Spine Runtimes Guide
This guide will teach you how to load, render, and manipulate skeletons in your applications using the Spine Runtimes.
User Guide Search
This guide will teach you how to load, render, and manipulate skeletons in your applications using the Spine Runtimes.
${text.substring(0, 400)} ...
` resultUi.style.display = "flex"; resultUi.style.flexDirection = "column"; return resultUi; } function stripMarkdown(markdownText) { const htmlText = markdownText .replace(/#/g, "") .replace(/(\*\*|__)(.*?)\1/g, '$2') // Bold **text** or __text__ .replace(/(\*|_)(.*?)\1/g, '$2') // Italic *text* or _text_ .replace(/\~\~(.*?)\~\~/g, '$1') // Strikethrough ~~text~~ .replace(/\!\[[^\]]*\]\([^\)]*\)/g, '') // Remove images ![alt text](image.jpg) .replace(/\[([^\]]*)\]\([^\)]*\)/g, '$1') // Corrected: Remove links [text](http://) but keep the text .replace(/#+\s?(.*?)\n/g, '$1\n') // Remove headers, adjusted to capture text after # .replace(/\n-\s/g, '') // Remove lists .replace(/\n\d+\.\s/g, '') // Remove numbered lists .replace(/\n>/g, '') // Remove blockquotes .replace(/`{3}.*?`{3}/gs, '') // Remove fenced code blocks .replace(/`(.+?)`/g, '$1') // Remove inline code .replace(/\[.*?\]/g, '') .replace(/\n/g, ' '); // Replace new lines with spaces return htmlText.trim(); }