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Bakumatsu (幕末 bakumatsu, "Late Tokugawa Shogunate", literally "closing curtain") refers to the final years of the Edo period when the Tokugawa shogunate ended. Between 1853 and 1867 Japan ended its isolationist foreign policy known as sakoku and changed from a feudal Tokugawa shogunate to the pre-modern empire of the Meiji government. The major ideological-political divide during this period was between the pro-imperial nationalists called ishin shishi and the shogunate forces, which included the elite shinsengumi swordsmen.

Although these two groups were the most visible powers, many other factions attempted to use the chaos of Bakumatsu to seize personal power. Furthermore, there were two other main driving forces for dissent: first, growing resentment on the part of the tozama daimyo (or outside lords), and second, growing anti-western sentiment following the arrival of Matthew C. Perry. The first related to those lords who had fought against Tokugawa forces at the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 and had from that point on been excluded permanently from all powerful positions within the shogunate. The second was to be expressed in the phrase sonnō jōi, or "revere the Emperor, expel the barbarians". The turning point of the Bakumatsu was during the Boshin War and the Battle of Toba-Fushimi when pro-shogunate forces were defeated.


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  • Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)

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developed with YouTube
The Complicated Bakumatsu Period Explained by Shogo

The Complicated Bakumatsu Period Explained by Shogo

  • Order:
  • Duration: 17:40
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Apr 2022
  • views: 4505
▼Who is Shogo?▼ https://youtu.be/nhEamHfzyyg ▼Related videos in this channel▼ -I Regret It All the Time | We Achieved 1M Subscribers https://youtu.be/hGqNVzc0Ijk -But We Don't Love You Because You Are... https://youtu.be/_YQS2krfsts -Why I'm Grateful I'm Sick https://youtu.be/o0FKXaJKFRo ▼MY DREAM▼ https://youtu.be/EgowIV_kagA “To make every Japan lovers’ dream come true, by making Japan a more secure, comfortable, and safer place for everyone to visit, study, and live in” I will be using the profit I gain from this channel at restaurants, hotels, and cultural facilities in Kyoto to introduce them. The more you listen to the videos on this channel, Kyoto and Japan will become a more exciting place, and you can support your own and others’ dreams in the future even more. ▼[Main channel] Let’s ask Shogo -Your Japanese friend in Kyoto▼ https://www.youtube.com/c/LetsaskShogoYourJapanesefriendinKyoto Please subscribe!! ▼Join our Membership of the main channel▼ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn7DCb9ttrcw9h3vh9dfnVw/join ●Membership benefits -Limited behind-the-scene videos -Weekly live stream -Priority reply to comments ▼[Listen to the real voices of the Japanese] "Voices from Japan series"▼ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpIWoYf9KNFXxLyeQa85jDudDKqkwPg-2 ▼[For YOU traveling to Kyoto] Check out the "Kyoto Hidden Gems" that we introduce▼ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpIWoYf9KNFU2YmZtyfKJi9-MCpycAPWy ▼Instagram▼ https://www.instagram.com/lets_ask_shogo/ *Please ask me questions through the DM here!(⚠️I do not use e-mail) ▼Shogo’s profile▼ Hello everyone, and thank you for watching my videos! I’m Shogo, a Kyoto born & Hiroshima raised Japanese, that grew up in Michigan USA for 6 years, and studied Mandarin in Beijing university for a year! I live in Kyoto now, as I train in Iaido(katana), Sado(tea ceremony), and Noh theatre(traditional stage art). In this channel, you can take a closer look at Japanese traditional culture, tips on traveling to Kyoto, and social problems in Japan. So learners and lovers of Japanese language and culture, be sure to subscribe to enjoy more content! If you enjoyed this video, please hit the LIKE button, and share with your friends and family! My goal is “to achieve 1,000,000 subscribers by January 2023”, so your help would mean a lot! #letsaskshogo #thankyou #forlistening
Foundations of the Bakufu | The Edo Period Episode 1

