photo by bigwhitefish
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Castle in Schwerin Germany
Urban-Expl☮ation by c-k-berlin37 months ago0 replies
Merci d'accepter ma contribution à votre groupe
raby.jean52 months ago1 replies
Bonjour J'ai posté 2 ou 3 photos qui j'espère vous plairont...
B & W
JEAN TOUSSAINT TOSI73 months ago0 replies
i just posted 2 that do not work in this group couldn't delete
terryjohnpratt.com81 months ago0 replies
Hello !
J'aime bien la couleur... Mais je reste très attaché au b&w ainsi qu'à mon vieu...
Anonymous-Visitor100 months ago0 replies
I find B&W photos special. It's not be used all the time but it's captivating wh...
Carlos Henrique Pereira102 months ago1 replies
#1 Grace's Wedding #2 Palms and #3 Jane
What do you think of these photos ?
Ngena-Ngena Photos102 months ago1 replies
New member
Hi, I take about 90% in B&W have loved the medium since the olden days of film. ...
acrid summer120 months ago1 replies
Hi all, I love BW images, especially people and street photography. I came acro...
helzwayages ago1 replies
Other duotones
I am checking if other duotones apart from sepia such a cyanotype are OK in this...
jonathan charles photoages ago0 replies
Often more fascinating than the object itself ...also gives you a chance to be t...
-Steve Roe-ages ago14 replies
A thread for you to post your best images in silhouette.
-Steve Roe-ages ago12 replies
Unusual angles.
Post your images here that have been taken from a slightly different perspective...
-Steve Roe-ages ago21 replies
Cemeteries and Graveyards.
Often a favourite for us fans of black and you have any photographs ...
-Steve Roe-ages ago51 replies
Hi Everyone - new thread. Available light.
Thanks for the invitation to help moderate the pool. I'm kind of new to this so...
-Steve Roe-ages ago34 replies
Surreal, bizarre or just plain odd? Post it here!
-Steve Roe-ages ago9 replies
New Here...
Hi everyone, hope it's okay if I join the group...I've noticed it seems most eve...
Jimbosbabyages ago3 replies
Good luck to all members!
I think you will enjoy this team and you will feel comfortable. Good photos for ...
bigwhitefishages ago8 replies
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