GEAR UP assists low-income, first-generation and traditionally underrepresented students in obtaining a high school diploma and preparing for and succeeding in postsecondary education.
Blaze a Trail to Postsecondary Success with GEAR UP!!
- Increase academic performance and preparation for post-secondary enrollment for Wisconsin GEAR UP (WIGU) students
- Increase high school graduation and enrollment in post-secondary education rates (without the need for remediation) for WIGU students
- Increase WIGU students’ and families’ knowledge of post-secondary education options, preparation, and financing
Services Provided
- One-on-one academic, career, or personal advising
- Close monitoring of grades, attendance, and homework completion and early intervention via tutoring or referrals as needed
- Instruction and guidance on college and career readiness topics
- College visits and cultural events
- Personalized mentoring throughout senior year and first year of college
- Consideration for GEAR UP Scholarship
- Must be enrolled in a GEAR UP target school
Students must meet ONE of the following criteria listed below –
- Eligible for free or reduced-price meals at time of GEAR UP enrollment
- Racial or Ethnic Minority
- First generation college bound, neither parent/guardian has a 4 year degree
- English language learner
- Student with a disability
- Must be between grades 6 through 12
- Must be a United States citizen or national, permanent resident of the United States, or be able to provide documentation from U.S. Immigration of their intent to become a permanent resident
How to Complete the WEOP Student Application
Complete the WEOP Student Application Form - must be signed by you AND a parent/guardian:
- Have a Teacher/Coach/Counselor complete the DPI Teacher Recommendation Form and/or the DPI Counselor Coach Recommendation Form (optional, but highly encouraged).
- Submit your application to the secure server through your local WEOP Office:
WAIT to receive an upload link from the WEOP Office to send in your completed documents together.
Please contact your local WEOP Office for additional information.
Additional Partner Services Provided by UW - Green Bay
- Dual credit opportunities for high school students
- Summer camps for students grades 6-12
- STEM After-School programs
- Digital Badges for achievement from UW - Green Bay
Learn more about services provided through the GEAR UP partnership with UW - Green Bay web page.
In 2019, Governor Tony Evers designated the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Wisconsin Educational Opportunity Program (WEOP) as the sole state agency to administer the GEAR UP grant. The GEAR UP grant is funded through the United States Department of Education.