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Why campuses hold the key to accelerating a net zero future

A campus is a bitesize chunk of city. Therefore, addressing the campus as a building block is key to helping cities transition to a more sustainable future. Cities tend to be developed or redeveloped in phases, often consisting of one or more city blocks, especially when sub-developers are involved.

The Arts of Digital Banking - Remodeling FOCUS

Analyze the driving forces and challenges of bank transformation under the digital trend; Describe Huawei's insights into key areas of bank digitalization and the recommended methods for remodeling the digital capability model.

"5G + Wi-Fi + IoT" Convergence, Opening Up a New Blue Ocean for Enterprise Wireless

The "5G + Wi-Fi + IoT" converged campus network solution brings new value to more industries and extend from office campuses to production campuses. The full potential of this hyper-converged campus network solution will be seen especially in healthcare, large enterprise, manufacturing, port, warehousing, and other scenarios, where it will accelerate industry digital transformation and maximize enterprise digital productivity.

Filling Genomics' Biggest Gap

Huawei's High-Performance Data Analytics Solution helped to shorten the hospital’s genome sequencing analysis time from 24 hours to just seven minutes.

Native Hard Pipe: Building a Reliable All-Optical Foundation for Industrial Digital Transformation

Huawei expects the NHP-enabled optical network to become a reliable foundation for building a fully connected, intelligent, and green world.

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