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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 15.djvu/458

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��Index to Volume XV.

��7 I

��pxas Ditton, Humphrey (1675-1715) . . .121 Dive or Dives, Sir Lewis. See Dyve. Dix, John, alias John Ross (1800 ?-1865 ?) .122

Dixey, John («/. 1820) 122

Dixie, Sir VWstan (1525-1594) . . . 122 Dixon, George (d, 1800 ? ) . . . .123 Dixon, James, D.I). (1788-1871) . . .124

Dixon, John (rf. 1715) 125

Dixon, John (1740 P-1780?) . . . .125 Dixon, Joseph, D.I). (1806-1866) . . .125 Dixon, Joshua, M.D. (d. 1825) . . .126 Dixon, Robert, D.D. (rf. 1688) . . . 126 Dixon, Thomas, M.D. (1680 ?-l 729) . . 126 Dixon, Thomas (1721-1754). See under Dixon,

Thomas, M.D. Dixon, William Henry (1783-1854) . . 127 Dixon, William Hepworth (1821-1879) . . 128

Dixwell, John (</ 1689) ISO

Dobbs, Arthur (1689-1765) . . . .130 Dobbs, Francis (1750-1811) . . . ,132 Dobell, Sydney Thompson (1824-1874) . . 133 Dobre€,i^eter Paul (1782-1825) . . .134 Dobson, John (1688-1681) . . . .136 Dobson, John (1787-1865) . . . .136 Dobson, Susannah, nee Dawson {d, 1795) . 137 Dobson, William (1610-1646) . . .137 Dobson, William (1820-1884) . . .138 Docharty, James (1829-1878) . , .138 Docking, Thomas of (/. 1250) . . .139 Dockwray or Dockwra, William (d. 1702 ?) . 139 Docwra, Sir Henry (1560 P-1631) . . .140 Docwra, Sir Thomas (d, 1527) . . .142 Dod, Charles Roger Phipps (1793-1855) . 144 Dod, Henrv (1550P-1630?) . . . .144 Dod, John (1519 ?-l 645) . . . .145

Dod, Peirce (1683-1754) 146

Dod, Robert Phipps («/. 1865). See under

Dod, Charles Roger Phipps.

Dod, Timothv (</. 1665) 147

Dodd,Charle;4 (1672-1743) . . . .147 Dodd, Daniel ( //. 17(;0-17yO). . . . 149 Dodd, George ('178;{-1 827) . . . . 14I> Dodd, (George (1808-1881) . . . .149 Dodd, James Willinm (1740.5-1796) . . l.*)U Dodd, James Solas (1721-1805) . . .151 Dodd, Philip Stanhope (1775-1852) . .152 Dodd, Ralph (1756-1822) . . . . 15;{ Dodd, Robert (1748-1816?) . . . .153 Dodd, Sir Samuel (1652-1716) . . . 154 Dodd, Thomas (1771-1850) . . . .154 Dodd, William (1729-1777) . . . .155 Doddridge or Doderidge, Sir John (15J5-1628) 157 Doddridge, Philip, D.D. (1 7U2-1751) . .158 Dodds, James (1813-1874) . . . .164 Dodds, James (1812-1885) . . . .165 Dodpon, George Hayilock (1811-1880) . . 165 Dodiiigton, Bartholoniew (1536-1595) . .166 Dodington, George llubb, Lord Melcombe

(1691-1762) 166

Doda, Marcus, D.D. ( 178r,-1838) . . .169 Dodslev, James (1721-1797) . . . .169 Dodsle^, Robert (1703-1764) . . . .170 Dodson, James {d. 1757) . . . .174 Dodson, Sir John (178^)-I858) . . .175 Dodson, Michael (1732-1799) . . .176 Dodsworth, Rdger (1585-1654) . . .176 Dodbworth, William (1798-1861) . . .177 Dodwell, Edward (17(i7-1832) . . .178 Dodwell, Henry, the elder (1641-1711) . . 179 Dodwell, Ilenrv, the younger (rf. 1784) . .181 Dodwell, William (1709-1785) . . .182 Doggct, John (r/. 1501) 183


Doggett, Thomas (d. 1721) . . . .184 Dogherty. See alsK) Docharty and Dougharty. Doghertv, Thomas (rf. 1805) . . . .185 Dogmael, also called Dogvael, Saint (6th cent.) 185 Dohartv, John (1677-1755). See Doagharty. Dohertv, John (178^1850) . . . .186 Doig, l>avid (^1719-1800) . . . . 1«  Doket or Ducket, Andrew (</. 1484) . . 187 Dolben, David (1581-1683) . . . , 188 Dolbeu, Sir Gilbert (1658-1722) . . .189 Dolben. John (1625-1686) . . . .189 Dolben, John (1662-1710) . . . .192 Dolben, Sir John (1684-1756) . . .193

Dolben, WilHam (d. 1631) . . . .194 Dolben, Sir William (rf. 1694) . .194

Dolben, WUliam, M.P. (1726-1814). See

under Dolben, Sir John (1681-1766). Dolby, Charlotte Helen Sainton (<i. 1885).

Sec Sainton- Dolbv. Dolle, William (Ji. 1670-1680) Dollond, George (1774-1852) . Dollond, John (lt0<>-176l) . Dollo.d, Peter (1730-1820) . Dolman, Charles (1807-1863) . Domerham, Adam de (d. after 1291).

Sec Adam. Domett, Alfred (1811-1887) .... Domett, Sir William (1754-1828) . Dominicus h Rosario. See Daly, Daniel or

Dominic (1595-1662). Domini.o, Marco Antonio de (1566-1624) Domville, atiag Taylor, Silas (1624-1678) Don, David (1800-1841) .... Don, Sir George (1754-1832) . Don, George (1798-1856) D(m, Sir William Henry (1825-1862) . Donald IV, Breac ( the Speckled or Freckled)


Donald V, Macalpin {d. 864) .

l>(mald VI (t/. 900)

Donald, Adam (1703-1 780) .

Donaldson, James (^. 1713) .

l)onakL>on. James ( /Z. 1794) .

Donaldson, James (1751-1»30)

Donaldson, John (d. 1865)

Donaldson, J. »hn William, D.D. (1811-1861)

Donaldson, Joseph ( 1794-1830)

Donaldson, Sir Stuart Alexander ( 1812-18«>7)

Donaldson, Thomas Levcrton (1795-1885)

Donaldson, Walter (/. 1620) .

Donatus, Saint (Ji. 829-876) .

Donegal, Earl of. See Chichester, Arthur

(1606-1675). Donellan, Nehemias (rf. 1609 ?) Donkin, Bryan (1768-1855) . Donkin, Sir Rufane Shaw (1773-1841) . Donkin, William Fishbum (1814-1869) Donlevy, Andrew. D.D. (1694 F-1761 ? ) . Donn or Donne, Benjamin (1729-1798) . D(mn, James (1758-1813) Donne or Dunn, Sir Daniel id. 1617) Donne or Dunne. Gabriel (a. 1558) Donne, John (15"3-1631) Donne, John, the younger (1604-1662) . Donne, William liodham (1807-1882) . Donnegan, James (^. 1841) . Donoughmore, Karls of. See Hely- Hutchinson Donovan, Edward ( 1798-1837) Doodv, Samuel (1656-1706) . Dooli'ttle, Thomas (1632 ?-l 707) . Dopping, Anthony, D.D. (1643-1697) . Doran, John (1807-1878)

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