Foundations of the Bakufu | The Edo Period Episode 1

  • Order:
  • Duration: 22:05
  • Uploaded Date: 15 Apr 2023
  • views: 98439
The Edo period begins! This is the first episode in the new series which will cover the story of the Edo period throughout the years! An age of relative peace in Japan born out of the chaos of the Sengoku Jidai and ending in the fires of the Boshin war. Check out the Sengoku Jidai Series: Chapter 1 Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrlMflnRScAIr915STSG0JQMYfFl8LE6I Chapter 2 Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrlMflnRScALNPCkc6_k2cQURsHfGtXe_ Chapter 3 Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrlMflnRScALSdPqBSdG8RJHHzRvCexCN Chapter 4 Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrlMflnRScALGkE9XxqgWYaN6b6xmt7-y -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources Used: "A History of Japan: 1615-1867" by George Sansom "A History of Japan" by RHP Mason and JG Caiger "A History of the Samurai" by Jonathan López-Vera Additional information found through the Japanese Wiki Corpus and Samurai Archives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from: "Forest Lullaby" by Asher Fulero "The Sea Captain & The Mermaid" by Asher Fulero "In the West" by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100746 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ Video footage from Adobe Stock Footage Artwork: Classical art, which in most cases can be considered public domain. Art from Osprey Publications. Other modern artist renditions and photos, if you see your work in this video please contact me so that I can give you proper credit! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theshogunateyoutube Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShogunateThe Support the channel on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/theshogunateyt?fan_landing=true #Samurai​​ #History​​ #Japan​
Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)

Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:21
  • Uploaded Date: 27 Apr 2019
  • views: 1725027
This episode is Sponsored by Wix! Support the Simple History channel by going to: https://www.wix.com/go/simplehistory Let's take a tour of Edo, Japan's capital (now Tokyo) during the Tokugawa Period. Become a Simple History member: https://www.youtube.com/simplehistory/join Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/simplehistory Copyright: DO NOT translate and re-upload our content on Youtube or other social media. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the Simple History books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Daniel-Turner-%60/e/B00H5TYLAE/ T-Shirts https://teespring.com/stores/simple-history-official-merch Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA http://www.amazon.com/Daniel-Turner/e/B00H5TYLAE/ Amazon UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Daniel-Turner/e/B00H5TYLAE/ https://www.facebook.com/Simple-History-549437675141192/ https://twitter.com/SimpleHistoryYT Credit: Created by Daniel Turner Narrator: Chris Kane https://vocalforge.com/ Music Credit: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100192 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ Sources: A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present by Andrew Gordon A History of Japan, 1615-1867 by George Sansom World Within Walls by Donald Keene Samurai: An Encyclopedia of Japan's Cultured Warriors By Constantine Nomikos Vaporis Ph.D. Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Life and Thought of Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) by Mary Evelyn Tucker Japan Encyclopedia By Louis-Frédéric Sounds credit: Taiko1.aif by whatsanickname4u Crows by Taira Komori
Why You Wouldn’t Survive Life in Feudal Japan

Why You Wouldn’t Survive Life in Feudal Japan

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  • Duration: 8:08
  • Uploaded Date: 09 Feb 2023
  • views: 635802
Today we are exploring what life was like in Feudal Japan. Samurai's, ninjas, europeans battling. Could you survive? ------------------------------------ More Content to Binge Watch 🥜 ⚔️ BATTLES OF THE WORLD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n0MQ7P2YTo&list=PLbdaTXftGcwBnprAhmXrDwN3ravT7DfEj 🇧🇪 Battle History: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbdaTXftGcwBllX_HS5NGwHqWK0dDr-uP ⛩History of Asia: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbdaTXftGcwBIW4-suSnaC9AtKmzYgqb7 ☠️ Mafia Inspired Stories https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbdaTXftGcwDPBy0xaQ3GyXsJIRUlS4MH 🐫 Egyptian History https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbdaTXftGcwCGMFBUHQgIEgtMNHERYa4A 🤢 Hygiene History: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KckZ5yZr7L0&list=PLbdaTXftGcwDddxLn9HssX-GjeXQswZcN 😧 What it was Like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVgGO0z27ss&list=PLbdaTXftGcwBcJiUgq0jlCB4Y1Wieeh1t 🤯 Crazy Events https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbdaTXftGcwAkZHT1u3WhRmCsjDYH5VcM 🤰 What Pregnancy was Like https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbdaTXftGcwBM7Bsa-NPXg1NAaw0nnL7V 👸 What Beauty was Like https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbdaTXftGcwBPhW4i6J1vs-uY-RQDR_fh 🍔 What Fast Food was Like https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbdaTXftGcwDzX6SgIVRhk0I8t3spjrou ------------------------------------ Thank you so much for watching our video! We really love the support that you all bring to each and every video ❤️ Don't click this 👉 https://bit.ly/3h4gqmJ #japan #samurai #feudal
What Samurai(Japanese)ate in the Edo period🇯🇵!?【Completely recreate meals】

