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Create the page "Uruguay" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Uruguay "Uruguay," in The Nuttall Encyclopædia, (ed.) by James Wood, London: Frederick Warne and Co., Ltd. (1907) "Uruguay," in Encyclopædia Britannica...228 bytes (69 words) - 12:23, 22 June 2022
- Public Law 103-465 Uruguay Round Agreements Act by the 103rd Congress of the United States Pub.L. 103−465, 108 Stat. 4809, H.R. 5110, enacted December 8...16 KB (2,158 words) - 02:48, 2 February 2024
- (1913) Uruguay by Andrew Alphonsus MacErlean 107546Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) — UruguayAndrew Alphonsus MacErlean (REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY). The...19 KB (3,217 words) - 21:40, 9 October 2013
- Britannica, Volume 27 Uruguay 20375711911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 27 — Uruguay URUGUAY (officially the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay, and long locally...194 bytes (4,188 words) - 23:41, 27 December 2017
- CIA World Fact Book, 2004 Uruguay 8159CIA World Fact Book, 2004 — Uruguay This page was last updated on 1 January 2003 This is a snapshot of the CIA World...17 KB (38 words) - 19:04, 18 April 2024
- The World Factbook (1982) the Central Intelligence Agency Uruguay 2032095The World Factbook (1982) — Uruguaythe Central Intelligence Agency 186,998...405 bytes (731 words) - 17:14, 21 February 2024
- Central Intelligence Agency Uruguay 2237533The World Factbook (1990) — UruguayUnited States Central Intelligence Agency Uruguay See regional map IV Geography...135 bytes (1,291 words) - 17:45, 13 March 2017
- Letter dated 3 August 1990 from the Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (S/21429) (1990) by Ramiro...563 bytes (412 words) - 09:21, 3 November 2023
- Uruguay Round Agreements Act United States Congress TITLE V - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 131159Uruguay Round Agreements Act — TITLE V - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYUnited...48 KB (8,122 words) - 21:37, 25 January 2022
- Horne on Senior Administration Official Travel to Colombia, Argentina, and Uruguay (2021) by Emily J. Horne 3603880Statement by NSC Spokesperson Emily Horne...1,006 bytes (170 words) - 21:07, 10 April 2021
- on the south by the Provinces of Artigas and Rivera (Uruguay) and on the west b y the Rio Uruguay. This fertile territory has important stock breeding...2 KB (338 words) - 04:56, 3 June 2014
- The New International Encyclopædia/Salto (category Uruguay)same name, Uruguay, on the left bank of the River Uruguay, 260 miles northwest of Montevideo, with which it has railway connection (Map: Uruguay, F 10)....246 bytes (99 words) - 08:46, 11 January 2022
- 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Salto (category Uruguay)— Salto SALTO, a town and river port of Uruguay and capital of a department of the same name, on the Uruguay river 60 m. above Paysandú. Pop. (1900, estimate)...273 bytes (296 words) - 13:08, 15 January 2022
- as the Argentine Mesopotamia, bounded N. by Corrientes, E. by Uruguay with the Uruguay river as the boundary line, S. by Buenos Aires and W. by Santa...328 bytes (471 words) - 06:13, 8 May 2020
- Salto 106194Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) — Salto (SALTENSIS). Diocese in Uruguay, suffragan to Montevideo. This diocese with that of Melo was erected by...2 KB (266 words) - 17:38, 19 May 2021
- 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Paysandú (category Uruguay)Paisandú, a town and river port of Uruguay and capital of a department of the same name, on the left bank of the Uruguay River about 214 m. N.W of Montevideo...287 bytes (232 words) - 03:55, 7 February 2022
- port of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on the left bank of the Uruguay river, 348 ft. above sea-level (at the R. R. station) and about 360 m....257 bytes (312 words) - 21:50, 22 November 2022
- Canada College, p. 1990 Upsala — Urban VIII, p. 1991 Urbana — Uruguay, p. 1992 Uruguay — Usury, p. 1993 Utah, p. 1994 Utah — Utica, p. 1995 Utica — Utrecht...2 KB (198 words) - 11:34, 23 February 2024
- state of Santa Catharina, E. by the Atlantic, S. by Uruguay and W. by Uruguay and Argentina—the Uruguay river forming the boundary line with the latter....306 bytes (2,631 words) - 08:41, 25 December 2020
- 3. In order to permit an increase in imports of certain cheeses from Uruguay, the provisions set forth in item 950.10 in part 3 of the Appendix to the...3 KB (477 words) - 05:47, 8 August 2021