C11 hours ago15 Things That Make Dogs Better Pets (And 5 That Make Cats the Winners)DOGGO DIGEST - Linnea Hansen, Author, BSc SociologyDogs and cats have been humanity’s companions for centuries. Both have their own charm and quirks that make them lovable in their own right. However, …
C1 day agoThe 10 Worst Things About Owning a Dogthediscerningcat.com - Amanda OBrienDogs are known as man’s best friend for a reason—they’re loyal, loving, and often a great source of joy. But as wonderful as they can be, owning a …
C9 hours ago13 Smells Cats Despise (And Dangerous Scents You Should Avoid At All Costs)Cuteness - Lisa MaloneyWho doesn't love a nice waft of essential oils, perfume, or maybe a fragrant flower? Your cat, that's who. Not because they're judgey (although, of …
C9 hours ago10 Signs Your Dog Overreacts to Thingsthediscerningcat.com - Amanda OBrienDogs, like humans, have different personalities and temperaments. Some are laid-back and relaxed, while others are highly reactive and easily …
C6 hours agoWhy Male Tortoiseshell Cats Are So Rare (And The High Price You'll Pay For One)Cuteness - Sanaphay RattanavongOwning a male tortoiseshell cat is like owning a piece of feline treasure — but it can come with a high price, both financially and emotionally. …
C7 hours ago10 Reasons Having a Cat is the Best Therapy Money Can Buythediscerningcat.com - Amanda OBrienLife can be stressful, overwhelming, and sometimes downright exhausting. While there are plenty of ways to cope with the ups and downs, one of the …