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英訳・英語 single fare
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a single [round‐trip] fare発音を聞く - 研究社 新英和中辞典
While the single train fare was one yen and 77 sen, the return fare was two yen and 30 sen on this section of the Government Railway from August 1, 1902, subsequently the Kansai Railway Company decreased the return fare to two yen (the single fare was one yen and 47 sen) and the Government Railway decreased the return fare of the same section to one yen and 47 sen on August 6, 1902, which caused the return fare to be less than the single fare.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Because fares for the same section are different, the condition for selling one-way tickets are rather complicated.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The fare for its flight between Osaka and Fukuoka will be between 3,780 and 11,780 yen one-way.発音を聞く - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
The time spent in the cable car is only about 2 minutes, and those who contribute 100 yen to the temple can ride the cable car for free (essentially, the fare is 100 yen one way).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 12件
It takes approximately 110 minutes by Kyoto Bus Hanase Route (R32) from Demachiyanagi Station on the Keihan Electric Railway Keihan Oto Line.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In the case of a one-way ticket exceeding 201 km, passengers aren't required to make an additional payment because Yamashina Station is 'within the railway fare system of specific metropolitan and urban area'; however, a ticket of short distance, particularly from Osaka and Kobe to Yamashina Station, is excluded from the specified sections of trains or fares; consequently the fare to Yamashina Station is much higher than that to Kyoto Station.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Although both parties were reconciled after the adjustment by the Governor of Osaka Prefecture and the members of the Diet, which was suggested by the Nagoya Chamber of Commerce at the end of the same year, in October of the followng year, the competition started again after the Kansai Railway Company breached the arrangement, given that the same railway had set the single fare for one yen and 10 sen, return fare for one yen and 20 sen and started giving out free lunch boxes.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
2 鉄道賃及び船賃は旅行区間の路程に応ずる旅客運賃(はしけ賃及びさん橋賃を含むものとし、運賃に等級を設ける線路又は船舶による旅行の場合には、運賃の等級を三階級に区分するものについては中級以下で公正取引委員会が相当と認める等級の、運賃の等級を二階級に区分するものについては公正取引委員会が相当と認める等級の運賃)、急行料金(特別急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道百キロメートル以上のものには特別急行料金、普通急行列車又は準急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道五十キロメートル以上のものには普通急行料金又は準急行料金)並びに公正取引委員会が支給を相当と認める特別車両料金及び特別船室料金並びに座席指定料金(座席指定料金を徴する普通急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道百キロメートル以上のもの又は座席指定料金を徴する船舶を運行する航路のある区間の旅行の場合の座席指定料金に限る。)によつて、路程賃は一キロメートルにつき三十七円以内において公正取引委員会が相当と認める額によつて、航空賃は現に支払つた旅客運賃によつて、それぞれ算定する。例文帳に追加
(2) Train fares and boat fares shall be calculated based on the passenger fare (including any lighterage or pierage dues, and in the case of travel by rail transport or water transport where the fare varies by grade, if the fare has three grades, it shall be the fare for the middle or the lowest grade, whichever the Japan Fair Trade Commission deems reasonable, and if the fare has two grades, it shall be the fare for whichever grade the Japan Fair Trade Commission deems reasonable), any express fare (for travel of 100 kilometers or more each way in a section where a special express train is operated, it shall be the special express fare, and for travel of 50 kilometers or more each way in a section where an ordinary express train or a local express train is operated, it shall be the ordinary express fare or the local express fare), and any special vehicle charge or special cabin charge or reserved-seat charge (limited to a reserved-seat charge for travel of 100 kilometers or more each way in a section where an ordinary express train that charges a reserved-seat charge is operated or for travel in a section where a ship that charges a reserved-seat charge is operated) which the Japan Fair Trade Commission finds reasonable, according to the distance of the traveled section; distance fees shall be calculated based on the amount which the Japan Fair Trade Commission finds reasonable not exceeding 37 yen per kilometer; and air fares shall be calculated based on the passenger fare that is actually paid.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
2 鉄道賃及び船賃は旅行区間の路程に応ずる旅客運賃(はしけ賃及びさん橋賃を含むものとし、運賃に等級を設ける線路又は船舶による旅行の場合には、運賃の等級を三階級に区分するものについては中級以下で裁判所が相当と認める等級の、運賃の等級を二階級に区分するものについては裁判所が相当と認める等級の運賃)、急行料金(特別急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道百キロメートル以上のものには特別急行料金、普通急行列車又は準急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道五十キロメートル以上のものには普通急行料金又は準急行料金)並びに裁判所が支給を相当と認める特別車両料金及び特別船室料金並びに座席指定料金(座席指定料金を徴する普通急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道百キロメートル以上のもの又は座席指定料金を徴する船舶を運行する航路のある区間の旅行の場合の座席指定料金に限る。)によつて、路程賃は最高裁判所が定める額の範囲内において裁判所が定める額によつて、航空賃は現に支払つた旅客運賃によつて、それぞれ算定する。例文帳に追加
(2) Railway fare and ship fare (including a lighterage and pierage) shall be calculated respectively as comprising [1] passenger fare (in the case of travel by a route or a ship for which there are fare classes, if the fare is categorized into three classes, the second- or third-class fare as considered reasonable by the court, and if the fare is categorized into two classes, the fare of the class as considered reasonable by the court) corresponding to the distance of the span traveled, [2] express charge (a limited express charge for travel of 100 kilometers or more one way between points where there is a railway on which a limited express train runs; an ordinary express charge or semi-express charge for travel of fewer than 100 kilometers and 50 kilometers or more one way between points where there is a railway on which an ordinary express train or semi-express train runs), [3] special compartment charge or special cabin charge, if the payment of which is considered reasonable by the court, and [4] seat reservation charge (limited to a seat reservation charge in the case of travel of 100 kilometers or more one way between points where there is a railway on which an ordinary express train requiring a seat reservation charge runs, or travel by ship between points where there is a route on which a ship requiring a seat reservation charge runs); a distance fare shall be calculated as the amount determined by the court within the range specified by the Supreme Court; and an airfare shall be calculated by the passenger fare actually paid.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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