Facts and Figures: 2.637 Forscher*innenprofile (davon 1005 mit ORCID-ID), 8.063 Forschungsprojekte, 149.168 Publikationen, Posters und Vorträge, 61.001 Volltextlinks (davon Volltext frei zugänglich: > 26.662 (Open Access) )
Aktuelle Zitierungen im Web of Science: 1.829.625, davon 3.579 citation classics (>=100 Zitierungen) Summe Altmetrics Score: 273.584
Genome of Europe
Projektleitung: Heitzer Ellen
Laufzeit: 01.10.2024 - 31.03.2028
Geldgeber: Europäische Kommission
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG/mit peer review)
Sport und das Ansprechen auf Immuntherapie bei Lungenkrebs.
Projektleitung: Taucher Elisabeth Marie
Laufzeit: 01.01.2025 - 31.12.2027
Geldgeber: FWF, Fonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Stolz, E; Schultz, A; Hoogendijk, EO; Theou, O; Rockwood, K
Short-term frailty index fluctuations in older adults: Noise or signal?
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2024;
Doi: 10.1093/gerona/glae262
Angiari, S; Carlucci, T; Budui, SL; Bach, SD; Dusi, S; Walter, J; Ellmeier, E; Schnabl, A; Stracke, A; Bordag, N; Tafrali, C; Demjaha, R; Khalil, M; Angelini, G; Terrabuio, E; Pietronigro, EC; Zenaro, E; Laudanna, C; Rossi, B; Constantin, G
Coenzyme A fueling with pantethine limits autoreactive T cell pathogenicity in experimental neuroinflammation.
J Neuroinflammation. 2024; 21(1): 287
Doi: 10.1186/s12974-024-03270-w
Garden, GL; Fan, KS; Paterson, M; Shojaee-Moradie, F; Borg, Inguanez, M; Manoli, A; Edwards, V; Lee, V; Frier, BM; Hutchison, EJ; Maher, D; Mathieu, C; Mitchell, SJ; Heller, SR; Roberts, GA; Shaw, KM; Koehler, G; Mader, JK; King, BR; Russell-Jones, DL, , EASA, Diabetes, Consortium
Effects of atmospheric pressure change during flight on insulin pump delivery and glycaemic control of pilots with insulin-treated diabetes: an in vitro simulation and a retrospective observational real-world study.
Diabetologia. 2024;
Doi: 10.1007/s00125-024-06295-1
Niknam, J; Mussnig, S; Matthias, C; Waller, M; Keil, N; Krenn, S; Beige, J; Schneditz, D; Hecking, M
The weighing process in patients on hemodialysis: an opportunity to improve volume management
CLIN KIDNEY J. 2024; 17(10): sfae275
Doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfae275
Web of Science
Med Uni Graz publications1 were assigned quintiles according to the normalized2 Clarivate’s Journal Impact Factor of the journal at the time of publication.
Proportional Distribution: The color-coded columns show the distribution by JIFnorm-quintiles, while the left vertical axis indicates the proportion relative to the total articles published in a given year. The red line shows the total number of articles published each year (right vertical axis).
Absolute Impact: The sum of the normalized JIFs for all published articles in a given year, color-coded according to the respective quintile.
1 This analysis considered only publications categorized as full papers/original articles.
2 IFnorm = (number of journals in WoS category - ranking of journal + 1) / number of journals in JCR SCIE/SSCI category. An IFnorm of 0.8 means that 20% of the journals in this subject category have a higher IF than the respective journal. The highest possible IFnorm is 1, which means that this journal currently has the highest IF in this subject category.