Table of Contents
DokuWiki Features
DokuWiki has many features but all of them are easy to use. And many more can be added through the free plugin downloads. The list below should give you a first overview of what is available in DokuWiki. Feel free to test DokuWiki on the playground. If you miss a feature not available, just put a bounty out on it.
A big list of features is also available in the WikiMatrix where you can compare DokuWiki's features with those of other engines and systems.
Basic Features
- Simple syntax
- Unlimited page revisions
- Colored side by side diff support
- Uploading and embedding of images and other media
- Customizable Interwiki links
- Optional CamelCase support
- Content can be categorized in namespaces, easily browsable through an automatic index
- Straightforward configuration
High Usability
- Section Editing allows editing of small parts of a page
- Toolbar and accesskeys make editing easy for both beginners and professionals
- Easy navigation through breadcrumbs
- Automatic table of contents generation
- Locking to avoid edit conflicts
- Automatic save to avoid content lost during editing
- Easy to use
Access Control and Anti-Spam Measures
- Simple support for read only pages
- Extended Access Control Lists
- Spam blacklist
- Mail address obfuscation and
- Support for over 50 languages
- Full UTF-8 support
- Romanization support for nicer URLs
- Optional automatic plural linking for English wikis
- Index-based fast fulltext search
- Pagecaching for quicker rendering
- Ajax-enhanced Interface
Easy Integration
- No database required, it uses plain text files
- Syndication of recent changes as RSS or ATOM feeds
- Authentication Backends for integrating with LDAP, MySQL, Postgres and others
- Open Source and well documented source code…
- and many more…
features.txt · Last modified: by Aleksandr