DevFest Pescara 2024 - Code of Conduct Violation
To report a potential violation of DevFest Pescara’s Code of Conduct, we ask that you supply the event organizers with the information requested. Once a submission is received, DevFest Pescara Organizers will review the submission.

For Anonymous submissions, we can't follow up with you directly, but we will fully investigate it and take whatever action is necessary to prevent a recurrence.
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Are you presently safe and no longer facing harassment?
If not, please stop and find an event organizer immediately at the registration booth or wearing the event organizer lanyards. Our team will be happy to help you contact venue security, local law enforcement, local support services, provide escorts, or otherwise assist you to feel safe for the duration of the event. We value your attendance.
Do you have any identifying information around the individual(s) doing the harassment?
If you are able to, please describe the behavior that occurred. Please include any relevant information such as time and place.
Optional - If you wish, please provide some contact information to be in touch.
Thank you
We value your attendance.

A primary goal of GDG Pescara is to be inclusive to the largest number of contributors, with the most varied and diverse backgrounds possible. As such, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and religion (or lack thereof). GDG Pescara prides itself on being an open, respectful, and inclusive community. That means the jerky behavior isn’t allowed at GDG meetings/events.
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