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Note: You may have to bypass your browser’s cache to see the changes. In addition, after saving a sitewide CSS file such as MediaWiki:Common.css, it will take 5-10 minutes before the changes take effect, even if you clear your cache.

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From User:Dixtosa/AjaxEdit.js, compiled to ECMAScript version 5 by Babel.

"use strict";

// Description         : With a new button "Ædit" one can edit specific sections without reloading the whole page. 
//                       Supports TabbedLanguages gadget
// Dependencies: mediawiki.util, mediawiki.Uri, mediawiki.user, mediawiki.api
/* jshint maxerr:1048576, strict:true, undef:true, latedef:true, sub:true, esversion:5, esnext:false */
/* global mw, $ */

(function ajaxEditIife() {
	window.AjaxEdit = {};
	window.AjaxEdit.scriptLink = "";
	if (mw.config.get("wgSiteName") !== "Wiktionary")
		window.AjaxEdit.scriptLink += "wikt:";
	if (mw.config.get("wgContentLanguage") !== "en")
		window.AjaxEdit.scriptLink += "en:";
	window.AjaxEdit.scriptLink += "MediaWiki:Gadget-AjaxEdit.js";
	var $document = $(document);
	window.AjaxEdit.FireEvents = function() {
		// fire page load events like the [quotations ▼] thing
		// see
	window.AjaxEdit.Click = function (ajaxEditAnchor) {
		if (ajaxEditAnchor.hasEditBox) {
			mw.notify("This AjaxEdit edit box is already open.");
		} else {
			ajaxEditAnchor.hasEditBox = true;

		var elements = {};
		var _query = new mw.Uri($(ajaxEditAnchor)
		    title = _query.title,
		    section = _query.section;
		section = section.replace("T-", ""); //transclusions...
		var hdr = $(ajaxEditAnchor).parent().parent();
		var sectionName = hdr.children(":header").first().text();

