Interactive Tabletop System
We are focusing on Tabletop-style interactive surfaces, especially in Input/Output technology with Koike Lab. of the University of Electro-Communications.
- "Information Layout and Interaction Techniques on an Augmented Round Table"
Shintaro Kajiwara, Hideki Koike, Kentaro Fukuchi, Kenji Oka, Yoichi Sato: Proceedings of ICCV-HCI 2005 pp. 141-149, 2005.10 - "Information Layout and Interaction on Virtual and Real Rotary Table"
Hideki Koike, Shintaro Kajiwara, Kentaro Fukuchi: Second Annual IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems (Tabletop 2007) pp. 95-102, 2007.10 - "Informaton Layout and Interaction on Rotationable Round Tabletop Systems"
Shintaro Kajiwara, Hideki Koike, Kentaro Fukuchi, Yoichi Sato: IPSJ Journal Vol.49 No.7 pp. 2518-2527, 2008.7 (Japanese) - "OHAJIKI Interface: Flicking Gesture Recognition with a High-Speed Camera"
Toshiki Sato, Kentaro Fukuchi, Hideki Koike: Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2006 (LNCS4161) pp. 205-210, 2006.9 - "Camera-based Flicking Gesture Recognition and Game Applications"
Toshiki Sato, Kentaro Fukuchi, Hideki Koike: Proceedings of UIST 2006 , 2006.10 (demonstration paper) - "Implementation and Evaluation of Flicking Gesture Recognition with a High-Speed Camera"
Toshiki Sato, Kentaro Fukuchi, Hideki Koike: Transactions of Virtual Reality Society of Japan Vol.12, No.3 pp. 355-364, 2007.9 (Japanese) - "Implementation and Evaluations of Vision-based Finger Flicking Gesture Recognition for Tabletops"
Toshiki Sato, Kentaro Fukuchi, Hideki Koike: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human Computer System (TABLETOP) pp. 147-154, 2008.10 - "An Augmented Tabletop Video Game With Pinching Gesture Recognition"
Toshiki Sato, Haruko Mamiya, Hideki Koike, Kentaro Fukuchi: The 1st ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia 2008): Art Gallery & Emerging Technologies , 2008.12 - "A study on polarization on an LCD tabletop system: development of a transparent marker using optical films"
Hideki Koike, Wataru Nishikawa, Kentaro Fukuchi: Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan Vol.14, No. 1 pp. 111-120, 2009.3 (Japanese)
12th VRSJ best paper award - "PhotoelasticTouch: transparent rubbery interface using a LCD and photoelasticity"
Toshiki Sato, Haruko Mamiya, Taro Tokui, Hideki Koike, Kentaro Fukuchi: SIGGRAPH '09: ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Emerging Technologies , 2009.8 - "PhotoelasticTouch: Transparent Rubbery Tangible Interface using an LCD and Photoelasticity"
Toshiki Sato, Haruko Mamiya, Hideki Koike, Kentaro Fukuchi: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface software and Technology (UIST 2009) pp. 43-50, 2009.10 - "PAC-PAC: Pinching Gesture Recognition for Augmented Tabletop Video Game"
Toshiki Sato, Haruko Mamiya, Kentaro Fukuchi, Hideki Koike: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2009 (ITS2009) , 2009.11 (demonstration) - "Force-sensitive Rubbery User Interface using an LCD and Photoelasticity"
Toshiki Sato, Haruko Mamiya, Hideki Koike, Kentaro Fukuchi: Computer Software Vol.27 No.1 pp. 37-47, 2010.2 (Japanese) - "PAC-PAC: Pinching Gesture Recognition for Tabletop Entertainment System"
Kentaro Fukuchi, Toshiki Sato, Haruko Mamiya, Hideki Koike: Proceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2010) pp. 267-274, 2010.5 - "Pinching Gesture Recognition for Tabletop Entertainment System and Applications"
Kentaro Fukuchi, Toshiki Sato, Haruko Mamiya, Hideki Koike: VRSJ Vol.15 No.2 pp. 157-164, 2010.6 (Japanese) - "Hand and Object Recognition on Liquid Crystal Displays"
Hideki Koike, Toshiki Sato, Wataru Nishikawa, Kentaro Fukuchi: Tabletops -- Horizontal Interactive Displays (Human-Computer Interaction Series) pp. 131-146, 2010 - "Biri-biri: pressure-sensitive touch interface with electrical stimulation"
Haruna Eto, Yasushi Matoba, Toshiki Sato, Kentaro Fukuchi, Hideki Koike: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS 2011) , 2011.11 (demonstration paper) - "Ficon: a tangible display device for tabletop system using optical fiber"
Kentaro Fukuchi, Ryusuke Nakabayashi, Toshiki Sato, Yuta Takada: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS 2011) , 2011.11 (demonstration paper) - "A Touch Panel Technique Providing Tactile Feedback by Electrical Stimulation"
Haruna Eto, Yasushi Matoba, Toshiki Sato, Kentaro Fukuchi, Hideki Koike, Hiroyuki Kajimoto: IPSJ Symposium Series Vol. 2012, No. 3 pp. 105-112, 2012.3 - "Ficon: a Touch-capable Tangible 3D Display using Optical Fiber"
Yuta Takada, Ryusuke Nakabayashi, Kentaro Fukuchi: Proceedings of ITS 2012 Workshop: Beyond Flat Displays , 2012.11 (workshop) - "Ficon:a 3D Displaying Tangible Device for Tabletop System"
Yuta Takada, Ryusuke Nakabayashi, Kentaro Fukuchi: Proceedings of Interaction 2014 pp. 100-107, 2014.2