I’ll just come out and say it: You Deserve a Tech Union was positively reviewed in Labor Notes. Here’s an excerpt:
Though Marcotte admits he is a self-employed web designer who has never been in or organized a union, he has consulted with some of the best and the brightest in union and tech-worker organizing to fashion a wonderful back-pocket book, perfect for any tech worker interested in powering up and getting a union. At around 150 pages it is full of clear advice on organizing, as well as some captivating history of technology.
There are two reasons I’m freaking out about this.1
First: c’mon, it’s Labor Notes. If you’ve already read my book, you’re already familiar with the name: Labor Notes is a nonprofit organization that provides union members and labor activists with the training, resources, and community they need. Their monthly magazine is excellent, and I’ve been an enthusiastic subscriber for years. To put it mildly, it’s an incredible honor to see You Deserve a Tech Union positively reviewed in the publication that’s taught me so much about the labor movement.
And it’s an incredible honor to have been reviewed by Peter Olney. He is, among many other things, a longtime labor organizer, the former organizing director of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), and the co-editor of John Womack’s Labor Power and Strategy. Peter’s organizing career spans literal decades, and I’m overwhelmed that he took the time to even read my book — much less write such a thorough and encouraging review of it.
I’m feeling several emotions right now, as you might imagine. But at the moment, the overwhelming one is gratitude.
But, y’know, freaking out in, like, a totally cool and normal way. Yep. ↩︎