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- self-delusion and the timorous organization men anxious not to miss the band-waggon, who unquestioningly equate popularity and worldly success with intrinsic merit...7 KB (1,022 words) - 20:33, 20 December 2022
- that the market is intrinsically repugnant, because they are blinded by their belated discovery of the market's instrumental value. It is the genius of...6 KB (974 words) - 13:35, 30 March 2020
- natural and man-made capital; (b) our desire for direct experience of nature; and (c) our estimate of both the intrinsic and instrumental value of other...6 KB (823 words) - 21:30, 30 October 2022
- value, that is instrumental to achieve something else of value. Ultimately, only happiness is of value. And the fact that happiness is of value, everyone knows...12 KB (1,778 words) - 13:17, 10 October 2024
- social outlook which stresses the intrinsic worth of the individual. Individualists promote the exercise of the desires and experiments with goals which stress...44 KB (6,739 words) - 17:03, 24 October 2024
- does one mean that this right possesses an intrinsic value, an absolute value or an instrumental value? That it is of such importance that its realisation...16 KB (2,395 words) - 01:56, 10 June 2024
- the intrinsic structures of each of the three dimensions of culture. There appear the structures of cognitive-instrumental, of moral-practical and of...28 KB (3,870 words) - 15:20, 5 January 2023
- Herbert A. Simon (section 1980s and later)of reaching desired ends. Ends themselves, however, are often merely instrumental to more final objectives. We are thus led to the conception of a series...31 KB (4,601 words) - 18:05, 30 April 2024
- Amartya Sen (section On Ethics and Economics (1991))dropped, but nevertheless utility is regarded as the only thing of intrinsic value, then Pareto optimality would be the natural surviving criterion, since...31 KB (4,679 words) - 08:31, 22 April 2023
- We also reject attempts to instrumentalize environmental issues or indigenous policy in favor of foreign political and economic interests, especially...22 KB (2,794 words) - 03:01, 7 November 2024
- Karl Marx (section The Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature (1841))sociologist, journalist and revolutionary socialist. Marx's work in economics laid the basis for labor theory of value, and has influenced much of subsequent...208 KB (30,486 words) - 16:47, 4 December 2024
- conjunction with that of expression. What he says so well is therefore intrinsically of value. p. 5 It is man's intelligence that makes him so often behave more...108 KB (16,864 words) - 00:31, 8 November 2024
- Logos and Eros is broken, and scientific rationality emerges as essentially neutral. p. 147 The liberating force of technology—the instrumentalization of...96 KB (14,629 words) - 16:45, 4 September 2024
- Germany and England during World War I, these papers were instrumental in introducing general relativity to the English scientific community, and they played...45 KB (7,172 words) - 22:25, 7 October 2024
- indirectly quantified. In life, the way we perceive life and reality is often instrumental in how things can unfold. Through characters, non-linear plot...34 KB (4,904 words) - 17:01, 29 October 2023
- intrinsically, as a matter of honor, but only instrumentally, as a business asset for example. Chap. 3. Religious Liberty and Freedom of Speech Unlike Rousseau's...24 KB (3,730 words) - 16:49, 4 September 2024
- Steven Best (section The Pied Pipers of Pacifism: Lee Hall, Gary Francione, and the Betrayal of Animal Liberation (2009))animals with inherent value. Ecological concerns stem not from a "biocentric" respect for the intrinsic value of all life and the earth, but rather from...45 KB (5,727 words) - 16:58, 11 February 2023
- the intrinsic nature of the physical: the "fire" in the equations. The solutions to the equations of QFT or its generalisation yield the values of qualia...53 KB (7,577 words) - 16:34, 12 September 2023
- Paul Tillich (section Love, Power and Justice (1954))enter into time and fate. This happens to essence not because of something extraneous to it; it is rather the expression of its own intrinsic character, of...41 KB (5,891 words) - 22:18, 19 August 2023
- being scientists we are first living beings, and as such we have the evidence of intrinsic teleology in us. And, in observing other creatures struggling to...48 KB (7,223 words) - 20:25, 7 January 2023