		if (window.tabbedLanguages && !":header")) {
			sectionName = window.tabbedLanguages[window.currentLanguageTab];
		var data = { action: 'raw', title: title, section: section };
		$.get(mw.util.wikiScript('index'), data).then(function (wikitext) {
			var rowHeight = Math.min(15, 1 + wikitext.split("\n").length);
			elements.textarea = $("<textarea/>")
			.attr({ rows: rowHeight })
			elements.textareaSummary = $("<input/>")
				type: "text",
				maxlength: 500,
				spellcheck: true,
				name: "wpSummary",
			.keydown(event, function() {
				if (event.keyCode == 13) { // on enter;
			function checkboxAndLabel(id, text) {
				var checkbox = $("<input/>")
					"id": id,
					"type": "checkbox",
				var label = $("<label/>")
				.attr("for", id)
				return [checkbox, label];
			var minorEdit = checkboxAndLabel("ajaxedit-minor-edit-checkbox", "Minor edit");
			elements.minorEditCheckbox = minorEdit[0], elements.minorEditLabel = minorEdit[1];
			elements.saveButton = $("<button/>")
			.click(function () {
				elements.textarea.attr('disabled', true);
				elements.textareaSummary.attr('disabled', true);
				window.AjaxEdit.Save(section, sectionName, elements.textarea.val(), title, elements.textareaSummary.val(), elements.minorEditCheckbox.prop("checked"))
				.then(function (apiSaveResponse) {
					if (apiSaveResponse.error) return; //if abusefilter was triggered
					new mw.Api().get({page: mw.config.get("wgPageName"), action: "parse", prop: "text|categorieshtml"})
					.then(function (newHtml) {
						mw.loader.moduleRegistry["site"].state = "registered";
						mw.loader.moduleRegistry["site"].script = undefined;
						mw.loader.using("site", function () {});
			.css("margin-left", "3px");
			elements.cancelButton = $('<button/>')
			.click(function () {
				ajaxEditAnchor.hasEditBox = false;
			elements.previewDiv = $("<div/>")
				"border-style": "solid", "border-width": "1px 1px 1px 4px",
				"border-radius": "0.33em", "border-color": "#a3d3ff",
			function timestamp() {
				return new Date().toISOString();
			var previousText;
			var previousTextTimestamp = timestamp();
			function loadPreview() {
				var newText = elements.textarea.val();
				var textTimestamp = timestamp();
				if (!previousText || previousText != newText) {
					new mw.Api()
						{ title: mw.config.get("wgPageName"), pst: "true", preview: "true", sectionpreview: "true", disableeditsection: "true" }
					.done(function (html) {
						if (textTimestamp > previousTextTimestamp) {
							previousTextTimestamp = textTimestamp;
				previousText = newText;
			var livePreview = checkboxAndLabel("ajaxedit-live-preview-checkbox", "Live preview");
			elements.livePreviewCheckbox = livePreview[0], elements.livePreviewLabel = livePreview[1];
			elements.livePreviewCheckbox.on("change", function () {
				if ($(this).prop("checked")) {"slow");
					this.previewIntervalId = setInterval(loadPreview, 500);
				} else {
			var wrapper = $("<div/>")
			.attr("id", "ajaxedit-wrapper")
			.css({ width: "auto", "margin": 0, "overflow": "hidden" })
			//tabbed languages support
			if ($(ajaxEditAnchor).is("#tabstable .editlangsection a")) {
			} else {
	 * Define edit summary template with window.AjaxEditSummary. For instance:
	 window.AjaxEditSummary = "Æ $sectionlink $summary";
	window.AjaxEdit.Save = function (sectionID, sectionName, sectionText, title, summary, minorEdit) {
		var finalSummary;
		if (typeof window.AjaxEditSummary === "string") {
			var usedSummary = false;
			finalSummary = window.AjaxEditSummary.replace(
				function(fullMatch, name) {
					switch (name) {
						case "summary": {
							usedSummary = true;
							return summary;
						case "scriptlink": return window.AjaxEdit.scriptLink;
						case "sectionname": return sectionText;
						case "sectionlink": return "/* " + sectionName + " */";
						default: {
								"Your edit summary template (window.AjaxEditSummary) contains an unknown variable name. Variable name: "
								+ name + ". Choose from summary, scriptlink, sectionname, sectionlink."
							return "";
			if (!usedSummary) {
					"Your edit summary template (window.AjaxEditSummary) doesn't use the edit summary you supplied, so your edit summary will be appended to the template: "
					+ window.AjaxEditSummary);
				finalSummary += " " + summary;
		} else {
			finalSummary = "/* " + sectionName + " */ " + summary + " (using [[" + window.AjaxEdit.scriptLink + "|AjaxEdit]])";
		var data = {
			format: 'json',
			action: 'edit',
			title: title,
			section: sectionID,
			summary: finalSummary,
			text: sectionText,
			token: mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'),
			minor: minorEdit,
		return new mw.Api().post(data).then(function (response) {
			if (response && response.edit && response.edit.result == 'Success') {
			} else if (response && response.error) {
				mw.notify('Error: API returned error code "' + response.error.code + '": ' +;
			return response;
		}).fail(function (xhr) {
			mw.notify('Error: Request failed.');
			$('#ajaxedit-wrapper *').attr('disabled', false);
	window.AjaxEdit.Submain = function()
		$(".mw-body-content .mw-editsection > .mw-editsection-bracket:contains(']')").each (function(){
			var btn = $('<a/>').text("Ædit").on("click", function() { window.AjaxEdit.Click(this) });
			$(this).before(", ").before(btn);
	window.AjaxEdit.Main = function()
		$(".mw-editsection > .mw-editsection-bracket:contains(']')").each (function(){
			var btn = $('<a/>').text("Ædit").on("click", function() { window.AjaxEdit.Click(this) });
			$(this).before(", ").before(btn);

	if (mw.config.get('wgAction') == "view")