Hi, it’s me, the one with a new book coming out. It’s called You Deserve a Tech Union, and it’s gonna be here in less than a week.

Given that it’s gonna be here in less than a week1, I thought I’d give you a little peek at what’s inside the book. Namely, here’s a rundown of the table of contents: I’ve included the title for each chapter, and added a little line to describe what each chapter covers.

Let’s go!

  1. Introduction. A bit about You Deserve a Tech Union — what it covers, and what it doesn’t — and why I’m writing it.
  2. Just Work. Let’s talk about power, and about what it means to be a tech worker.
  3. In Our Strength, Safety. What collective action looks like in tech, and why it matters.
  4. What Is a Union? What it says on the tin: a definition of unions, how they function, and what they do.
  5. Every Tech Worker Deserves a Union. A high-level overview of the process for forming a union in the United States.
  6. Tech Solidarity, Forever. Some thoughts to wrap things up: on automation and “AI”; on building power for all tech workers; and on where we could go from here.
  7. Acknowledgments.
  8. Resources.

That’s it! At about 170 pages, the book provides a short, focused look at why tech workers need to build power collectively — and shows how they can start doing just that.

Now, a list of chapter titles is fine. But, hey: maybe you’d like something more. Maybe you’d rather, say, look over an excerpt of the book? For, like, free?

Well! As it happens, A Book Apart’s just released part of the fifth and final chapter, and made it freely available. Simply visit the book’s product page, fill out the form, and you’ll get a free PDF excerpt of “Tech Solidarity, Forever” emailed to you. I hope you like it — and if you do, that you’ll consider supporting the book in whatever way feels right to you.

Woof. August 15. It’s coming up real soon, isn’t it?


  1. i’m totally calm and not at all anxious it’s fine i’m fine ↩︎