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Analyzable as a combination of か ( ka , interrogative and indeterminate particle ) + も ( mo , “ also , as well , too ” , inclusive particle ) .
Often used as a shortening of longer expression かも知れない ( ka mo shirenai , “ may , might , perhaps ” ) .
かも • (ka mo )
Short for かも知れない ( ka mo shirenai , “ may , might , perhaps ” ) .
そうかも ね。 Sō ka mo ne. Maybe that's how it is. / Maybe you're right.
For pronunciation and definitions of かも – see the following entries.
【鴨 】 J
[noun] a duck
[noun] ( slang ) ( from the way ducks return to the same place and are thus easy to hunt ) a mark or easy target for a swindle , someone who is likely to lose at gambling or other competition
[noun] ( slang ) ( from the good flavor of duck meat ) short for 鴨の味 ( kamo no aji , “ duck flavor ” ) : a very good flavor ; by extension, any remarkably good sensation or feeling , particularly describing happy married life
[noun] ( slang ) ( from the uniform of black clothing ) short for 黒鴨 ( kurogamo , “ black duck ” ) : a male servant , such as a butler or chauffeur (compare English penguin )
[proper noun] a surname
[proper noun] any of various places, particularly in Kyoto
【加茂 】
[proper noun] a surname
[proper noun] any of various cities, towns, or districts in Japan, especially Kamo, Niigata .
【賀茂 】
[proper noun] a surname
[proper noun] any of various places in Japan
[proper noun] A city in Niigata Prefecture
[proper noun] A town in Hiroshima Prefecture
[proper noun] A town in Kyōto prefecture
[proper noun] A town in Okayama Prefecture
[proper noun] A town in Shimane Prefecture
[proper noun] A town in Tokushima Prefecture
[proper noun] A town in Yamagata Prefecture
[proper noun] A district (gun ) in Gifu Prefecture
[proper noun] A district (gun ) in Niigata Prefecture
[proper noun] A neighborhood of Sendai , Miyagi Prefecture
(This term, かも ( kamo ) , is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)For a list of all kanji read as かも , see Category:Japanese kanji read as かも .)