1. Flex parent settings

Just set a parent element to display: flex, then define alignment, wrap child elements into rows, or reverse the layout.
Easily build flexible, responsive layouts—without writing code. Only in Webflow.
It’s a powerful layout mechanism that lets you solve common responsive web design problems with ease. And with Webflow, you can do it all in 2 simple interfaces.
Just set a parent element to display: flex, then define alignment, wrap child elements into rows, or reverse the layout.
Then give the child elements their own resizing behavior, alignment options, and even device-specific display order.
Flexbox can help you solve some seriously tough layout problems—like those below—in seconds.
Easily build creative layouts that let your content shine.
Easily achieve popular but difficult design patterns.
Create a split-screen layout in seconds — without using any grid systems.
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Create a fullscreen hero cover page.
Easily create a gracefully reflowing grid.
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Create a fully responsive layout with a header, footer, and a 3-column body.
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Vertically center content in a section—or the browser window—with a couple clicks.
Keep your card designs vertically aligned, no matter how long or short the content gets.
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Highlight one image within a beautiful grid.
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Easily build all the most common layouts for feature lists.
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Easily build clear and easy-to-read pricing tables. Without tables.
Easily create a responsive grid to guide your designs.
It’s a web design tool, CMS, and hosting platform in one.
BTW, we're looking for amazing front-end engineers to build tools like this.