Pet Parent Budget Diaries, Part I
Thank you for your interest in the Pet Parent Budget Diaries. We're so excited to learn more about you and your pet! Please fill out the information below, and we'll contact you if we're interested in a potential story.
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What's your email address and/or phone number?
What's your age?
Where do you live (city and state)?
What's your occupation?
What's your gross annual income?
What's your pet's name?
What type of pet do you have? (dog, cat, rabbit, etc.)
What's your pet's gender?
What breed or breed mix is your pet?
How old is your pet?
How much does your pet weigh?
What's the silliest or most extravagant thing you've bought for your pet?
Is your pet up to date on their vaccinations and pest prevention?
Is your pet spayed or neutered? If not, why not?
Please link to your social accounts!
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