Description: Electron shell diagram for Sulfur, the 16th element in the periodic table of elements. * Author:Pumbaa (original work by Greg Robson) * Application: (generated by script) ==
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2006-04-18T11:57:46Z File Upload Bot (Pumbaa80) 800x860 (2294 Bytes) * '''Description:''' Electron shell diagram for Sulfur, the 16th element in the periodic table of elements. * '''Author:''' [[User:Pumbaa80|Pumbaa]] (original work by [[User:GregRobson|Greg Robson]]) * '''Application:''' (ge
2006-04-17T16:52:17Z File Upload Bot (Pumbaa80) 800x860 (2294 Bytes) * '''Description:''' Electron shell diagram for Sulfur, the 16th element in the periodic table of elements. * '''Author:''' [[User:Pumbaa80|Pumbaa]] (original work by [[User:GregRobson|Greg Robson]]) * '''Application:''' (ge
== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description=* '''Description:''' Electron shell diagram for Sulfur, the 16th element in the periodic table of elements. * '''Author:''' Pumbaa (original work by Greg Robson) * ...