What Samurai(Japanese)ate in the Edo period🇯🇵!?【Completely recreate meals】

  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:44
  • Uploaded Date: 16 Oct 2022
  • views: 1265942
Today, I'm going to become a person from that time and try to completely recreate meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I hope you all enjoy this video. ----------------------------------------- Subscribe and become a friend today: https://www.youtube.com/c/SamuraiMatcha ------------------------------------------ 00:00 Intro 00:19 Breakfast 05:37 Lunch 07:48 Dinner ------------------------------------------ 【Things I have】 Many people have been asking me about the things I use, I tried to find products that is the same or similar to my items on amazon in the USA and JPNAN. Honestly, as a minimalist, I don't want you buy many things. However, If you really want to buy them, please ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?“ before buy it:) 【Kitchen items】 ・Kai's Petty Knife ▶︎▶︎▶︎ https://amzn.to/3stL7dA ・Tetsubin(Iron kettle) ▶︎▶︎▶︎ https://amzn.to/3enUxji ・Clay pot ▶︎▶︎▶︎ https://amzn.to/3ClrurU ・Pearl Metal Frying Pan ▶︎▶︎▶︎ https://amzn.to/3SLESgh (JP) ------------------------------------------ MUSIC: ・Epidemic Sound ------------------------------------------ REFERENCES: ・八百善 http://www.yaozen.net/index.html ------------------------------------------ BE MY FRIEND: BLOG https://samuraijourney.com/​ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/samuraimatcha.journey/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/mizuno.akihito​ ------------------------------------------ GET IN TOUCH: If you’d like to talk, feel free to email me at samuraimatcha.japan@gmail.com I try my best to reply to things but there sadly aren't enough hours in the day to respond to everyone...
The Isolation of Japan Explained in 13 Minutes

The Isolation of Japan Explained in 13 Minutes

  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:24
  • Uploaded Date: 17 May 2022
  • views: 73792
Join the Captivating History Book Club: https://bit.ly/3TMmpU2 Get a FREE mythology bundle ebook covering Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology here: http://www.captivatinghistory.com/ebook You can get the audiobook version of History of Japan here: https://www.amazon.com/History-Japan-Captivating-Including-Invasions/dp/B085VP9ZNM You can get the paperback version of History of Japan here: https://www.amazon.com/History-Japan-Captivating-Including-Invasions/dp/164748071X And the ebook version of History of Japan here: https://www.amazon.com/History-Japan-Captivating-Including-Invasions-ebook/dp/B081W7R9RH Japan is one of the most adaptable countries in the world. It is capable of very rapid change, even after crises that would halt the progress of other nations. When the shogunates collapsed in the 17th century, the feudal system disintegrated. Within time, though, railroads replaced ox carts. During World War I, a first-rate economy sprung up on deserted farmlands. During World War II, the modest islands of Japan burgeoned into an empire with one of the most powerful navies in the world. After the devastation of that world war, Japan emerged as one of the most modern countries in the world. The Japanese have survived frequent earthquakes and tsunamis and rebuilt their cities using enviable technologies. See all captivating history books here: https://www.amazon.com/author/captivatinghistory Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/captivatinghistory Follow us on Twitter: @CaptivHistory
Emperor Meiji & the Meiji Restoration Documentary

