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Latest Announcements

PTC v74 Release Thread

Hey Everyone, The Public Test Channel (PTC) for Quest v74 started to roll out today for Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest Pro, Meta Quest 3 and Meta Quest 3S. If you're seeing an issue or bug after updating to...


PTC v.72 Update for Quest 2 Customers

The Public Test Channel (PTC) Quest v72 is starting to roll out for Meta Quest 2. The issues that some users encountered with the previous update have been resolved with this build. Check to see if yo...


Quest 2/3S/3 Software Update Issue

Update 1/22/25: v72 is now rolling out to Ques 2, Quest 3 and 3S devices that includes a fix for the update issue some users faced in December. If you still need support with an affected device please...


Our Community Guidelines

(Updated as of: November 2024) The first and foremost objective to any game is to HAVE FUN. Right? That’s exactly what we hope for all members on the Meta Community Forums. To ensure that happens, and...


Community Activity

Creating Meta Quest Account and restoring purchases

Hello,I just got out my Oculus Quest after about 2 years. Now I wanted to login and play a bit of climb, but had to realize that nothing works as expected. After some updates it seems that I would need a Meta Account, but after further research such ...

Meta Quest Link lässt sich nicht instalieren

Hallo zusammen, ich versuche nun seit über einem halben Jahr meine Meta Quest App auf dem PC zu instllieren. Dies funktioniert allerdings nicht. Ich habe mir alles an Tutorials und hilfen angesehen und ausprobiert aber nichts hat funktioniert. Als ic...

Resolved! Rendering Issue passthrough

Hi Everyone,I'm currently developing an AR game for the Meta Quest 3, and I’m encountering a rendering issue when using PC VR with passthrough. The problem seems to be related to the passthrough feature because my virtual hands are displayed correctl...


Hi audio issue For airlink/linkable

Iv'e just bought Arizona sunshine remake. I run it from pcvr using airlink or link cable for quest 3s.I have issue with sound that plays on my pc but doesn't play in quest3 every other of my games are fine with audio just Arizona sunshine i don't kno...

Welcome to the Meta Community Forums!

This is your place to chat with other members from all over about some of our Meta products, services, apps.

Join our VR Forums to discuss Meta Quest, where you can get help, find answers, and chat with other community members and experts.

Visit our Meta Horizon Worlds board to talk with other creators.
For developers, we have a dedicated section that you can join to share, ask questions, and participate in discussions about what you're working on or interested to see.

To get started, we ask that you read our Community Guidelines fully before your first post.

Welcome to the community and we'll see you around!

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