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英訳・英語 system of maternity leave
該当件数 : 8件
Some enterprises adopt other measures in addition to childcare leave systems, such as reduced working hours for women caring for children31) and child nursing care leave systems, and the proportion of enterprises instituting such arrangements similarly decreases with size.32) - 経済産業省
They executed an enhanced system of maternity leave for women, free language study services for immigrants, and paid vocational training for the unemployed. - 経済産業省
Private companies are also making efforts by offering training programs available during childcare leave to help them improve their skills while away from the job, providing nursery facilities within the company, teleworking, and re-employment systems for those who have left. Advancements in developing an environment in which women can actively participate in the workplace are expected as a result of case studies of advanced companies and publicizing best practices. - 経済産業省
両親保険(parental insurance)は、1974年に導入された育児休暇期間中の収入補填制度であり、両性が取得できるという点で世界初の試みだった。例文帳に追加
The parental insurance system is an income compensation system for parents who are on child care leave that was adopted in 1974. It is unique in world history in the sense that the benefits may be claimed by the parent of either gender. - 経済産業省
The child care leave system practiced in Sweden is very flexible, where leaves may be taken in increments of a whole day, three-quarters of a day, half day, or a fourth of a day of the work hour depending on the situation of the parents anytime between 10 days prior to childbirth through the child's eighth birthday. Furthermore, the parents are not obligated to take consecutive days off. - 経済産業省
The parental insurance system is an income compensation system for parents who are on child care leave that was adopted in 1974. It is unique in world history in the sense that the benefits may be claimed by the parent of either gender. - 経済産業省
Fig. 3-3-34 is based on the results of the Business Survey Regarding Small Business Support for Balancing Work and Family and the Survey Regarding Work and Parenting at Small Businesses conducted by the Fujitsu Research Institute (December 2005), and shows the reasons given by enterprises and employees for the lack of use of arrangements such as parental leave, shorter working hours, and flextime established at enterprises that responded that little use was made of these arrangements. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 8件
第一条 この法律は、育児休業及び介護休業に関する制度並びに子の看護休暇に関する制度を設けるとともに、子の養育及び家族の介護を容易にするため勤務時間等に関し事業主が講ずべき措置を定めるほか、子の養育又は家族の介護を行う労働者等に対する支援措置を講ずること等により、子の養育又は家族の介護を行う労働者等の雇用の継続及び再就職の促進を図り、もってこれらの者の職業生活と家庭生活との両立に寄与することを通じて、これらの者の福祉の増進を図り、あわせて経済及び社会の発展に資することを目的とする。例文帳に追加
Article 1 The purposes of this Act are to promote the welfare of workers, etc. who take care of children or other family members and to contribute to the development of the economy and society. These purposes will be accomplished by helping balance such persons' work life and family life by means of continuing employment and promoting re-employment of said workers, etc. through such steps as establishing a system for Child Care Leave, Family Care Leave, and Sick/Injured Child Care Leave; prescribing measures to be taken by employers concerning working hours, etc. with the view to facilitating the care of children and other family members; and taking measures to support said workers, etc.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
system of maternity leave
introduction of maternity leave systems
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