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Create the page "Nihil novi" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Nihil novi nisi commune consensu (1505) Polish Sejm, translated from Latin by Wikisource Polish Sejm25808Nihil novi nisi commune consensu1505Wikisource...1 KB (144 words) - 23:37, 27 April 2017
- KasparekChristopherKasparekPhysician, writer, and translator from Polish into English. Nihil novi (1505) Polish-Lithuanian Constitution of 3 May 1791 "On Discoveries and...1 KB (110 words) - 11:11, 1 March 2023
- Pelagiani, et huius- modi. Et bene quod novi heretici nil afferunt novi, ut ad im- probandum adinventiones novas novis sit laborandum inventis. Antiqua sunt...499 bytes (1,042 words) - 15:08, 21 May 2024
- " It is not correct to say that prayers change God's purpose ("preces nihil novi induxerunt in Deum "), still less that the prayers cause their fulfilment...87 KB (14,415 words) - 11:36, 3 July 2022
- oblatas habeant confectas de Simula frumenti et aqua duntaxat; ita quod nihil immisceatur fermenti. Sint et oblatæ integre, candide, et rotunde, nec per...554 bytes (1,649 words) - 00:11, 2 December 2023
- tanto periculo sapere; 'Fortuitò inquit, me cepisti: si possum evadere, novi quid facerem.' Tunc Willielmus, præ furore ferè extra se profitus, & obtuens...891 bytes (5,710 words) - 04:20, 8 June 2020
- rejiciendum incitarent, sicque plures in secta contineret odium et fuga novi baptismatis. Abhorrebat enim ab omnium animis iteratus baptismus, ut pluribus...35 KB (5,744 words) - 19:48, 1 August 2021
- of the Regulae Veteris et Novi Testamenti will consist of six volumes; the first appeared in 1908. Regulae Veteris et Novi Testamenti, Proemium (p. 12...399 bytes (16,396 words) - 22:55, 26 June 2020
- Wikipedia, one of the earliest documents believed to relate to Poland Nihil novi, 1505 by the Polish Sejm, translated by Wikisource Constitution of May...1 KB (94 words) - 21:20, 12 August 2023
- uxorem ducere, is a fratre ne discedat; dicat: Ingressus sum in sancta, nihil possum pati. Quod si eum suspicio aliqua subeat, dicat: Frater, impone mihi...140 KB (19,519 words) - 13:54, 7 July 2019
- non minus feliciter quam gnaviter decertat, et si satis ingenium hominis novi, non conquiescet, donec omnes a tergo reliquerit."—For this letter, (the...572 bytes (8,257 words) - 19:18, 13 August 2012
- vitae & valetudinis usuram concesserit) evulgare statuimus; ipsam autem novi canonis supputationem, ob infirmam corporis nostri valetudinem, viris in...359 bytes (14,315 words) - 15:37, 14 November 2020
- Imperātor iussit explōrātōres locum idōneum mūnindō reperīre. Nuper hae gentēs novīs rēbus studēbant; mox iīs persuādēbō ut Caesarī sē suaque omnia dēdant. Iubēre...364 bytes (9,910 words) - 13:17, 4 April 2020
- quidem non per ipsum factum est: et manifestum est, quia peccatum nihil est et nihil fiunt homines cum peccant: Tract, i in loh. evang., Opp. 3 (2) 294...464 bytes (7,997 words) - 22:18, 20 September 2019
- by Domitius Marsus Flen flyys Dies Irae Lives of Eminent Grammarians Nihil novi Loeb Classical Library "Latin Literature," by William Young Sellar and...8 KB (553 words) - 01:49, 24 December 2023
- illum tunc temporis tale experimentum ne tentasse quidem. Si ego memet novi, tantum abest, ut aliis debitas eripere laudes velim, vel aliena Mihi aut...1 KB (9,343 words) - 19:33, 20 November 2018
- nuncupavimus. Hac fide ducti verbis scriptoque eo tempore professi sumus, nihil nobis potius et antiquius esse, quam ut quæ Tu Ipse credis ac doces, nos...519 bytes (4,369 words) - 05:28, 25 July 2021
- flagello positus Patri gratias agit aequalis. Hic est enim sanguis meus novi testamenti, qui pro multis effundetur in remissionem peccatorum. Quia panis...48 KB (8,592 words) - 23:02, 16 April 2012
- curtailments of the prerogative, had been forced to accept the statute nihil novi (1505) which gave the sejm and the senate an equal voice with the Crown...550 bytes (39,566 words) - 02:11, 20 June 2022
- 543, 558, 566; II, 6, 280; Duplessis d'Argentré, "Collectio judiciorum de novis erroribus" (3 vols., Paris, 1733-36), 1, 175 sqq.; Du Boulay, "Hist. univ...36 KB (5,972 words) - 15:52, 20 January 2022