Emperor Meiji & the Meiji Restoration Documentary

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:02:18
  • Uploaded Date: 22 Nov 2022
  • views: 478553
For early access to our videos, discounted merch and many other exclusive perks please support us as a Patron or Member... Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thepeopleprofiles Buy me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/peopleprofiles YouTube Membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD6TPU-PvTMvqgzC_AM7_uA/join or follow us on Twitter! https://twitter.com/tpprofiles Hello guys! If you like our work please subscribe to our second channel The History Chronicles https://www.youtube.com/c/TheHistoryChronicles The script for this video has been checked with Plagiarism software and scored 1% on Grammarly. In academia, a score of below 15% is considered good or acceptable. All footage, images and music used in People Profiles Documentaries are sourced from free media websites or are purchased with commercial rights from online media archives. #Biography #History #Documentary
Taking a Look into Gintama's Historical Setting - The Bakumatsu Period

Taking a Look into Gintama's Historical Setting - The Bakumatsu Period

  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:10
  • Uploaded Date: 02 Sep 2020
  • views: 2925
Part I of II for examining Gintama's historical influence. Watching Gintama has gotten me interested in a bit of Japanese history and while I by no means am an expert on it, I hope this can give further context regarding Gintama's historically-inspired setting. For the sake of transparency, my biggest source of information for this video is: A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present By Andrew Gordon Decent book, check it out if you’re interested. https://www.amazon.com/Modern-History-Japan-Tokugawa-Present/dp/0199930155 (My main gripe with the book is that it often drops a contentious statement without immediately justifying it and only does so a couple of paragraphs later which slightly soured my personal reading experience but YMMV) For an overview of the historical influence on Gintama’s characters: https://www.yorozuyasoul.com/gintama/historical_influences Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrayenMomonke MAL: https://myanimelist.net/profile/BrayenMomonke
Bakumatsu  La Batalla por el Futuro de Japón

Bakumatsu La Batalla por el Futuro de Japón

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:26
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Aug 2024
  • views: 12
Mediocre Samurai Describes Real Life in Historical Japan

Mediocre Samurai Describes Real Life in Historical Japan

  • Order:
  • Duration: 25:32
  • Uploaded Date: 17 Aug 2023
  • views: 2099368
If you’re struggling, consider therapy with BetterHelp #ad. Click https://betterhelp.com/voicesofthepast for a 10% discount on your first month of therapy with a credentialed professional specific to your needs. ----------------------------------- Extracts taken from: Musui's Story: The Autobiography of a Tokugawa Samurai by Katsu Kokichi (Author), Teruko Craig (Translator, Introduction) University of Arizona Press (July 1, 1991) https://uapress.arizona.edu/book/musuis-story Edited by Douglas Baker and David Kelly Narration by David Kelly Thumbnail Art by Ettore Mazza
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The Complicated Bakumatsu Period Explained by Shogo

