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Docutils Release Notes

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This document summarizes the major changes in previous and upcoming releases. For a more detailed list of changes, please see the Docutils HISTORY.

Future changes

Command line interface

  • The command-line usage pattern will change:

    • Stop accepting the DESTINATION positional argument in Docutils 1.0. Use --output=DESTINATION (cf. the "output_path" configuration setting) or output redirection.

    • Accept the short option -o for --output in Docutils 1.0

    • Accept more than one source document in Docutils 2.0

    For the rationale, see

Document Tree / Docutils DTD

  • Do not lowercase reference names in the "refname" attribute (matching hyperlinks, footnotes, and citations remains case insensitive), and drop the name attribute from <reference> nodes in Docutils 1.0.

  • Use the %tbl.table.att parameter entity instead of %bodyatt to customize the <table> element's attribute list in Docutils 1.0.

  • The <footnote> element's first child (<label>) will become mandatory in Docutils 1.0.

  • The "rst" parser will warn if a "figure" directive is missing both caption and legend in Docutils 1.0.

  • To match the definition in the "Exchange Table Model", the "colwidth" attribute will be stored as a str (instead of numerical) value in Python element instances in Docutils 1.0. Proportional values will be stored with unit "*" in Docutils 2.0. The default unit will change to "pt" in Docutils 3.0.

  • The <doctest_block> element will be deprecated in Docutils 1.0. The rST parser will handle a doctest block similar to a "code" directive with language "pycon" (Python console) and generate a <literal_block>.


  • The default HTML writer will change in Docutils 2.0:

    The rst2html front end and get_writer_by_name('html') select "html4css1" now and will select "html5" in Docutils 2.0 and later.

    • Use rst2html4, docutils --writer=html4, or get_writer_by_name('html4') if you depend on stability of the generated HTML code, e.g. because you use a custom style sheet or post-processing that may break otherwise.

    • Use rst2html5, docutils or get_writer_by_name('html5') if you want a HTML5 document.

  • "html5" writer:

    • Move attribution behind the blockquote to comply with the "HTML living standard". (The now retired HTML5 W3C recommendation allows <cite> elements inside a blockquote.)

    • Change the default value of the initial_header_level setting to None (<h2> if there is a document title, else <h1>) in Docutils 1.0.

    • Remove option --embed-images (obsoleted by "image_loading") in Docutils 2.0.

  • "latex2e" writer:

  • "odt" writer:

    • Align adjustment of relative image paths with the behaviour of HTML and LaTeX writers: assume them relative to the output directory (as required for image references in HTML), not the source directory.


  • Remove io.BinaryFileOutput and core.publish_cmdline_to_binary() in Docutils 0.24.

  • Remove writers.latex2e.SortableDict in Docutils 0.24.

  • Remove parsers.rst.directives.length_units in Docutils 0.24. Use parsers.rst.directives.CSS3_LENGTH_UNITS. Mind that this is a tuple, not a list.

  • Remove parsers.rst.directives.CSVTable.HeaderDialect in Docutils 1.0.

  • Remove utils.decode_path() and utils.get_stylesheet_reference() in Docutils 1.0.

  • Remove support for the recommonmark parser in Docutils 1.0. Recommonmark is unmaintained since 2021 and deprecated in favour of the MyST parser.

  • Remove the input encoding auto-detection code in Docutils 1.0.

  • Remove parsers.rst.roles.set_classes() and parsers.rst.roles.normalized_role_options() in Docutils 1.0.

  • Remove the "rawsource" argument from nodes.Text.__init__() in Docutils 2.0.

  • Remove the "name" argument from writers.latex2e.LaTeXTranslator.visit_docinfo_item() in Docutils 0.24

  • Remove attributes nodes.Element.known_attributes, nodes.Element.basic_attributes, and nodes.Element.local_attributes, in Docutils 2.0.

  • Drop support for old-format configuration files in Docutils 2.0.

  • Remove the --html-writer option of the application (obsoleted by the "writer" setting since Docutils 0.18) in Docutils 2.0.

  • Remove the "reader_name", "parser_name", and "writer_name" arguments of core.Publisher.__init__() and the core.publish_*() convenience functions in Docutils 2.0. Since Docutils 0.22, you may use "reader", "parser", and "writer" arguments for component names as well as instances.


