles the apply button click event from a vector layer."""
if self.layer_name in self._host_map.ee_layers:
new_layer_object = None
style_by_attribute = state.pop("shouldStyleByAttribute")
vis_options = self._get_vis_params(state)
if not style_by_attribute:
new_layer_object =**vis_options)
fill_opacity = vis_options.get("fillOpacity", 1.0)
colors = ee.List(
self._hex_with_opacity(color.strip(), fill_opacity)
for color in state.get("palette", [])
field = state.get("field")
arr = self._ee_object.aggregate_array(field).distinct().sort()
fc =
lambda f: f.set({"styleIndex": arr.indexOf(f.get(field))})
step = arr.size().divide(colors.size()).ceil()
fc =
lambda f: f.set(
"style": {
"fillColor": colors.get(
new_layer_object =**{"styleProperty": "style"})
new_layer_name = state.pop("layerName")
self._host_map.add_layer(new_layer_object, {}, new_layer_name)
if legend := state.get("legend"):
self._apply_legend(legend, state.get("palette"), 0.0, 1.0)
def _on_import_click_raster(self, vis_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Handles the import button click event for raster layers."""
vis_params.pop("opacity", None)
coreutils.create_code_cell(f"vis_params = {str(vis_params)}")
print(f"vis_params = {str(vis_params)}")
def _on_apply_click_raster(self, vis_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Handles the apply button click event from a raster layer."""
opacity = vis_params.pop("opacity", 1.0)
legend = vis_params.pop("legend", {})
self._ee_object, vis_params, self.layer_name, True, opacity
self._ee_layer.visible = False
if legend:
def _apply_legend(
legend: Dict[str, Any],
palette: Optional[str],
min_value: Optional[float],
max_value: Optional[float],
) -> None:
if legend.get("type") == "linear":
if hasattr(self._host_map, "_add_colorbar"):
# pylint: disable-next=protected-access
"palette": palette,
"min": min_value,
"max": max_value,
elif legend.get("type") == "step":
if hasattr(self._host_map, "_add_legend"):
# pylint: disable-next=protected-access
title=legend.get("title", ""),
keys=legend.get("labels", []),
LayerType (Enum)
Layer types.
Source code in geemap/
class LayerType(enum.Enum):
"""Layer types."""
RASTER = "raster"
VECTOR = "vector"
__init__(self, host_map, layer_dict)
Initializes a layer editor widget.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
host_map |
geemap.Map |
The geemap.Map object. |
required |
layer_dict |
Optional[Dict[str, Any]] |
The layer object to edit. |
required |
Source code in geemap/
def __init__(self, host_map: "geemap.Map", layer_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):
"""Initializes a layer editor widget.
host_map (geemap.Map): The geemap.Map object.
layer_dict (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): The layer object to edit.
self.on_close = None
self._host_map = host_map
if not host_map:
raise ValueError(
f"Must pass a valid map when creating a {self.__class__.__name__} widget."
if layer_dict is not None:
self._ee_object = layer_dict["ee_object"]
if isinstance(self._ee_object, (ee.Feature, ee.Geometry)):
self._ee_object = ee.FeatureCollection(self._ee_object)
self._ee_layer = layer_dict["ee_layer"]
self.layer_name =
self.colormaps = self._get_colormaps()
if isinstance(self._ee_object, ee.FeatureCollection):
self.layer_type = LayerEditor.LayerType.VECTOR.value
elif isinstance(self._ee_object, ee.Image):
self.layer_type = LayerEditor.LayerType.RASTER.value
self.band_names = self._ee_object.bandNames().getInfo()
LayerManager (AnyWidget)
A layer manager widget for geemap.
Source code in geemap/
class LayerManager(anywidget.AnyWidget):
"""A layer manager widget for geemap."""
_esm = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "static" / "layer_manager.js"
# Whether all layers should be visible or not. Represented as a checkbox in the UI.
visible = traitlets.Bool(True).tag(sync=True)
# Child widgets in the container. Using a tuple here to force reassignment to update
# the list. When a proper notifying-list trait exists, use that instead.
children = TypedTuple(
help="List of widget children",
).tag(sync=True, **ipywidgets.widget_serialization)
def __init__(self, host_map: "core.MapInterface"):
self.host_map = host_map
if not host_map:
raise ValueError("Must pass a valid map when creating a layer manager.")
def refresh_layers(self) -> None:
"""Refresh the layers in the layer manager.
