LIVE STREAM The stream link is You can ask questions via Telegram, which is associated to the room of the talk as listed below.

Telegram Saal - Galerie -

The openSUSE Conference 2023 is scheduled to take place May 26 to May 28. The first talks will begin at 9:30 a.m. The pre-party before the event is scheduled to be on May 25 at the Kater Murr. The openSUSE Conference is the annual openSUSE community event that brings people from around the world together to meet and collaborate. The organized talks, workshops, and BoF sessions provide a framework around more casual meet ups and hack sessions.

Streaming, Workshops and online

We will post the streaming link of the conference HERE once it is available on the day of the event. We are asking participants to incorporate people who want to join online for the workshops. Join the workshops in either or The workshop will be associated with the room listed on the schedule. Most workshops will take place in Seminarraum1, so go to


Those who are not a citizen of a Schengen country that are planning to attend should view the overview of visa requirements/exemptions for entry into the Federal Republic of Germany, which can be found at the Federal Foreign Office website. ** Rock im Park**

The music festival Rock im Park (June 2 - 4) will take place a week after the conference. Attendees for the conference are encouraged to book their hotel as soon as possible. Most Rock in Park visitors do not come the week early and camp, but booking a hotel in advance is always recommended.


We will look to implement the Public Health Pledge to ensure our attendees know that we are giving consideration for the health conditions and environment at the venue.

openSUSE Conference 2023 has the most awesome program ever!



May 26 - 28, 2023


Cloud, Containers, Virtualization

May 26 - 28, 2023

Focuses on cloud, container and virtualization technologies


May 26 - 28, 2023

Select this track if you want to talk about growing the openSUSE/FOSS community and collaborating with upstream and peer projects.

Conference BBQ

May 27 2023


Embedded Systems and Edge Computing

May 26 - 28, 2023

Embedded systems are accelerating and every year there are more talks associated with embedded systems and edge computing. Select this track if your talk involves either one of these topics.


May 26 2023

Marcus Ludwig is the Managing Director of Bright Giant GmbH. Bright Giant offers software solutions for small molecule identification by mass spectrometry based on...

New Technologies

May 26 - 28, 2023

Select this track if you have a talk about a new project or tech you would like to discuss.

Open Source

May 26 - 28, 2023

If have a topic that centers on FOSS, but doesn't fall into one of the other categories, select this track.


May 26 - 28, 2023

Submit a talk related to openSUSE.


The Z-Bau - House for Contemporary Culture is open to all people who reject any form of discrimination. Due to this open orientation, people with different life plans, expectations, wishes, ideas and goals come together. Therefore, it is also a living space and thus a place for conviviality, discussion, networking and interdisciplinary understanding.

The Z-Bau is municipally funded, but is politically independent. Beyond its location, we regard the Z-Bau and its actors as an attentive and critically constructive voice of cultural politics. A reflected awareness is brought to bear on the tension between freedom and economy. In the negotiation of these two aspects, which is to be continuously updated, the non-profit, common good-oriented basic orientation applies.


Frankenstrasse 200
90461, Nürnberg

Diamond Sponsors

Emerald Sponsor

Donation / Community Sponsors

Want to sponsor? Contact us!