Helping with new business challenges
COVID-19 is causing unprecedented challenges for businesses of all sizes. At the same time, new businesses and initiatives are starting up to help support new community needs and compensate for lost revenue. Many businesses are moving online, introducing new ways of connecting with customers via video and web interactions, and introducing new services like order pickup and delivery. Developers can help with these new challenges and opportunities.

If you’d like to help, please fill out this form and let businesses know what capabilities you offer. By entering your name and contact information you'll be making that information available to anyone viewing the spreadsheet. You can remove your information at any time.

Founders, small business owners, and team leads, check out this spreadsheet [0] to find resources to help with current needs.

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Name *
Email address or LinkedIn or other professional profile *
Name of company or organization *
Services offered?
If a developer, what programming languages and frameworks do you know?
Which platforms are you able to set up or help modifying?
Where are you located? (Include city and state/country) *
What languages do you speak? *
Hours available per week *
Please indicate whether you wish to volunteer or be paid *
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