  • Revise the String I/O interface used by the publish_string() and publish_from_doctree() publisher convenience functions. (In Python 3, name and behaviour no longer match.)

  • Move math format conversion from docutils/utils/math (called from docutils/writers/ to a transform.

Release (unpublished)


Support CSS3 units. This adds "ch", "rem", "vw", "vh", "vmin", "vmax", and "Q" to the supported length units. Note that some output formats don't support all units.

Document Tree / Docutils DTD
Configuration changes
  • Make MathML the default math_output for the "html5" writer.

  • Change the default input encoding from None (auto-detect) to "utf-8".

  • Drop short options -i and -o. Use the long equivalents --input-encoding and --output-encoding. (See command line interface for the rationale.)

  • Rename configuration setting "output" to "output_path".

Output changes

Don't wrap references with custom reference-label in a \hyperref command. The "hyperref" package generates hyperlinks for labels by default, so there is no change in the PDF (except for "ref*").

Stop requiring "ifthen.sty". Replace use of \ifthenelse{\isundefined... with the eTeX primitive \ifdefined.


Unitless image size measures are written as <img> "width" and "hight" values instead of "style" rules. The current behaviour is kept for values with units, so users may specify, e.g. :width: 50px instead of :width: 50 to override CSS stylesheet rules.


Don't UPPERCASE section headings.


The "null" writer output changed from None to the empty string.

publish_string() now returns a bytes or str instance for all writers (as documented).

New objects

parser for Docutils XML (e.g., the output of the "xml" writer). Provisional.

Try docutils --parser=xml test/data/multiple-term-definitions.xml or use the :parser: option of the "include" directive to include an XML file in a rST document.


Raise nodes.ValidationError if the element does not comply with the Docutils Document Model. Provisional.


Generic Docutils document tree translator base class with uri2path() auxiliary method. Provisional.

Removed objects

internal, obsolete,




obsolete, append to Element['classes'] directly,


not required with Python 3,


not required with Python 3,


not used since Dec 2010,


obsolete in Python 3,


obsolete, set attributes via configuration settings or directly.

Removed localisations:
Mistranslations of the "admonition" directive name:

Use "advies" (af), "varsel" (da), "warnhinweis" (de), "aviso" (es), "sciigo" (eo), "annonce" (fr), "avviso" (it), "advies" (nl), "zauważenie" (pl) (introduced in Docutils 0.21) or the English name "admonition".

Removed files

Obsoleted by docutils.writers.odf_odt.prepstyles.


Obsoleted by docutils/utils/

Bugfixes and improvements (see HISTORY).

Release 0.21.2 (2024-04-23)

Release 0.21.1 (2024-04-10)

Add missing metadata files to sdist. No changes to the code.

Release 0.21 (2024-04-09)

Release 0.20.1 (2023-05-17)

Bugfix release. See HISTORY for details.

Release 0.20 (2023-05-04)

Release 0.19 (2022-07-05)

Release 0.18.1 (2021-12-23)

Release 0.18 (2021-10-26)

Release 0.17.1 (2021-04-16)

Release 0.17 (2021-04-03)

Release 0.16 (2020-01-12)

Docutils 0.16.x supports Python 2.7 and Python >= 3.5 natively, without the use of the 2to3 tool.

Release 0.15 (2019-07-20)

Docutils 0.15.x is compatible with Python versions 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3 to 3.5.

Release 0.14 (2017-08-03)

Release 0.13.1 (2016-12-09)

Release 0.12 (2014-07-06)

Small changes only, release current state

Release 0.11 (2013-07-22)

Release 0.10 (2012-12-16)

Docutils 0.10 is compatible with Python versions from 2.4 to 3.2.

Release 0.9.1 (2012-06-17)

Release 0.9 (2012-05-02)

Release 0.8.1 (2011-08-30)

Release 0.8 (2011-07-07)



Release 0.7 (2010-07-07)



Release 0.6 (2009-10-11)

Docutils 0.6 is compatible with Python versions from 2.3 up to 2.6 and convertible to 3.1 code.

Release 0.5 (2008-06-25)






Release 0.4 (2006-01-09)






Release 0.3.9 (2005-05-26)

Release 0.3.7 (2004-12-24)

Release 0.3.5 (2004-07-29)