Uses the map interface to pull active layers. This function must be called
whenever a layer is added or removed on the map.
self.children = list(map(self._create_row_widget, self.host_map.layers))
def _create_row_widget(self, layer: Any) -> LayerManagerRow:
return LayerManagerRow(self.host_map, layer)
def _observe_visible(self, change: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
# When the `visible` property changes, propagate that change to all children.
if (visible := change.get("new")) is not None:
for child in self.children:
child.visible = visible
Refresh the layers in the layer manager.
Uses the map interface to pull active layers. This function must be called whenever a layer is added or removed on the map.
Source code in geemap/
def refresh_layers(self) -> None:
"""Refresh the layers in the layer manager.
Uses the map interface to pull active layers. This function must be called
whenever a layer is added or removed on the map.
self.children = list(map(self._create_row_widget, self.host_map.layers))
LayerManagerRow (AnyWidget)
A layer manager row widget for geemap.
Source code in geemap/
class LayerManagerRow(anywidget.AnyWidget):
"""A layer manager row widget for geemap."""
_esm = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "static" / "layer_manager_row.js"
name = traitlets.Unicode("").tag(sync=True)
visible = traitlets.Bool(True).tag(sync=True)
opacity = traitlets.Float(1).tag(sync=True)
is_loading = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True)
def __init__(self, host_map: "core.MapInterface", layer: Any):
self.host_map = host_map
self.layer = layer
if not host_map or not layer:
raise ValueError(
"Must pass a valid map and layer when creating a layer manager row."
) =
self.visible = self._get_layer_visibility()
self.opacity = self._get_layer_opacity()
self.opacity_link: Optional[ipywidgets.widget_link.Link] = None
self.visibility_link: Optional[ipywidgets.widget_link.Link] = None
def _can_set_up_jslink(self, obj: Any, trait: str) -> bool:
return isinstance(obj, ipywidgets.Widget) and hasattr(obj, trait)
def _traitlet_link_type(self) -> Callable[..., Any]:
if coreutils.in_colab_shell():
# TODO: jslink doesn't work in Colab before the layers are added to the map.
# A potential workaround is calling display() on the layer before jslinking.
return ipywidgets.jslink
def _setup_event_listeners(self) -> None:
self.layer.observe(self._on_layer_loading_changed, "loading")
link_func = self._traitlet_link_type()
if self._can_set_up_jslink(self.layer, "opacity"):
self.opacity_link = link_func((self.layer, "opacity"), (self, "opacity"))
if self._can_set_up_jslink(self.layer, "visible"):
self.visibility_link = link_func((self.layer, "visible"), (self, "visible"))
def _on_layer_loading_changed(self, change: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
self.is_loading = change.get("new", False)
def _handle_message_event(
self, widget: ipywidgets.Widget, content: Dict[str, Any], buffers: List[Any]
) -> None:
del widget, buffers # Unused
if content.get("type") == "click":
self._handle_button_click(content.get("id", ""))
def _on_opacity_change(self, change: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
if self._can_set_up_jslink(self.layer, "opacity"):
return # Return if the opacity is handled by a jslink.
if opacity := change.get("new"):
if self.layer in self.host_map.geojson_layers:
# For GeoJSON layers, use style.opacity and style.fillOpacity.{"opacity": opacity, "fillOpacity": opacity})
def _get_layer_opacity(self) -> float:
if hasattr(self.layer, "opacity"):
return self.layer.opacity
elif self.layer in self.host_map.geojson_layers:
opacity ="opacity", 1.0)
fill_opacity ="fillOpacity", 1.0)
return max(opacity, fill_opacity)
return 1.0
def _get_layer_visibility(self) -> bool:
if hasattr(self.layer, "visible"):
return self.layer.visible
return True
def _handle_button_click(self, msg_id: str) -> None:
if msg_id == "settings":
elif msg_id == "delete":
def _open_layer_editor(self) -> None:
metadata = self.host_map.ee_layers.get(, None)
self.host_map.add("layer_editor", position="bottomright", layer_dict=metadata)
def _delete_layer(self) -> None:
Legend (AnyWidget)
A legend widget that can be added to the map.
Source code in geemap/
class Legend(anywidget.AnyWidget):
"""A legend widget that can be added to the map."""
ALLOWED_POSITIONS = ["topleft", "topright", "bottomleft", "bottomright"]
DEFAULT_COLORS = ["#8DD3C7", "#FFFFB3", "#BEBADA", "#FB8072", "#80B1D3"]
DEFAULT_KEYS = ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "etc"]
_esm = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "static" / "legend.js"
title = traitlets.Unicode("Legend").tag(sync=True)
legend_keys = traitlets.List([]).tag(sync=True)
legend_colors = traitlets.List([]).tag(sync=True)
add_header = traitlets.Bool(True).tag(sync=True)
show_close_button = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True)
position = "bottomright"
host_map = None
def __init__(
title: str = "Legend",
legend_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
keys: Optional[List[str]] = None,
colors: Optional[List[Union[str, tuple]]] = None,
position: str = "bottomright",
builtin_legend: Optional[str] = None,
add_header: bool = True,
widget_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
"""Adds a customized legend to the map.
title (str, optional): Title of the legend. Defaults to 'Legend'.
legend_dict (dict, optional): A dictionary containing legend items
as keys and color as values. If provided, keys and colors will
be ignored. Defaults to None.
keys (list, optional): A list of legend keys. Defaults to None.
colors (list, optional): A list of legend colors. Defaults to None.
position (str, optional): Position of the legend. Defaults to
builtin_legend (str, optional): Name of the builtin legend to add
to the map. Defaults to None.
add_header (bool, optional): Whether the legend can be closed or
not. Defaults to True.
widget_args (dict, optional): Additional arguments. Only
"show_close_button" is supported.
TypeError: If the keys are not a list.
TypeError: If the colors are not list.
ValueError: If the legend template does not exist.
ValueError: If a rgb value cannot to be converted to hex.
ValueError: If the keys and colors are not the same length.
ValueError: If the builtin_legend is not allowed.
ValueError: If the position is not allowed.
from .legends import builtin_legends # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
self.title = title
self.position = position
if not widget_args:
widget_args = {}
if legend_dict is not None:
if not isinstance(legend_dict, dict):
raise TypeError("The legend dict must be a dictionary.")
self.legend_keys = list(legend_dict.keys())
self.legend_colors = list(
map(self._normalize_color_to_hex, legend_dict.values())
elif keys or colors:
if "labels" in kwargs:
self.legend_keys = kwargs.pop("labels")
if keys is not None:
if not isinstance(keys, list):
raise TypeError("The legend keys must be a list.")
self.legend_keys = keys
self.legend_keys = self.DEFAULT_KEYS
if colors is not None:
if not isinstance(colors, list):
raise TypeError("The legend colors must be a list.")
self.legend_colors = list(map(self._normalize_color_to_hex, colors))
self.legend_colors = self.DEFAULT_COLORS
if len(self.legend_keys) != len(self.legend_colors):
raise ValueError("The legend keys and colors must be the same length.")
allowed_builtin_legends = builtin_legends.keys()
if builtin_legend is not None:
builtin_legend_allowed = self._check_if_allowed(
builtin_legend, "builtin legend", allowed_builtin_legends
if builtin_legend_allowed:
legend_dict = builtin_legends[builtin_legend]
self.legend_keys = list(legend_dict.keys())
self.legend_colors = list(
map(self._normalize_color_to_hex, legend_dict.values())
self._check_if_allowed(position, "position", self.ALLOWED_POSITIONS)
self.add_header = add_header
if "show_close_button" in widget_args:
self.show_close_button = widget_args["show_close_button"]
self.show_close_button = False
# Setup event listener.
def _handle_message_event(
self, widget: ipywidgets.Widget, content: Dict[str, Any], buffers: List[Any]
) -> None:
del widget, buffers # Unused
if content.get("type") == "click":
msg_id = content.get("id", "")
if msg_id == "close":
def cleanup(self):
if self.host_map:
def _check_if_allowed(
self, value: str, value_name: str, allowed_list: List[str]
) -> bool:
"""Checks if a value is allowed.
value (str): The value to check.
value_name (str): The name of the value.
allowed_list (List[str]): The list of allowed values.
bool: True if the value is allowed, otherwise raises a ValueError.
ValueError: If the value is not allowed.
if value not in allowed_list:
raise ValueError(
"The "
+ value_name
+ " must be one of the following: {}.".format(", ".join(allowed_list))
return True
def _normalize_color_to_hex(self, color: Union[str, tuple]) -> str:
"""Converts a list of RGB colors to hex."""
if isinstance(color, tuple):
return f"#{coreutils.rgb_to_hex(color)}"
raise ValueError(f"Unable to convert rgb value to hex: {color}")
elif"^(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})?$", color):
# Add a # for hexadecimal strings of length 3 or 6, with optional
# fourth alpha.
return f"#{color}"
return color
__init__(self, title='Legend', legend_dict=None, keys=None, colors=None, position='bottomright', builtin_legend=None, add_header=True, widget_args=None, **kwargs)
Adds a customized legend to the map.
