意味 | 例文 (73件) |
英訳・英語 meeting of member countries
該当件数 : 73件
FATF のマンデートを新たにするため、他の FATF 参加国大臣と行う来春の会合に期待。例文帳に追加
We look forward to meeting with other FATF Ministers next spring to refresh the mandate of the FATF.発音を聞く - 財務省
This meeting, I believe, has served as a great opportunity for all of us to step forward to find solutions to the problems we are facing. - 厚生労働省
Participants graciously accepted Korea's offer to host the fifth Roundtable in 2013, and Qatar's offer to host the sixth Roundtable in 2015.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
• 2012年3月・5月 パネル会合を開催(日EU合同。米国は第三国参加し、日EUの主張を支持)。例文帳に追加
March and May 2012 Panel meetings were held (Jointly with the EU. The United States participated as a third party and supported the arguments made by Japan and the EU).発音を聞く - 経済産業省
However, the consultations did not result in resolution and Korea requested establishment of a panel at a meeting of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB), and the DSB established a panel on June 19, 2006, with the US, the EU and China as third party participants. - 経済産業省
(Japan, China, Taiwan, the EC and the United States participated as third parties.) The Panel Report in DS296 was circulated on February 21, 2005. The Korean Government and the United States appealed certain issues of law covered in the Panel Report and certain legal interpretations developed by the Panel. - 経済産業省
Finally, the participants reaffirmed that this High Level Officials Meeting is very fruitful and the participants also expressed their high expectations for its continuance and further development of this meeting. - 厚生労働省
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
該当件数 : 73件
Finance and Central Bank Deputies from the fourteen Manila Framework economies met inMelbourne on March 26 and 27.発音を聞く - 財務省
For future improvement of maternal and child health and welfare services in countries, the participants recommended the following; - 厚生労働省
2 月に広島で開催した高級実務者会合において、日本は議長としてAPEC参加国・地域に対してボゴール目標達成評価案を提示し、6 月に札幌で開催の貿易担当大臣会合において、ボゴール目標達成評価案について参加国・地域の閣僚級で議論が行われた。例文帳に追加
At the senior officials meeting held in February in Hiroshima, Japan, as chair of the APEC, Japan suggested areas for assessment of Bogor goals. In meetings of trade ministers held in Sapporo in June, ministerial discussions were held with the participating countries and regional member countries regarding the evaluation method of Bogor goals. - 経済産業省
We welcome the participation of Libya to our meeting in Marseille and look forward to their participation in our Partnership.発音を聞く - 財務省
私としては、明日から参加するホノルル APEC首脳会合において、TPP交渉参加に向けて関係国との協議に入ることといたしました。例文帳に追加
I have decided to enter into consultations toward participating in the TPP negotiations with the countries concerned, on the occasion of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii which I will be attending from tomorrow. - 経済産業省
Face to face meetings with ASEAN member country and Japan to share information, knowledge and view of the matter are very effective to solve the problem on health and social welfare for children with disabilities. - 厚生労働省
2011 年5 月19 日、APEC 貿易担当大臣会合の際に行われたTPP参加国の閣僚朝食会では、11 月のAPEC 首脳会議までに協定の幅広い大枠に達すること、TPP 参加に関心を示す国との二国間作業を継続し、いずれのAPEC参加エコノミーについても、協定の高い基準を満たす準備ができれば、参加について検討することなどが合意された。例文帳に追加
Among potential pathways leading to the establishment of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), the TPP is the only initiative for which the negotiations have been actually launched. At a breakfast meeting for the TPP member nations held on May 19, 2011 on the sidelines of the APEC Trade Ministers‟ Meeting, the ministers agreed that they would try to reach the broad outlines of an agreement on the TPP by the APEC Leaders‟ Meeting due to be held in November 2011, and that they continue to work bilaterally with interested countries and to consider the membership of any APEC members if and when they are ready to meet the high standards of the TPP agreement. - 経済産業省
On July 20, 2005, the DSB established panels, and Japan, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China and Korea participated as a third parties. - 経済産業省
meeting of member countries
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