Applying the Identity

Zoom virtual backgrounds

Download a background from this collection of GSE-inspired virtual settings. For help uploading a background to Zoom, please visit the Zoom Help Center.

Please note that when you upload your Zoom image it will appear reversed from your view. It will appear correctly to those viewing your screen as long as you disable the “mirror” feature in your Zoom video settings.

Zoom virtual backgrounds

Ordering stationery

You can order print materials that reflect the GSE identity and vision through PIP printers in Palo Alto using a Stanford p-card.

Business Cards

Order business cards from PIP

Photo of Stanford Graduate of Education business cards with Improving lives through learning signature on back


Visit Stanford Identity Guide

Photo of stationery with GSE logo

Having trouble or need something customized? Contact Jennifer Allen at PIP Palo Alto.

For information about who can order Stanford stationery, visit the university’s policy page.

Document templates

These Microsoft Word templates provide a desktop publishing alternative to ordering customized letterhead. To correctly use the templates, you must first install

 if you don’t already have it. We recommend you distribute final documents as PDFs to ensure the correct formatting when printed by others.

We suggest using the version with the tagline for the strongest expression of the GSE identity and vision.

Letterhead with tagline


Letterhead with GSE and ILTL logos

Letterhead without tagline


Letterhead with GSE logos

Name tags

(Avery 5392, 5395, 74461)

Proceed to Downloads

Letterhead with GSE and ILTL logos

Conference program

Coming soon


Invitations 5x7

(different options in PDF and EPS)

Proceed to Downloads

Invitation template with GSE and ILTL logos in 5 by 7

Invitations 4x6

(different options in PDF and EPS)

Proceed to Downloads

Invitation template with GSE and ILTL logos in 4 by 6

Presentation template

Choose from a variety of slides that connect the GSE to Stanford and to our mission.

Basic powerpoint template

This template provides many options for a professional, consistent look to your presentations.


PowerPoint with ILTL logos

Powerpoint template for centers

Use this template if you would like to add a logo for your center or program.


PowerPoint for center

Email Signature

This email signature connects the Stanford GSE to its vision.


Use text version of the tagline, with space above.

Firstname Lastname
Your title
Your Unit or Center (if desired and not redundant with your title)
Stanford Graduate School of Education
485 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, CA 94305 (or other location, if needed)
[email protected] | xxx-xxx-xxxx
URL [linked] | Twitter [or other platform(s), linked] (if relevant and desired)

Improving lives through learning


Use the GSE signature locked with other graphics, like the tagline graphic or logo for your center.

GSE logo locked with Research center logo
GSE logo locked with Research center logo


The purpose of branded merchandise is to promote awareness of the Graduate School of Education and its mission and vision.

When ordering GSE swag, please consult the guidelines for the use of the GSE signature and vision elements. For GSE brand questions, contact Jeannie Cole.

In addition, Stanford requires that you use a Stanford-approved vendor for trademark reasons. For questions about trademarks and vendors, contact the trademark office: [email protected].

Photo of a black baseball hat with ILTL logo on the back and GSE logo on the front
Photo of stationery with GSE and ILTL logos
Photo of various GSE swag
Photo of two white bottles with red GSE and ILTL logos