Namespace Leap::PhysicalHands

namespace Leap.PhysicalHands
class ContactBone : public MonoBehaviour

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.HardContactBone, Leap.PhysicalHands.NoContactBone, Leap.PhysicalHands.SoftContactBone

class ContactHand : public MonoBehaviour

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.HardContactHand, Leap.PhysicalHands.NoContactHand, Leap.PhysicalHands.SoftContactHand

class ContactParent : public MonoBehaviour

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.HardContactParent, Leap.PhysicalHands.NoContactParent, Leap.PhysicalHands.SoftContactParent

class ContactUtils
class GrabBall : public MonoBehaviour, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandGrab

A representation of an object with an attached object which can be restricted relative to the users head

Most useful for 3D UI panels to ensure they are reachable

class GrabHelper : public MonoBehaviour
class GrabHelperObject
class HandFadeInAtDistanceFromRealData : public MonoBehaviour
class HardContactBone : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactBone
class HardContactHand : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactHand
class HardContactParent : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactParent
class IgnorePhysicalHands : public MonoBehaviour
interface IPhysicalHandContact

Reports the contact event when any part of the hand is in contact with an interactable rigidbody. This will be called dependant on the contact distance set by the hand.

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandEvents, Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsButtonHelper, Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsSliderHelper

interface IPhysicalHandGrab

Reports the grab event when a grab helper starts or stops grabbing a rigidbody.

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.GrabBall, Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandEvents, Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsSliderHelper, Leap.PhysicalHandsAnchorable

interface IPhysicalHandHover

Reports the hover event, called when a grab helper is created for the hand. This is a relatively low accuracy hover.

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandEvents, Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsButtonHelper, Leap.PhysicalHandsAnchorable

interface IPhysicalHandPrimaryHover

Reports the primary hover event when a grab helper starts or stops being the primary hover object.

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsButtonHelper

class NoContactBone : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactBone
class NoContactHand : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactHand
class NoContactParent : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactParent
class PhysExts
class PhysicalHandEvents : public MonoBehaviour, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandHover, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandContact, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandGrab
class PhysicalHandsButton : public MonoBehaviour

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsButtonToggle

class PhysicalHandsButtonHelper : public MonoBehaviour, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandContact, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandHover, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandPrimaryHover
class PhysicalHandsButtonToggle : public Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsButton

Class for toggling a button using physical hands.

class PhysicalHandsManager : public Leap.LeapProvider
class PhysicalHandsSlider : public MonoBehaviour
class PhysicalHandsSliderHelper : public MonoBehaviour, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandGrab, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandContact

This class is purely to get events from the slideable object. You do not need to add this class to your object, it will be added automatically by the slider.

class PhysicalHandUtils
class SoftContactBone : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactBone
class SoftContactHand : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactHand
class SoftContactParent : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactParent