意義素(意味の分類) | 対応する類語・関連語 | |
天然繊維あるいは合成繊維を織ること、フェルトにすること、編むこと、または鉤針編みすることによって作られる人工物 artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers |
material, fabric, textile, cloth |
material, fabric, textile, cloth
切れ地、 生地、 テキスタイル、 糸物、 布帛、 布地、 織地、 クロース、 織り、 機物、 マテリアル、 栲、 裂地、 布切れ、 ファブリック、 呉服、 服地、 素、 織り地、 切地、 巾、 反物、 織物、 クロス、 織布、 テクスタイル、 布、 織、 布切
この場合の「material, fabric, textile, cloth」の意味
artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers
「天然繊維あるいは合成繊維を織ること、フェルトにすること、編むこと、または鉤針編みすることによって作られる人工物」の意味で使われる「material, fabric, textile, cloth」の例文
the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent
woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC
she measured off enough material for a dress
aba, acrylic, aertex, alpaca, baize, basket weave, batik, batiste, belting, bombazine, boucle, broadcloth, brocade, buckram, bunting, calico, cambric, camelhair, camel's hair, camlet, camouflage, camo, canopy, canvas, canvass, cashmere, cerecloth, challis, chambray, chenille, chiffon, chino, chintz, coating, cobweb, corduroy, cord, cotton, canton flannel, cotton flannel, crape, crepe, cretonne, crinoline, damask, dungaree, jean, denim, diamante, diaper, dimity, doeskin, drapery, duck, duffle, duffel, elastic, etamin, etamine, faille, felt, vulcanized fiber, fiber, fibre, flannel, flannelette, fleece, foulard, frieze, fustian, gabardine, georgette, gingham, grogram, grosgrain, haircloth, hair, herringbone, homespun, hopsack, hopsacking, horsehair, jaconet, jacquard, khaddar, khadi, khaki, knit, lace, lame, imitation leather, leatherette, linen, linsey-woolsey, lint, lisle, mackinaw, macintosh, mackintosh, madras, marseille, metallic, mohair, moire, watered-silk, moleskin, monk's cloth, moquette, moreen, motley, mousseline de sole, muslin, nankeen, meshing, meshwork, network, net, mesh, ninon, nylon, oilcloth, olive drab, organza, paisley, panting, trousering, pepper-and-salt, percale, durable press, permanent press, piece of material, piece of cloth, pilot cloth, pinstripe, pique, plush, polyester, pongee, poplin, print, quilting, rayon, rep, repp, sackcloth, bagging, sacking, sailcloth, samite, sateen, satin, satinet, satinette, screening, scrim, seersucker, serge, shag, shantung, sharkskin, sheeting, shirting, shirttail, silesia, silk, spandex, sponge cloth, stammel, suede cloth, suede, suiting, swan's down, taffeta, tammy, tappa, tapa, tapestry, tapis, plaid, tartan, terry cloth, terrycloth, terry, ticking, toweling, towelling, tweed, twill, upholstery material, velcro, velours, velour, velvet, velveteen, vicuna, viyella, voile, wash-and-wear, waterproof, web, webbing, whipcord, wincey, wire cloth, woolen, wool, woollen, worsted, yoke, pina cloth
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