Args: title (str, optional): Title of the legend. Defaults to 'Legend'. legend_dict (dict, optional): A dictionary containing legend items as keys and color as values. If provided, keys and colors will be ignored. Defaults to None. keys (list, optional): A list of legend keys. Defaults to None. colors (list, optional): A list of legend colors. Defaults to None. position (str, optional): Position of the legend. Defaults to 'bottomright'. builtin_legend (str, optional): Name of the builtin legend to add to the map. Defaults to None. add_header (bool, optional): Whether the legend can be closed or not. Defaults to True. widget_args (dict, optional): Additional arguments. Only "show_close_button" is supported.
Type | Description |
TypeError |
If the keys are not a list. |
TypeError |
If the colors are not list. |
ValueError |
If the legend template does not exist. |
ValueError |
If a rgb value cannot to be converted to hex. |
ValueError |
If the keys and colors are not the same length. |
ValueError |
If the builtin_legend is not allowed. |
ValueError |
If the position is not allowed. |
Source code in geemap/
def __init__(
title: str = "Legend",
legend_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
keys: Optional[List[str]] = None,
colors: Optional[List[Union[str, tuple]]] = None,
position: str = "bottomright",
builtin_legend: Optional[str] = None,
add_header: bool = True,
widget_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
"""Adds a customized legend to the map.
title (str, optional): Title of the legend. Defaults to 'Legend'.
legend_dict (dict, optional): A dictionary containing legend items
as keys and color as values. If provided, keys and colors will
be ignored. Defaults to None.
keys (list, optional): A list of legend keys. Defaults to None.
colors (list, optional): A list of legend colors. Defaults to None.
position (str, optional): Position of the legend. Defaults to
builtin_legend (str, optional): Name of the builtin legend to add
to the map. Defaults to None.
add_header (bool, optional): Whether the legend can be closed or
not. Defaults to True.
widget_args (dict, optional): Additional arguments. Only
"show_close_button" is supported.
TypeError: If the keys are not a list.
TypeError: If the colors are not list.
ValueError: If the legend template does not exist.
ValueError: If a rgb value cannot to be converted to hex.
ValueError: If the keys and colors are not the same length.
ValueError: If the builtin_legend is not allowed.
ValueError: If the position is not allowed.
from .legends import builtin_legends # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
self.title = title
self.position = position
if not widget_args:
widget_args = {}
if legend_dict is not None:
if not isinstance(legend_dict, dict):
raise TypeError("The legend dict must be a dictionary.")
self.legend_keys = list(legend_dict.keys())
self.legend_colors = list(
map(self._normalize_color_to_hex, legend_dict.values())
elif keys or colors:
if "labels" in kwargs:
self.legend_keys = kwargs.pop("labels")
if keys is not None:
if not isinstance(keys, list):
raise TypeError("The legend keys must be a list.")
self.legend_keys = keys
self.legend_keys = self.DEFAULT_KEYS
if colors is not None:
if not isinstance(colors, list):
raise TypeError("The legend colors must be a list.")
self.legend_colors = list(map(self._normalize_color_to_hex, colors))
self.legend_colors = self.DEFAULT_COLORS
if len(self.legend_keys) != len(self.legend_colors):
raise ValueError("The legend keys and colors must be the same length.")
allowed_builtin_legends = builtin_legends.keys()
if builtin_legend is not None:
builtin_legend_allowed = self._check_if_allowed(
builtin_legend, "builtin legend", allowed_builtin_legends
if builtin_legend_allowed:
legend_dict = builtin_legends[builtin_legend]
self.legend_keys = list(legend_dict.keys())
self.legend_colors = list(
map(self._normalize_color_to_hex, legend_dict.values())
self._check_if_allowed(position, "position", self.ALLOWED_POSITIONS)
self.add_header = add_header
if "show_close_button" in widget_args:
self.show_close_button = widget_args["show_close_button"]
