EU environmental, and migration and asylum policies, would see a major setback from the work of the previous mandate. \"Against a backdrop of stirring populism, which may reach a new peak with the return of Donald Trump as US president later this year, parties of the political mainstream need to wake up and take clear stock of voter demands,\" professor Simon Hix, co-author, and Stein Rokkan, chair of comparative politics at the European University Institute, said.
The results should also be read in a national context, the authors of the study argue, as they could particularly influence voters in countries such as Austria, which has national elections scheduled for autumn 2024, or Germany, which is expected to hold its next parliamentary elections in 2025.
\"While progressive European leaders cannot, and should not, tell voters what to do, they can build a credible alternative to a sharp right turn in the political mandate given to the next set of EU institutions,\" the report concludes.","abstract":"The EU Parliament is expected to see a rise of the far-right after the upcoming elections, according to a new study — but what would the coalitions look like and what would be the policy implications?","headline":"EU Parliament will see far-right surge at election, study says","location":"Brussels","publishDate":1706050862000,"tweet":"'We expect that populist voices, particularly on the radical right, are likely to be louder after the 2024 elections than at any point since the European parliament was first directly elected in 1979', reads the report #ECFR","articleFormat":0,"membership":1,"status":2,"section":[{"type":"section","id":"506324822d","title":"EU Political","hidden":false},{"type":"section","id":"509704cb00","title":"EU Elections","hidden":false}],"related":[{"id":"ar47d65e3e","headline":"Coming-of-age — what do young want from the 2024 EP election?","section":[{"type":"section","id":"508bf89c3a","title":"Health & Society","hidden":false}]},{"id":"ar51d227c3","headline":"Countering the far-right before EU elections - too little, too late?","section":[{"type":"section","id":"5019a5cd48","title":"Rule of Law","hidden":false},{"type":"section","id":"506324822d","title":"EU Political","hidden":false},{"type":"section","id":"509704cb00","title":"EU Elections","hidden":false}]},{"id":"ar868b49a5","headline":"Can Green Deal survive the 2024 European election?","section":[{"type":"section","id":"506324822d","title":"EU Political","hidden":false},{"type":"section","id":"50739332cc","title":"Green Economy","hidden":false},{"type":"section","id":"509704cb00","title":"EU Elections","hidden":false},{"type":"section","id":"50dee1923e","title":"Opinion","hidden":false}]},{"id":"are1b9a00c","headline":"New era? How young MEPs influence EU decision-making","section":[{"type":"section","id":"506324822d","title":"EU Political","hidden":false},{"type":"section","id":"508bf89c3a","title":"Health & Society","hidden":false}]}],"articleType":[],"headerImageCaption":"Anti-EU populists are expected to top polls in nine member states: Austria, Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, Slovakia and the Czech Republic","img":{"id":"fi965a90f5","src":"","credit":{"sourceUrl":""}},"author":{"id":"eu4d84e821","firstName":"Paula","lastName":"Soler","bio":"
Paula joined EUobserver in January 2023 and left for Euronews in 2024. Previously she worked for the Spanish online newspaper El Confidencial, where she covered mainly economic and financial affairs.","twitterusername":"pausoler98","email":"[email protected]"}},"c":13908788961907,"s":8327}}
Anti-EU populists are expected to top polls in nine member states: Austria, Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, Slovakia and the Czech Republic EU Parliament will see far-right surge at election, study says
The European Parliament will swing sharply to the right after the June elections, with anti-EU populist parties gaining seats across the continent, according to a new report by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) think-tank.
"This could have significant implications for the EU Commission and Council's ability to take forward environmental and foreign policy commitments, including the next phase of the European Green ...
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Paula joined EUobserver in January 2023 and left for Euronews in 2024. Previously she worked for the Spanish online newspaper El Confidencial, where she covered mainly economic and financial affairs.
Anti-EU populists are expected to top polls in nine member states: Austria, Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, Slovakia and the Czech Republic Tags
Author Bio
Paula joined EUobserver in January 2023 and left for Euronews in 2024. Previously she worked for the Spanish online newspaper El Confidencial, where she covered mainly economic and financial affairs.
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