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Letter գ (g) with an apostrophe, modelled after European transliteration of փ (), թ (), etc.





գʻ ()

  1. A letter used in Armenian dialectology. Represents the breathy-voiced velar plosive: [ɡ̤]. Transliterated as or as gh.

See also



  • Ačaṙean, Hračʻeay (1911) Hay barbaṙagitutʻiwn. Uruagic ew dasaworutʻiwn hay barbaṙneri (barbaṙagitakan kʻartēsov) [Armenian dialectology: A sketch and classification of Armenian dialects (with a dialect map)] (Ēminean azgagrakan žoġovacu; 8) (in Armenian), Moscow and Nor Nakhichevan: Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages, page 10
  • Ovsepjan, L. S., Gevorkjan, G. G. (2013) “Армянские диалекты (общий обзор) [Armenian dialects (general overview)]”, in Yuri B.Koryakov and Andrej A. Kibrik, editors, Языки мира: Реликтовые индоевропейские языки Передней и Центральной Азии [Languages of the World: Relict Indo-European languages of Western and Central Asia]‎[1] (in Russian), Moscow: Academia, page 324