Google's Flood Forecasting Upcoming API Waitlist 
Thank you for showing interest in Google's new Flood Forecasting API. To enter the API waitlist please kindly fill out the form below. We will reach out to you once the API development is complete and it is ready to be made available for your use.

Thanks you,

The Flood Forecasting team at Google Research

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
What kind of use will you need it for? *
Organization name: *
Organization URL (please provide a link to the website describing your org): *
Please write a short description of your use case for the API. 

*Do not include confidential or proprietary information in your answer.* 
By checking the box below,  you agree to our collection and use of your information solely to contact you in connection with the availability of the Google Flood Forecasting API.  Use of your information will be in compliance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.  

Note: To update or request deletion your info, please submit another form with your updated info or include "delete" in the use case.  
Your use of the Google Flood Forecasting API will be subject to the Google API Terms of Service, including the Google Flood Forecasting API Additional Terms (provided below).  Please review the terms and confirm that you can comply.

By checking the box below,  you agree to the Google  API Terms of Service including the following Additional Terms.

Additional Terms
Section A: Non Commercial 


Any model predictions or output provided or made available to Partner, including the Google Flood Forecasting Dataset or relevant tools (collectively, “Predictions”), might include publicly available information, or information that is created by Google using such public information. As a user of the Predictions, Partner agrees and acknowledges that (i) Predictions might include defects, errors, or other problems that could cause failures or other harmful effects; (ii) Predictions are provided on an "AS-IS" basis without any warranties, express or implied; and (iii) Google does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Partners will not use the Predictions for the preservation of life or property. 

Google reserves the right to discontinue Partner’s access to the Predictions at any time and for any reason. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Partner is solely responsible for Partner’s use of the Predictions, and Partner’s use will at all times comply with the terms of the Agreement and applicable laws.

Section B: Floods disclaimer 

This map displays the approximate flood area based on Google Flood Forecasting models that use data from public sources such as ECMWF, NASA, and  NOAA. Accuracy levels and confidence levels may vary over time and locations. You should not use the information presented on the website as a sole source of data as actual flood conditions may vary. Unless otherwise stated, the models do not use data provided by governmental entities, nor is Google Flood Forecasting project affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by any governmental entity.  

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