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Talk:2016 Chemnitz terrorism plot

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Probably wrong information


The following information in this articel does not match the known sources:

a suspected terrorist bombing plot uncovered on 8 October 2016

The first information about a planned bombing where given to German authorities by foreign (the media say US) intelligence in early September 2016. [source: Der Spiegel issue 42/2016 of 14 October 2016]. Albakr was identified as suspect on 6 October 2016. (Donnerstag = Thursday)

... where a friend of al-Bakr lived ...

There is no information that it was a friend. The flat was rented by 33-old syrian refugee Khalil A (full name was not disclosed), who was arrested due to suspected collaboration with Albakr. [1][2] He is the one mentioned twice in the section "Suspects:" One remained in custody as a possible accomplice and another suspect was arrested in the so-called Yorck area of Chemnitz. He is alleged to have been in contact with al-Bakr.

but did not meet him there

This may be wrong. See later in the same section: police failed to arrest suspect al-Bakr the day before when he hastily left the apartment block in Chemnitz-Kappel on foot. There was a man who run from the observed house, escaped the police and may have been Albakr; there is no confirmation yet that he was Albakr. [source: Der Spiegel issue 42/2016 of 14 October 2016]

during a long-time observation. [3]

The source given does not say anything about observation. This source, refering to the president of German interior intelligence, says that he has been observed after being identified on 6 October.

He had asked another Syrian man for a bed for the night at Leipzig main station, who didn't know initially who Al-Bakr was and took him to his flat.

According to Der Spiegel, Albakr did not ask the other Syrian man at the main station, but called him from there by phone. The other man then picked him up near the station. It is under investigation how he obtained the phone number. [source: Der Spiegel issue 42/2016 of 14 October 2016]

Because of the fear he might commit suicide he was under constant surveillance

This may be misleading. He was under "constant surveillance" in terms of German prison terminoloy, which means that he was looked after in certain intervals. First he was checked every 15 minutes, and on 11 October this interval was increased to 30 minutes. [4]

--PM3 (talk) 18:45, 15 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]

I did some updates, but there's more to be done, sources need to be updated. Not sure about the suspects. Was Khalil A. really arrested in the Yorck area? To my knowledge, he was the third suspect arrested on 8 October, but I may be wrong. If you have more detailed sources on that, please feel free to add and correct.--Gerry1214 (talk) 13:52, 16 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Regarding "long-time observation": my source says: "„Focus Online“ berichtete unter Berufung auf Sicherheitskreise, der Verdächtige sei offenbar im vergangenen Jahr als Flüchtling nach Deutschland gekommen. Er stehe seit längerem unter Beobachtung des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz und werde verdächtigt, einen Sprengstoffanschlag auf einen deutschen Flughafen geplant zu haben." That's why I added it, though not finally confirmed by Verfassungsschutz. Probably he was under longer observation by Verfassungsschutz, and other German authorities observed him since 6 October.--Gerry1214 (talk) 14:02, 16 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the article update!
The Focus - a low quality magazine - probably got the observation thing wrong. Here is what the president of Verfassungsschutz said to German media, see [5] and [6]:
  • ARD TV interview, October 10: Wir haben – man kann sagen – bis Donnerstag letzter Woche gebraucht, um herauszufinden, wer ist dafür in Deutschland verantwortlich. -- "It took us - you can say it this way - until Thursday last week to find out who in Germany is responsible for this." -- So they identified al-Bakr on 6 October.
  • ZDF TV intetview, October 11. Es war wirkliche Detektivarbeit um auf diese Person zu kommen, den Namen zu finden, ihn zu lokalisieren. Das ist uns dann am Freitag gelungen und wir haben es dann auch sofort an die Polizei weitergegeben. -- "It really was detective work to determine this person, find out the name, localize him. We succeded in this on Friday and then immediately informed the police." -- so they localized al-Bakr, informted the local police and started observation on 7 October.
Regarding Khalil A.: Right, the man arrested in the York area probably was someone else. --PM3 (talk) 15:03, 16 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]
You are probably right that he was only discovered on 6 October. Do you want to change that?--Gerry1214 (talk) 18:32, 17 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]