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- Talk:Archimedean solid
- Truncated cube
- Prism (geometry)
- Rhombicosidodecahedron
- Triakis tetrahedron
- Triakis octahedron
- Cylinder
- Uniform polyhedron
- Pentagonal prism
- Hexagonal prism
- Truncated hexagonal tiling
- Rhombitrihexagonal tiling
- Octagonal prism
- Dodecagonal prism
- Truncated heptagonal tiling
- Spherical polyhedron
- Uniform tilings in hyperbolic plane
- Heptagonal prism
- Template:Expanded table
- Template:Truncated figure1 table
- Template:UniformPrisms
- Truncated octagonal tiling
- Rhombitrioctagonal tiling
- Truncated order-3 apeirogonal tiling
- Rhombitriapeirogonal tiling
- Template:Truncated figure1 small table
- Template:Expanded small table
- Uniform tiling symmetry mutations
- User:The Nth User
- User:The Nth User/Extended Archimedean solid table
- Lists of uniform tilings on the sphere, plane, and hyperbolic plane
- User:AVALSAWALSslava