“A precision engineered labyrinth of spies and semiconductors, yet messy and human.”
-Hannu Rajaniemi, author of The Quantum Thief
“This book will devour your free time. It will ruin your sleep. It will infiltrate your mind. It will steal your heart. Buy it. Read it. You can thank me later.”
-David Cohen, founder at Techstars
“Eliot Peper’s genius? Making the unbelievable feel like it’s just around the corner. If you weren’t a Peper fan already, you will be after this read. Dive in, but don’t expect to come up for air anytime soon.”
-Ozan Varol, author of Awaken Your Genius
“If whip-smart, fast-moving, spy-vs.-spy stories are your thing, then this is the novel for you.”
–SF Signal
“Frighteningly prescient. I read it in less than 48 hours—just had to know what would happen next.”
-Rebecca Hiscott, managing editor at Stripe Press
“The most important resource isn’t gold, oil, or rice. Semiconductors control the world, and Peper’s new thriller explores the implications.”
-Chris Yeh, co-author of Blitzscaling
“Eliot’s novels are first-rate at synthesizing complex science, technology, and geopolitics in action-packed plots. Highly recommend!”
-Danny Crichton, editor-in-chief at Lux Capital
“Clever, prescient, and stylish, Foundry is a fascinating examination of modern power wrapped in a propulsive, page-turning story.”
-Mario Gabriele, The Generalist
“How can you not buy this book immediately?”
-Rodolfo Rosini, entrepreneur-in-residence at Conception X
“Rooted in real geopolitical dilemmas, Foundry explores the intersection of espionage and tech.”
-Scott Bade, senior analyst at Eurasia Group
“A spy adventure that takes unexpected turns and sticks a landing that had me cheering. Truly a lot of fun—I inhaled it in one sitting.”
-Ben Werdmuller, The 19th
“Reading Peper novels could be described as future-prepping—glimpsing the world that hasn’t happened yet. Foundry is another look around the corner. The timing is eerily good.”
-David Lang, executive director at the Experiment Foundation
“A spy thriller about semiconductors; an acid trip; a lightning rumination on how thoroughly tech shapes the world around us. I absolutely love it.”
-Yudhanjaya Wijeratne, author of The Salvage Crew
“A carefully crafted trap designed to shatter your assumptions.”
“A thrilling exploration of the geopolitical intricacies of semiconductor manufacturing and an invitation to ponder the unseen forces shaping our civilization.”
-Danny Crichton, editor in chief at Lux Capital