Snapchat Cam Interest Form
We're excited that you want to enhance your fan experience with Snapchat Cam! Please fill out the form below to help us better understand your use case and requirements. 
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First/Last Name  *
Company  *
Email *
Phone *
Address *
Website (Optional) 
Are you interested in Snapchat Cam for one of the following uses? (Check all that apply) *

Are you requesting on behalf of another business (e.g. Are you are an agency)?


Please describe the use case and a detailed explanation of how you intend to use Snapchat Cam.


Please share some basic details around your current video I/O setup.


Is your request for prototyping or experimentation purposes?

Once you have a use case to launch to the public, you will be subject to final App Review approval for your use case. Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.


Do you currently have Apple OS hardware on hand (MacBook, Mac Mini, etc.) running an M2 or newer CPU?

Preferred Contact Method *
Questions and Comments
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