Request a Donation Receipt
Please complete and submit the form below to request a copy of your donation receipt. If you would like a receipt for an online gift, please use the email address you used to make your donation.
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Email *
Full Name *
Mailing Address
Please include your street address, city, state, and zip code. Add your country if not in the US.
Would you like a receipt for one specific gift, or a statement of all gifts in a calendar year? *
If requesting a single gift receipt, select the approximate date of your donation.
If requesting a giving statement, please select the calendar year. 
Giving statements for the previous year are available starting January 31.
Gift Amount
Payment Method *
Any other information to share with us?
Depending on your donation method, this is a great place to include the check number, financial institution your gift came from, stock name and number of shares (if you donated stock), or any other helpful details about your gift. We will reach out to you with any questions, otherwise, we will email your receipt within 1-2 business days. Kindly check all spam folders to ensure that you receive it.
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