self.show_close_button = False
# Setup event listener.
SearchBar (AnyWidget)
Source code in geemap/
class SearchBar(anywidget.AnyWidget):
_esm = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "static" / "search_bar.js"
# Whether the search bar is collapsed.
collapsed = traitlets.Bool(True).tag(sync=True)
# The currently selected tab.
tab_index = traitlets.Int(0).tag(sync=True)
# The stringified JSON for the location search.
location_model = traitlets.Unicode(
"search": "",
"results": [],
"selected": "",
"additional_html": "",
# The stringified JSON for the dataset search.
dataset_model = traitlets.Unicode(
"search": "",
"results": [],
"selected": "",
"additional_html": "",
def __init__(self, host_map, **kwargs):
self.on_close = None
self.host_map = host_map
self.host_map.search_locations = None
self.host_map.search_loc_marker = None
self.host_map.search_loc_geom = None
self.host_map.search_datasets = None
def handle_message_event(
self, widget: ipywidgets.Widget, content: Dict[str, Any], buffers: List[Any]
) -> None:
del widget, buffers # Unused
if content.get("type") == "click":
msg_id = content.get("id", "")
if msg_id == "import":
elif msg_id == "close":
def cleanup(self):
"""Removes the widget from the map and performs cleanup."""
if self.on_close is not None:
def _observe_location_model(self, change: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
old = json.loads(change.get("old"))
new = json.loads(change.get("new"))
if new["search"] != old["search"]:
if new["search"]:
if common.latlon_from_text(new["search"]):
self.location_model = json.dumps(
"search": "",
"results": [],
"selected": "",
"additional_html": "",
marker = self.host_map.search_loc_marker
self.host_map.search_loc_marker = None
elif new["selected"] and new["selected"] != old["selected"]:
def _observe_dataset_model(self, change: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
old = json.loads(change.get("old"))
new = json.loads(change.get("new"))
if new["search"] != old["search"]:
if new["search"]:
self.dataset_model = json.dumps(
"search": "",
"results": [],
"selected": "",
"additional_html": "",
elif new["selected"] and new["selected"] != old["selected"]:
def _search_location(self, address):
location_model = json.loads(self.location_model)
geoloc_results = common.geocode(address)
self.host_map.search_locations = geoloc_results
if geoloc_results is not None and len(geoloc_results) > 0:
location_model["results"] = [x.address for x in geoloc_results]
self.location_model = json.dumps(location_model)
location_model["results"] = []
location_model["selected"] = ""
location_model["additional_html"] = "No results could be found."
self.location_model = json.dumps(location_model)
def _set_selected_location(self, address):
locations = self.host_map.search_locations
location = None
for l in locations:
if l.address == address:
location = l
if not location:
latlon = (, location.lng)
self.host_map.search_loc_geom = ee.Geometry.Point(location.lng,
if self.host_map.search_loc_marker is None:
marker = ipyleaflet.Marker(
name="Search location",
self.host_map.search_loc_marker = marker
self.host_map.add(marker) = latlon
marker = self.host_map.search_loc_marker
marker.location = latlon = latlon
def _search_lat_lon(self, lat_lon):
location_model = json.loads(self.location_model)
if latlon := common.latlon_from_text(lat_lon):
geoloc_results = common.geocode(lat_lon, reverse=True)
if geoloc_results is not None and len(geoloc_results) > 0:
top_loc = geoloc_results[0]
latlon = (, top_loc.lng)
location_model["results"] = [x.address for x in geoloc_results]
location_model["selected"] = location_model["results"][0]
location_model["additional_html"] = ""
self.location_model = json.dumps(location_model)
location_model["results"] = []
location_model["selected"] = ""
location_model["additional_html"] = "No results could be found."
self.location_model = json.dumps(location_model)
self.host_map.search_loc_geom = ee.Geometry.Point(latlon[1], latlon[0])
if self.host_map.search_loc_marker is None:
marker = ipyleaflet.Marker(
name="Search location",
self.host_map.search_loc_marker = marker
self.host_map.add(marker) = latlon
marker = self.host_map.search_loc_marker
marker.location = latlon = latlon
location_model["results"] = []
location_model["selected"] = ""
no_results = (
"""<em style="color: red">"""
"The lat-lon coordinates should be numbers only and"
"separated by comma or space, such as 40.2, -100.3"
location_model["additional_html"] = no_results
self.location_model = json.dumps(location_model)
def _search_dataset(self, dataset_search):
dataset_model = json.loads(self.dataset_model)
dataset_model["additional_html"] = "Searching..."
