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GNU Tools Cauldron, 9-11 September 2016, Hebden Bridge UK.

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We are very pleased to invite you all the GNU Tools Cauldron on 9-11
September 2016. Our venue this year is Hebden Bridge in The UK.
Details are here:

As usual, please register, send abstracts and ask administrivia
questions to tools-cauldron-admin AT

The Cauldron is organized by a small ad hoc group of volunteers. We
are keen to add some more people, so others can stand down. If you'd
like to be part of that organizing committee, please email the same

I have sent this announcement to the main GCC, GDB, binutils, CGEN,
DejaGnu, newlib and glibc mailing lists. Please feel free to share
with any other groups that are appropriate.

This year, the Cauldron will form the closing weekend of the Wuthering
Bytes festival, a 10-day long celebration of free and open source
technology at the heart of the UK's "Northern Powerhouse".

You will also be aware that after this year's Cauldron we sent out a
questionnaire to get feedback to help improve future meetings. Here is
a summary

GNU Cauldron 2015 â summary of survey responses

80% of the survey respondents attended the 2015 GNU Tools Cauldron in
70% of respondents have attended between 1 and 3 annual cauldrons.

Of those respondents who stated a preference 83% would like a 3 day
cauldron event spanning Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Of those respondents who stated a preference, 78% would like the
cauldron to be held in Europe with suggestions that cost and
accessibility are important factors, that rotating the continents
could share the pain of traveling and an observation that holding the
event in other countries, such as China and India, could help find new
developers, improve the diversity of the community and its presence

Of those respondents who stated a preference, 59% would like the
cauldron to be held in June or July and 41% in August or September.
15 additional comments were submitted in relation to the time of year
the cauldron should be held, 80% of these comments supported the
cauldron being held outside the months of July and August to avoid hot
weather and vacation time.

Most respondents received sponsorship to cover some or all of their
costs of attending their last cauldron.

62 people responded to the question 'what benefits does attending the
GNU Tools Cauldron bring to your work?'  Overwhelmingly, as members of
an international community, respondents appreciated, value and enjoy
the benefit of being able to meet in person people they communicate
with remotely thereby fostering the community and strengthening
working relationships through social interaction with each other.

The annual cauldron is seen by respondents as a platform for face to
face contact, community development, a chance to engage with new
members, to update technical knowledge and better understand the
community.  Members articulate the benefits of discovering current
issues and gaining insight, listening to members of the community,
commenting on work being presented, contributing ideas and knowledge,
bringing lead developers together to gather consensus on key
development issues and standards,  networking, providing individuals
and groups with an ability to share, coordinate and plan future work,
sparking debate and new ideas.

Suggestions by respondents to improve future events cover a suggestion
to include tutorial sessions for newer community members, recording
all sessions and posting on a dedicated you tube channel, ensuring the
accommodation and housekeeping provision caters for the weather
conditions and the circulation of a list of attendees to aide
formation of specialist interest groups.  Overwhelmingly, respondents
wish microphones to be used and the acoustic quality of future
cauldrons to be improved.  Many had experienced an inability to hear

Respondents appreciate the informal and intimate size of the annual

I look forward to seeing you in Hebden Bridge next September.

In the meantime, have a very happy Christmas and New Year.


- -- 
Tel:     +44 (1590) 610184
Cell:    +44 (7970) 676050
SkypeID: jeremybennett
Twitter: @jeremypbennett
Email:   [email protected]
PGP key: 1024D/BEF58172FB4754E1 2009-03-20
Version: GnuPG v2


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