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Create the page "Kalimpong" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 15 Kalimpong 32874831911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 15 — Kalimpong KALIMPONG, a village of British India, in the...233 bytes (88 words) - 20:24, 25 July 2020
- whom appears in Part VIII, page 76, of this work, is the Bhutan Agent at Kalimpong, and was granted the personal title of Raja on the occasion of the recent...374 bytes (63 words) - 11:05, 14 November 2017
- terms with the British trade agents. After leaving Gyangtse he went to Kalimpong in East Bengal, India, where he had been sent on a special mission. Prior...252 bytes (510 words) - 12:48, 25 November 2023
- Government of China may establish Trade Agencies at New Delhi, Calcutta and Kalimpong. The Government of China agrees that the Government of India may establish...16 KB (2,568 words) - 20:16, 12 April 2021
- received in Calcutta, were forwarded by the Army and Navy Stores direct to Kalimpong Road, where they were received by one of our transport officers, Captain...29 KB (5,467 words) - 00:52, 31 December 2020
- week in their company before continuing my journey across India to Kalimpong. Kalimpong was full of Communist spies and newspaper men. New arrivals found...45 KB (8,204 words) - 15:53, 15 June 2011
- pioneering work among the Nepalis. The Church of Scotland Mission at Kalimpong and Darjeeling, with its energetic leader, the Rev. J. A. Graham, has...439 bytes (6,615 words) - 06:14, 7 September 2020
- the Tibetan Government, who denied me access to Lhasa, and, through his Kalimpong friends, to the Indian Government, who doubted my honesty. I was alone...2 KB (11,438 words) - 02:47, 13 January 2023
- the Nepal trade; Diwangiri and Udalguri for Assam, and Darjeeling and Kalimpong for Sikkim and Chumbi. One of the most universal articles of consumption...566 bytes (20,297 words) - 20:42, 21 June 2022
- Kalimpong →...241 bytes (1,315 words) - 20:16, 7 November 2023
- ← Kalimpong...252 bytes (205 words) - 20:27, 25 July 2020
- belonging to the ex-Poonakha Jongpen was pointed out to me. He fled to Kalimpong, and afterwards died at Buxa. High up above the road was Chongdu Gompa...706 bytes (67,347 words) - 15:47, 16 July 2021
- Kaleidoscope Kalergis, Dimitri Kalewala Kalgan Kalgoorlie Kali Kālidāsa Kalimpong Kalinga Kalinjar Kalir, Eleazer Kalisch, Isidor Kalisch, Marcus Kalispel...3 KB (16 words) - 09:20, 25 April 2024