▼Who is Shogo?▼ https://youtu.be/nhEamHfzyyg ▼Related videos in this channel▼ -I Regret It All the Time | We Achieved 1M Subscribers https://youtu.be/hGqNVzc0Ijk -But We Don't Love You Because You Are... https://youtu.be/_YQS2krfsts -Why I'm Grateful I'm Sick https://youtu.be/o0FKXaJKFRo ▼MY DREAM▼ https://youtu.be/EgowIV_kagA “To make every Japan lovers’ dream come true, by making Japan a more secure, comfortable, and safer place for everyone to visit, study, and live in” I will be using the profit I gain from this channel at restaurants, hotels, and cultural facilities in Kyoto to introduce them. The more you listen to the videos on this channel, Kyoto and Japan will become a more exciting place, and you can support your own and others’ dreams in the future even more. ▼[Main channel] Let’s ask Shogo -Your Japanese friend in Kyoto▼ https://www.youtube.com/c/LetsaskShogoYourJapanesefriendinKyoto Please subscribe!! ▼Join our Membership of the main channel▼ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn7DCb9ttrcw9h3vh9dfnVw/join ●Membership benefits -Limited behind-the-scene videos -Weekly live stream -Priority reply to comments ▼[Listen to the real voices of the Japanese] "Voices from Japan series"▼ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpIWoYf9KNFXxLyeQa85jDudDKqkwPg-2 ▼[For YOU traveling to Kyoto] Check out the "Kyoto Hidden Gems" that we introduce▼ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpIWoYf9KNFU2YmZtyfKJi9-MCpycAPWy ▼Instagram▼ https://www.instagram.com/lets_ask_shogo/ *Please ask me questions through the DM here!(⚠️I do not use e-mail) ▼Shogo’s profile▼ Hello everyone, and thank you for watching my videos! I’m Shogo, a Kyoto born & Hiroshima raised Japanese, that grew up in Michigan USA for 6 years, and studied Mandarin in Beijing university for a year! I live in Kyoto now, as I train in Iaido(katana), Sado(tea ceremony), and Noh theatre(traditional stage art). In this channel, you can take a closer look at Japanese traditional culture, tips on traveling to Kyoto, and social problems in Japan. So learners and lovers of Japanese language and culture, be sure to subscribe to enjoy more content! If you enjoyed this video, please hit the LIKE button, and share with your friends and family! My goal is “to achieve 1,000,000 subscribers by January 2023”, so your help would mean a lot! #letsaskshogo #thankyou #forlistening
The Complicated Bakumatsu Period Explained by Shogo
▼Who is Shogo?▼ https://youtu.be/nhEamHfzyyg ▼Related videos in this channel▼ -I Regret I...
published: 21 Apr 2022
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Foundations of the Bakufu | The Edo Period Episode 1
The Edo period begins! This is the first episode in the new series which will cover the st...
published: 15 Apr 2023
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Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)
This episode is Sponsored by Wix! Support the Simple History channel by going to: https://...
published: 27 Apr 2019
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Why You Wouldn’t Survive Life in Feudal Japan
Today we are exploring what life was like in Feudal Japan. Samurai's, ninjas, europeans ba...
published: 09 Feb 2023
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What Samurai(Japanese)ate in the Edo period🇯🇵!?【Completely recreate meals】
Today, I'm going to become a person from that time and try to completely recreate meals fo...
published: 16 Oct 2022
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The Isolation of Japan Explained in 13 Minutes
Join the Captivating History Book Club: https://bit.ly/3TMmpU2 Get a FREE mythology bundl...
published: 17 May 2022
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Emperor Meiji & the Meiji Restoration Documentary
For early access to our videos, discounted merch and many other exclusive perks please sup...
published: 22 Nov 2022
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Taking a Look into Gintama's Historical Setting - The Bakumatsu Period
Part I of II for examining Gintama's historical influence. Watching Gintama has gotten me...
published: 02 Sep 2020
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Bakumatsu La Batalla por el Futuro de Japón
published: 21 Aug 2024
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Mediocre Samurai Describes Real Life in Historical Japan
If you’re struggling, consider therapy with BetterHelp #ad. Click https://betterhelp.com/v...
published: 17 Aug 2023
Play in Full Screen


Bakumatsu (幕末 bakumatsu, "Late Tokugawa Shogunate", literally "closing curtain") refers to the final years of the Edo period when the Tokugawa shogunate ended. Between 1853 and 1867 Japan ended its isolationist foreign policy known as sakoku and changed from a feudal Tokugawa shogunate to the pre-modern empire of the Meiji government. The major ideological-political divide during this period was between the pro-imperial nationalists called ishin shishi and the shogunate forces, which included the elite shinsengumi swordsmen.

Although these two groups were the most visible powers, many other factions attempted to use the chaos of Bakumatsu to seize personal power. Furthermore, there were two other main driving forces for dissent: first, growing resentment on the part of the tozama daimyo (or outside lords), and second, growing anti-western sentiment following the arrival of Matthew C. Perry. The first related to those lords who had fought against Tokugawa forces at the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 and had from that point on been excluded permanently from all powerful positions within the shogunate. The second was to be expressed in the phrase sonnō jōi, or "revere the Emperor, expel the barbarians". The turning point of the Bakumatsu was during the Boshin War and the Battle of Toba-Fushimi when pro-shogunate forces were defeated.

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Latest News for: bakumatsu period


PS5's Most Overlooked Samurai Game Gets A Free Demo

Kotaku 25 Jul 2024
Suggested Reading ... CC. Share. Subtitles ... The Rise of the Ronin demo, available now on PS5, lets players get a taste of the open-world RPG, which is set during the Bakumatsu period, a time in Japan’s history that marked the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows – 16 Brand New Things You Need to Know

GamingBolt 20 May 2024
... upheaval, with historical figures like Oda Nobunaga rising to power after the Warring States Period, extensive social reforms and the threat of the Black Ships that would play a role in the Bakumatsu.

