Brussels / 2 & 3 February 2013


Power to the people - the OpenJDK PowerPC/AIX port

The PowerPC/AIX porting project currently driven by IBM and SAP is a good example how the OpenJDK fosters the cooperation of different players in the Java ecosystem in an open environment.

The project was initially started in June 2012 with the goal to provide a full-featured and certifiable version of OpenJDK on the Linux and AIX PowerPC platforms. By now the PowerPC/AIX port can successfully run a couple of different standard benchmarks in mixed mode (C++ interpreter plus C2 "server" JIT compiler) and passes the JCK test on both platforms.

This talk will describe what we've done to reach the current state and what still needs to be done until we can integrate our port into the main JDK8 code line which is the ultimate goal of the project.


Volker Simonis
Goetz Lindenmaier
Steve Poole
