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英訳・英語 middle income bracket
該当件数 : 34件
2節2. で見たように、我が国の企業は新興国市場において、中所得者層、次いで高所得者層を顧客として見ているが、2割程度の企業は低所得者層をビジネスのターゲットとして認識している。例文帳に追加
As described in 2. of Section 2, in emerging markets, Japanese-owned companies primarily regard the middle-income class as their customers, and secondly the high-income class. However, approximately 20% of Japanese-owned companies target the low-income class. - 経済産業省
第2 章第2 節2. で見たように、我が国の企業は新興国市場において、高所得者層、次いで中所得者層を顧客として見ているが、2 割程度の企業は低所得者層をビジネスのターゲットとして認識している。例文帳に追加
As seen in Chapter 2, Section 2-2, Japanese-owned companies see the high-income bracket and the middle-income bracket as their main clients in emerging markets, but around 20% of the companies perceive the low-income class as their main business target. - 経済産業省
The driving force of this trend was the people belonging to the higher-income bracket, such as movie stars, singers, lawyers and doctors.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
occupying a socioeconomic position intermediate between those of the lower classes and the wealthy発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
なお、中国の個人所得税に関しては、2006 年 1月より給与所得に対する所得控除額が引き上げられ(800元→1600元、280億元規模の減税)、主に給与所得者により構成される都市部の低所得者層にとっては大幅な負担減となったが、累進度の見直しは先送りとなっている。例文帳に追加
As for individual income tax in China, the amount of deduction from income in regard to employment income was raised in January 2006 (800 yuan → 1,600 yuan, tax reduction on the scale of 28 billion yuan). There was a significant decrease in the burden for the low-income group in urban areas composed of mainly employment income earners, but revision of the degree of progression has been postponed. - 経済産業省
こうしたアジア新興国における個人消費が拡大するなかで、中間所得者層( 世帯可処分所得5,000~35,000 ドル)の拡大が注目されている。例文帳に追加
While personal consumption increases in Asian emerging countries, the expansion of the middle-income segment with $5,000 to $35,000 of household disposal income is gaining attention. - 経済産業省
Because copayments were based on the income of the individual and persons with a duty of support (ability to pay), burdens on people with mid-level and high incomes were heavy. - 厚生労働省
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
Weblio例文辞書での「中所得者層」に類似した例文 |
the high income bracket
the middle layer of a pericarp
the high [low] income bracket
a class of people between the higher and lower social classes, known as the middle class
a person belonging to the social class called the new poor
the social class called the new poor
It is a happy remark―a felicitous expression.
That is an opportunity for the middle class to become homeowners.
about average
Neutralization is to make something neutral, so you should check with litmus paper and have it be neutral.
該当件数 : 34件
Retail business operators affiliated with foreign companies other than Japanese ones mainly target low-income and middle-income earners in China. But Japanese retail companies - all of department stores, convenience stores and general supermarket chains - are targeting middle-income and upper-income earners. So client bases are differentiated between Japanese retailers and other foreign retailers. - 経済産業省
In addition, a comparative review of income classes of purchasers of Japanese products and Chinese products suggests that purchasers of Japanese products belonged to a higher income class than purchasers of Chinese products. With regard to slim-type TVs and DVD devices, in the comparatively low-income classes, the number of consumers having purchased Japanese products exceeded the number of people having purchased Chinese products. - 経済産業省
The company uses its brands established in Japan for exports to China as a deluxe brand aimed at a small number of high income earners. - 経済産業省
This survey targeted people living in the major cities of East Asia and, from the income distribution of the respondents, it can be thought that the majority of them could be regarded as "middle class." - 経済産業省
各エリア(国)において中間所得者層に位置し、「情報収集/消費動向/情報発信」の3 領域において活発な人例文帳に追加
People who are in the middle class of each area (country) and who are active in the three areas of "Information Gathering, Consumption Trends and Information Delivery."発音を聞く - 経済産業省
The quality of services and products being of fered to customers targeted by Japanese retailers is differentiated from the quality of services and products being offered to customers pursued by locally based retailers. - 経済産業省
The strategy can reduce their business costs, enabling them to operate a large number of stores that can offer products at cheaper prices for low-income and middle-income earners. - 経済産業省
依然として所得格差のあるブラジルでは、KUMON の学習者は依然として富裕層と言われる層が中心であるが、近年の経済発展に伴って中間層の上位の家庭が教室の学習者に加わりつつある。例文帳に追加
There are still wide income gaps in Brazil, and most KUMON students are from the so-called wealthy class, but along with the growing economy, students from upper middle-class families are increasing in classes. - 経済産業省
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