The ICE program draws students from a diverse set of backgrounds. They represent many countries, undergraduate majors, and experiences. ICE students are willing to question conventional beliefs and models about the role of education in society.
An integral component of the ICE/IEPA master’s program involves the writing of the master’s paper – a publishable-quality research project on a topic of the student’s choosing. Considered the most demanding, yet rewarding, aspect of the program, we are pleased to highlight two recently-completed master’s papers.
In addition, lists of papers completed over the past few years may be found on the link below (Stanford-affiliates may login with their SUNet ID and password to download the papers).
Roughly half of the graduates of the ICE Doctoral program go on to academic careers in colleges and universities primarily in North America. The other half pursue careers in government, research, consulting organizations, and foundations.
Graduates of the ICE/IEPA Master's program frequently hold research and program management positions in education research or development organizations.
Job Placements of Recent Graduates of the ICE/IEPA Master's Program