Can’t wait for Assassin’s Creed Shadows? Play these games instead

Digital Trends 19 May 2024
In March, Team Ninja and Sony Interactive Entertainment released Rise of the Ronin, an open-world Soulslike game set during the Bakumatsu period, which is the point in time when the West’s influence really started to be felt in Japan.

How Rise of the Ronin Wastes its Open World Potential

GamingBolt 01 Apr 2024
Bakumatsu was an era of vast ... Boiling it down to its essence, Bakumatsu was a period of culture clash, of conflicting ideals and beliefs on how to best navigate Japan through inevitable, modernisation.

How ‘Rise Of The Ronin’ tackles historical accuracy in 19th century Japan

NME 26 Mar 2024
... a violent period known as Bakumatsu ... “The Bakumatsu period was a period of dynamic change,” he shared ... During the Bakumatsu period, there were pro shogunate and anti shogunate [forces].

9 Things To Know Before Starting Rise Of The Ronin

Kotaku 22 Mar 2024
There are undoubtedly things I missed, but these nine tips are a great place for beginners to start, so venture out into the Bakumatsu period armed with solid advice to establish a new Japan.

‘Rise Of The Ronin’ review: lose your head for this slick samurai slasher

NME 21 Mar 2024
A historical open-world role-playing game (RPG), Nioh 2 developer Team Ninja’s latest game is set during Bakumatsu. a 19th-century period of turmoil that saw American gunboats force an end to Japan’s isolationist policy.

Rise of the Ronin review: Crossed swords & cultural revolution

Shacknews 21 Mar 2024
Team Ninja mixes its tough but stylish combat with a vast and beautiful open world to explore, but is this tour of the Bakumatsu period worth the trip? ... .

Rise of the Ronin review - samurai action that’s as grounded as it is approachable

Eurogamer 21 Mar 2024
Games set in the Bakumatsu period must feel like buses. You wait almost a decade for one to be made, and then two come along in successive years. After last year’s Like A Dragon ... Riding on horseback with Mt. Fuji in the background it's clear.

Rise of the Ronin reinvents hack-and-slash in a remarkable open-world Japan

Polygon 21 Mar 2024
an open-world action adventure set amid the political tumult of 19th-century Japan, a period known as the Bakumatsu ... Bakumatsu-era Japan feels as boundless in scope as it is bountiful in possibilities.

Rise of the Ronin review: "A decent PS5 exclusive action RPG that's driven and hamstrung ...

Games Radar 21 Mar 2024
Rise of the Ronin is deceptively deep ... FAST FACTS ... Set in 1863 during the Bakumatsu period, Rise of the Ronin kicks off with the Black Ships of the West having docked on Japanese shores ahead of their forceful bid to reestablish eastern trade routes.

Rise Of The Ronin Is This Obscure Samurai Game’s Spiritual Successor

Kotaku 12 Mar 2024
Not only are there a plethora of cats to find and pet, but there’s also a wealth of freedom in how you live your life during Japan’s Bakumatsu period (or the final years of the Shogunate) ... Bakumatsu.

Rise Of The Ronin Blends Team Ninja's Combat With Open-World Freedom

Gamespot 12 Mar 2024
Set in late 1800s Japan, Rise of the Ronin sees you take control of a nameless work-for-hire warrior in what is known as the "Bakumatsu" period ... Your progress through the game also introduces you to historical figures from throughout the period.

Rise of the Ronin sits somewhere between Assassin's Creed and Nioh, but the action RPG's ...

Games Radar 12 Mar 2024
It's the next significant PS5 exclusive of 2024, and it's set in the "Bakumatsu" period, the final years of the Edo era, during which an undercurrent of political discord between east and west sets the scene.

Rise Of The Rōnin review – open world ninja

Metro UK 12 Mar 2024
This Bakumatsu period was characterised by conflict between Shogunate forces and various traditionist groups unhappy at increasing Western influence, especially after America forced Japan into ...

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