Unlock your productivity potential with Slack Platform

Connect, simplify, and automate work.

Save time with Slack's new automations

Assemble automations using modular, shareable, and remixable building blocks.


Create modular functions that automate work in Slack and connect with your services.

Share your functions so anyone can add them to their own workflows.


Construct complex workflows by chaining functions together.

Use your custom functions, pick from pre-defined Slack functions, or combine both to get the automations you want.


Add triggers to customize how and when to kick off a workflow.

React to events in Slack, run on a schedule, or trigger from external services using webhooks.

Deploy ideas faster

Our developer tools simplify the most tedious parts of development and ensure your automations are enterprise-grade from day one.

Slack CLI

Fast track development by creating, scaffolding, and deploying functions and apps from the command line.

Managed infrastructure

Deploy your automations to secure and managed Slack infrastructure, so you can focus on building.


Streamline all your standard database operations by storing, querying and deleting data on Slack infrastructure.

Your work just works, on any device

Block Kit lets you build interfaces without a UI designer. It's available for use in surfaces across all devices without any extra code.

Be inspired

Get a fast start with samples and tutorials for common use cases.

Announcement Bot

Preview, post, and manage announcements sent to one or more channels

Github Functions

A collection of functions that map to oft-used functionality on GitHub

Give Kudos

Give kudos and share some kind words with anyone in your workspace

Hello World

Send a greeting to channel

Build Slack apps

Customize your Slack experience with apps using a wide range of APIs.

Stay up-to-date

Nov 14, 2024

Version 2.31.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has landed! We fixed a bug that would display errors when the slack run command was interrupted during app selection. The fix also includes an org_grant_exists error, which is raised if an attempt is made to grant installation permission to another workspace when your app has already been granted one.

Nov 7, 2024

We want to update you about our previous announcement regarding support for legacy custom bots and classic apps. After much consideration and feedback, we have decided to push back the deprecation date for classic apps by 6 months: we will now discontinue support for them on March 31, 2026. Nothing will change for legacy custom bots, of which the original deprecation date was March 31, 2025.

Oct 31, 2024

Boo! Version 2.30.1 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has sneaked up behind you. We fixed a bug such that expired tokens will now be removed from your local credentials, and the token_expired error will be logged when debugging if returned when using the slack logout command. No tricks, only treats!

Oct 17, 2024

Version 2.30.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has spookily appeared!

    We fixed a bug such that app manifest validation when running slack deploy now respects use of the --force flag. We also fixed a few other bugs related to app manifest validation to make things run more smoothly.
    We fixed a bug such that running the slack create command will use either the absolute or relative path provided when creating your app.
Sep 30, 2024

We want to let you know about some upcoming changes to support for legacy custom bots and classic apps on the Slack platform.

    Beginning March 31, 2025, we will discontinue support for legacy custom bots. For your integrations to continue working, you must create brand new Slack apps.
    In September 2025 March 2026, we will discontinue support for classic apps. For your apps to continue working, you will need to migrate them to Slack apps.
Any custom bots or classic apps you have built will no longer work after these dates. Refer to this changelog article for more details.
Sep 16, 2024

We're excited to announce that the following new features have launched!

    Introducing Agents & Assistants, the new way you can build AI-powered, conversational apps integrated with your favorite Large Language Model (LLM).
    The App Directory is now the Slack Marketplace! Get ready to explore a whole new world of apps, agents & assistants, templates, connectors, and more.