Russian Haired Sausage

Sausage pinned with spaghetti - haired sausage

A new dish became extremely popular among some Russian bloggers lately. Now it’s not quite clear who was the first one who invented this mod by pinning some uncooked sausage with hard spaghetti sticks and then boiling this alltogether and getting first “haired sausage” ready.

Then, publishing the outcomes on Internet caused a real wave of interest from many who wanted to try making their own haired frankfurter.

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Sausage pinned with spaghetti - haired sausage 3

Sausage pinned with spaghetti - haired sausage 4

As one might guess different variations emerged.

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Even the black-haired ones.

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Sausage pinned with spaghetti - haired sausage 7

It became a real hero, and seems is still not very known abroad.

Sausage pinned with spaghetti - haired sausage 7

Some say that this dish was known to the Eastern nations before and they even erected a monument to comemorate it, as photoed in Seoul, Korea.

And here a short video footage teaching the basics of hairy sausage cooking:

35 thoughts on “Russian Haired Sausage”

  1. there are many positive things in Russia what the so called Western Democracys could an should learn from Russian culture and the Russian people.
    You do not have to show only negative informations about Russia, especially not lies

  2. What side dishes go best with this one? 🙂

    Also, do you have an article in Russian about bloggers who blog in English going nuts about bacon? 😉

  3. I saw this picture a long time ago in ER.
    Can anyone tell me what happened to the ER forum from years ago?
    There were only a few of us, Green giant, Batwoman, etc. I lost track its very sad.


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