self.dataset_model = json.dumps(dataset_model)
self.host_map.default_style = {"cursor": "wait"}
ee_assets = common.search_ee_data(dataset_search, source="all")
self.host_map.search_datasets = ee_assets
asset_titles = [x["title"] for x in ee_assets]
dataset_model["results"] = asset_titles
dataset_model["selected"] = asset_titles[0] if asset_titles else ""
dataset_model["additional_html"] = ""
if len(ee_assets) > 0:
dataset_model["additional_html"] = common.ee_data_html(ee_assets[0])
dataset_model["additional_html"] = "No results found."
self.dataset_model = json.dumps(dataset_model)
self.host_map.default_style = {"cursor": "default"}
def _select_dataset(self, dataset_title):
dataset_model = json.loads(self.dataset_model)
dataset_model["additional_html"] = "Loading ..."
datasets = self.host_map.search_datasets
dataset = None
for d in datasets:
if d["title"] == dataset_title:
dataset = d
if not dataset:
dataset_html = common.ee_data_html(dataset)
dataset_model["additional_html"] = dataset_html
self.dataset_model = json.dumps(dataset_model)
def get_ee_example(self, asset_id):
import importlib.resources
pkg_dir = str(
with open(os.path.join(pkg_dir, "data/gee_f.json"), encoding="utf-8") as f:
functions = json.load(f)
details = [
for x in functions["examples"]
for dataset in x["contents"]
if x["name"] == "Datasets"
if dataset["name"] == asset_id.replace("/", "_")
return conversion.js_snippet_to_py(
except Exception as e:
def import_button_clicked(self):
dataset_model = json.loads(self.dataset_model)
if dataset_model["selected"]:
datasets = self.host_map.search_datasets
dataset = None
for d in datasets:
if d["title"] == dataset_model["selected"]:
dataset = d
if not dataset:
id_ = dataset["id"]
code = self.get_ee_example(id_)
if not code:
dataset_uid = "dataset_" + coreutils.random_string(string_length=3)
translate = {
"image_collection": "ImageCollection",
"image": "Image",
"table": "FeatureCollection",
"table_collection": "FeatureCollection",
datatype = translate[dataset["type"]]
id_ = dataset["id"]
line1 = "{} = ee.{}('{}')".format(dataset_uid, datatype, id_)
action = {
"image_collection": f"\n{self.host_map._var_name}.addLayer({dataset_uid}, {{}}, '{id_}')",
"image": f"\n{self.host_map._var_name}.addLayer({dataset_uid}, {{}}, '{id_}')",
"table": f"\n{self.host_map._var_name}.addLayer({dataset_uid}, {{}}, '{id_}')",
"table_collection": f"\n{self.host_map._var_name}.addLayer({dataset_uid}, {{}}, '{id_}')",
line2 = action[dataset["type"]]
code = [line1, line2]
contents = "".join(code).strip()
# create_code_cell(contents)
copy_success = False
import pyperclip
copy_success = True
except Exception as e:
if copy_success:
dataset_model["additional_html"] = (
"# The code has been copied to the clipboard.\n"
"# Press Ctrl+V in a new cell to paste it.\n"
dataset_model["additional_html"] = f"<pre>{contents}</pre"
self.dataset_model = json.dumps(dataset_model)
Removes the widget from the map and performs cleanup.
Source code in geemap/
def cleanup(self):
"""Removes the widget from the map and performs cleanup."""
if self.on_close is not None:
Applies dynamic theme in Colab, otherwise light.
Source code in geemap/
class Theme:
"""Applies dynamic theme in Colab, otherwise light."""
current_theme = "colab" if coreutils.in_colab_shell() else "light"
def apply(cls: Any) -> Any:
"""Applies the theme to the given class.
cls (Any): The class to which the theme will be applied.
Any: The class with the applied theme.
original_init = cls.__init__
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
original_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
cls.__init__ = wrapper
return cls
Applies the theme to the given class.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
cls |
Any |
The class to which the theme will be applied. |
required |
Type | Description |
Any |
The class with the applied theme. |
Source code in geemap/
def apply(cls: Any) -> Any:
"""Applies the theme to the given class.
cls (Any): The class to which the theme will be applied.
Any: The class with the applied theme.
original_init = cls.__init__
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
original_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
cls.__init__ = wrapper
return cls
TypedTuple (Container)
A trait for a tuple of any length with type-checked elements.
Source code in geemap/
class TypedTuple(traitlets.Container):
"""A trait for a tuple of any length with type-checked elements."""
klass = tuple
_cast_types = (list,)
Built-in immutable sequence.
If no argument is given, the constructor returns an empty tuple. If iterable is specified the tuple is initialized from iterable's items.
If the argument is a tuple, the return value is the same object.