gravellyとは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 砂利の(多い)、砂利を含む、砂利のような、がらがらの
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gravellyの学習レベル | レベル:21 |
該当件数 : 9件
very small European freshwater fish common in gravelly streams発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
砂利の多い小川でよく見られる非常に小型の欧州産淡水魚 - 日本語WordNet
You spoke with a gravelly voice, like you had a cold or a flu or something.例文帳に追加
君は ガラガラ声で話してた 風邪かインフルエンザにかかってたみたいだった - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
The contact filter media package part 3 is prepared by packing gravelly filter media 3a in layers into the respective divisions 21 to 29 and water purification is performed by allowing water to pass among filter media 3a.例文帳に追加
各区画21〜29に礫状の濾材3aを層状に充填して接触濾材充填部3とし、濾材3a間に水を通過させて水質浄化を行う。 - 特許庁
To provide sampling for picking a core sample which will not disturb soil and especially picking a sample for a dynamic test for sand put in the non-cementation (non-consolidation) state to low cementation state, gravelly soil, crushed rock or the like.例文帳に追加
地盤を乱さないコア試料の採取、特に膠結(固結)していない状態から低膠結状態の砂や礫地盤、破砕岩などの力学試験用の試料を採取するサンプリングを提供する。 - 特許庁
To reliably prevent unnecessary deceleration of a vehicle, and degradation of braking property of the vehicle attributable to suppression of an increase of the braking pressure to prevent hunting of the antiskid control when the vehicle travels on a gravelly road.例文帳に追加
車輌が砂利路を走行する場合にアンチスキッド制御のハンチングを防止するための制動圧の増圧の抑制に起因して車輌の減速度が不必要に低下し車輌の制動性能が悪化することを確実に防止する。 - 特許庁
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Wiktionary英語版での「gravelly」の意味 |
From Middle English gravelli (“covered with gravel or sand; (pathology) containing sand-like matter”),[1] from gravel (“sand; grain of stand; gravel, pebbles; (pathology) sand-like matter in the urine, calculus”)[2] + -lī (suffix forming adjectives).[3] Gravel is derived from Old French gravel, gravele, gravelle (“gravel; (pathology) calculus”) (modern French gravelle (“(pathology) calculus”)), from grave (“coarse sand, gravel; seashore”) (ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *gʰreh₁w- (“to grind”); modern French grève (“riverbank; shore, strand”)) + -ele (diminutive suffix). The English word is analysable as gravel + -y (suffix forming adjectives meaning ‘having the quality of’).[4]
gravelly (comparative more gravelly, superlative most gravelly)
- Full of, covered with, or similar to gravel or pebbles.
- 1577, Dydymus Mountaine [pseudonym; Thomas Hill]; Henry Dethicke [i.e., Henry Dethick], “Of the Kindes of Dung, and which Well Commended for the Dunging of Gardens”, in The Gardeners Labyrinth: […], London: […] Henry Bynneman, OCLC 1121279864, page 19:
- The dung which men make […] is greatly miſlyked, for that by nature it is hoter and burneth the ſeedes ſowne in that earth: ſo that this is not to bee uſed, unleſſe the ground be a barren, grauelly or verie louſe ſand, lacking ſtrength in it, which being on ſuche wiſe, requyreth the more helpe of nouriſhment and fatning, through this kinde of dung: […]
- 1791, Oliver Goldsmith, “Of the Internal Structure of the Earth”, in An History of the Earth, and Animated Nature. […], volume I, new edition, London: […] F[rancis] Wingrave, successor to Mr. [John] Nourse, […], OCLC 877622212, page 49:
- This earth, however, is not to be ſuppoſed entirely pure, but is mixed with much ſtony and gravelly matter, from the layers lying immediately beneath it. It generally happens, that the ſoil is fertile in proportion to the quantity that this putrified mold bears to the gravelly mixture; and as the former predominates, ſo far is the vegetation upon it more luxuriant.
- Of a voice: unpleasantly harsh or rasping.
- (pathology) Caused by or involving gravel (“kidney stones”).
- (obsolete) Full of or covered with sand; sandy.
- gravelliness
- Gravelly Hill
- ungravelly
- ^ “gravellī, adj.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
- ^ “gravel, n.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
- ^ “-lī, suf.(1)”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
- ^ “gravelly, adj.”, in OED Online
, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, June 2021; “gravelly, adj.”, in Lexico,; Oxford University Press, 2019–present.
該当件数 : 9件
The upper surface of a concrete block body for river is formed in a flat or a large and small sized uneven pattern, and the surface of the block is thin laminated with a natural sand, crushed sand, stone powder, natural gravel, crushed stone, zeolite, coal ash, slag, gravelly pumice or the like to combine them with each other.例文帳に追加
河川用コンクリートブロック体の上面をフラットや大小の自在な凹凸模様として形成し、該ブロック表面を天然砂、砕砂、石粉、天然砂利、砕石、ゼオライト、石炭灰、スラグ、礫状の軽石などを薄層化して食い込ませ一体化させる。 - 特許庁
To provide an additive with which sufficient plastic flowability is imparted to all grounds (excavated soil) of sandy, gravelly, and viscous grounds by using its quantity less than that of the conventional additives, and to provide a soil-pressed shield method and a soil-pressed pipe-jacking method using the additive.例文帳に追加
従来の添加剤に比して少量にて、砂質地盤、礫質地盤、粘性地盤のすべての地盤(掘削土)に対して十分な塑性流動性を付与することができる添加剤と、これを使用する泥土圧式シールド工法および泥土圧式推進工法を提供する。 - 特許庁
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